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For Sale Discrete R-2R DAC hat for Raspberry Pi V2.42

Things you have for sale.
my linear power supply didn't work, I think because raspberry pi 5 requires USB PD negotiation..
so I'm just using my old phone charger.. hopefully the UCPI 5v supercap board is good enough.. also the shieldpi does emi shielding and 5v gpio filtering and creates a 3.3V low noise output for the fifopi ma reclocker

I like to imagine the UcPi 5v supercap power buffer removes the noise from the phone charger.. then the shieldpi 3 pro removes the noise coming from the raspberry pi 5.. it sits right on top of the rpi5, the reclocker is on top of the shieldpi and the r2r dac is on top of the reclocker. so I now have a completely optimized solution :D

When I get time I'll try adding these lines to my rpi5 eeprom
got those from https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=361206
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just upgraded my fifopi ma 1.5 stock clocks to accusilicon. a nice bump in detail and texture in music
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