Designing a very loud sub

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I realize my setup gets the output of 2 twelve's and steyr is fine w/something the size of a car .
I would look to build a EV manifold mtl-4 sub all cabinet volumes can be found online also e/v online has the manual that impressive 4x18" will do 134db w/1600 watts , if that's not enough build a 2nd .they are tuned to 37 hz designed to run at 1600 watts long term .
Cones are impressive but 4 big magnets and 134+ db that's impressive !
I built Tannoy Berkley clones, way back in around 1978.
Some years later I pinched one driver and clam shelled it to the other clone to create an effective double sized box.
It was a revelation.
I should have built Arden clones, but I did not know how good the Arden could be, since I had only heard the Berkleys.

There is no doubt in my mind that selecting box size to suit efficiency is a better way than swapping efficiency for enormous power.
Small drivers with long stroke and small boxes don't sound as good (to me) as bigger boxes and bigger total Sd.
amp size vs cabinet

if you want small in a clamshell isobaric you will 4x the amp ( first you need twice the amp since you are driving 2 speakers ).
But in my case I want 3.5 cubic per pair of twelve's ( 7 cu w/4 twelves ) .
I am driving it with 125 watts per 12 .
When I ran Win isd 125 watts per twelve will get me to x max .
I bought the twelves used so the cost of 4 drivers was not as harsh .
I could have bought the amp used also .

That is a good idea walls of drivers not running just for looks at burning man ..
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Olson bins (RCA) for a loud band in a 10,000 seat auditorium, I used to have a pair. If you know how to use leverage, they can be loaded and stacked by one person. Four man lift for stairs.

You can section it into two or four boxes for easier transport (but you will need more drivers).

A stacked pair are 110dB/W, and with modern drivers can play well in excess of 140dB.

Note the eight mid-bass horns.

The mid-bass horns it post #7 have the same mouth size as the ones shown above (JBL 4560), and a pair with modern drivers will keep up with that stack of eight with the fragile old drivers. The PPSL in post #7 in a stack of three will be the same efficiency as the RCA, and be much easier to build.

I have plans and a cut-list on line for both my PPSL bass bins, and the mid-bass horns.
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