DCX2496 – compound XOs?

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Can the DCX2496 do XOs which start off 1st order, then increase to 2nd order? (I think they’re called compound XOs). I think it could

I’m considering buying 2nd hand Apogee all ribbon speakers, and converting from passive to active XO, to gain sound qualityu using my two existing Aksa amps.

Replicating the existing slopes: 6 dB/ octave at crossover; some models switch to secondary slopes of 12 dB per octave at the crossover between the woofer and the midrange, some supposedly “gradually increase” (?) to 12 dB/ octave.

Hi Otto,

Recently I found the best x-over point/alignment for my biamped Centaur/Minor's. Bessel slope 12dB/octave at 350Hz. As known, there is some overlap on the Bessel alignment, and accidentally I found some adjustments for the Bessel on Rane site, here is the link http://www.rane.com/note147.html

Actually the x-over points are shifted left and right multiplying with dedicated coefficient for 12dB slope, so for 350Hz, x-point for low pass is shifted to 275Hz and the other to 445Hz. My dsp/x-over is now set to these parameters and the integration is simply superb, specially as two different type of drivers are employed, ribbon and cone midwoofer. This new setting a lot reminds me to Apogees claiming about combination of 6dB/12dB crossowers in their designs.

Mine digital sound processor/x-over is a different brand, but I assume, you could try similar setting on yours DCX2496.
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