DIY Personal Turntable

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Part 13: Reparing my "INATTENTION FAULT":


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The platter I made for my diy TT, I used a router to cut discs of MDF and Trespa and made a sandwich of different materials.

On the top I gave it a little 45 degree angle, so it is easier to graph the record of think of it when its on the lathe.



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a Q or remark to the tonearm design. As I understand the vertical bearing looks like it is of underhung style. Arm wand and counter weight find themselves below the vertical pivot. This introduces a additional movement of the stylus tip along the axis of the arm wand when riding warped records. Shouldn´t it be better to have the axis of the arm wand pass straight through the vertical pivot instead of passing off of centre?
Impressive work though, especially the rather unconventional platter construction and the bearing.


a Q or remark to the tonearm design. As I understand the vertical bearing looks like it is of underhung style. Arm wand and counter weight find themselves below the vertical pivot. This introduces a additional movement of the stylus tip along the axis of the arm wand when riding warped records. Shouldn´t it be better to have the axis of the arm wand pass straight through the vertical pivot instead of passing off of centre?
Impressive work though, especially the rather unconventional platter construction and the bearing.

Hi Calvin,
Yes, good remark. I must think about, and draw again. Thanks.
Yes I understand the meaning of each words, but the sens of the second sentence. I think I understand what he means. The platter is not finished yet, still a great lathe work. Stainless steel has enough regular density. If I take a care while lathering, I don't think I'll have balancing problems (the platter turns at 33 rpm, and see the bearings).
Yes I understand the meaning of each words, but the sens of the second sentence. I think I understand what he means. The platter is not finished yet, still a great lathe work. Stainless steel has enough regular density. If I take a care while lathering, I don't think I'll have balancing problems (the platter turns at 33 rpm, and see the bearings).

Balancing is not difficult a precise ax through the platter. place it vertical with the ax on two bearings right and left. Like a balancing of a motorcycle wheel. When you turn it slow and let it come to stand still the heavy part is at the bottom. Then drill a small hole and turn it again till it has no preference in witch position it ends up.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

I have such a wheel balancer you can come to Winterswijk and use it.
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