Dayton Audio's New 15" & 18" PA Drivers - B&C Copies?

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Got me some baltic birch. Build starts this weekend 1/2 b/bb 27 a sheet :p


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I got 10 sheets (some extras) because there was a little wiggle room in my budget and i expected to pay 40. Im really only buildig 2 subs and 2 tops. But for comparisons sake i'll likely build an "ideal" (vol = vas, tuning = fa) vented enclosure for one of te faitals to see if i actually succeeded in increasing sensitivity. The "mini othorn" should really only use like 1.5 sheets of 5x5 post bracing.
Well i designed it and folded it myself (inspired by jwmbros attempt before te new daytons specs were revised). Initially i was going to try and get jwmbros design from him but dhaa pointed out he used the wrong specs forthe dayton, so i redesigned it for the dayton, the refolded it (made 2 inches wider and adjusted the flare/compression ratio). A forum member here then checked my folded design with an 18 segment akabak script.

I then discovered that the 15tbw100 did very well in it, and subsequently stumbled upon the faital pro 1030hp, which was *very* close to te tbw but significantly cheaper for me

Its on the previous page
This is the firs design ive ever successfully folded. I have about 30 other sketchups that i could never get to fold up.

I had to actually fudge the originally "as specced by horn resp" horn a little to get it to fit (broke l23 into 3 separate flares, reduced the vol slightly). Thats why it had to be checked with akabak, because i deliberately altered the horn for folding purposes.
I likely wont be testing this with th dayton, although it was initially designed around it. The change in specs from pre release to real life gave up too much lf sensitivity (below 50hz) to *really* fit the design parameters i had in mind for this project. I did post the simmed 2.83 v sensitivity for the Dayton for those that are interested, and if the faital had been out of my budget i definitely would have built with the daytons
Well, heres the cab post fold that I originally tried to make for the dayton 15. It was inspired by JWMBRO'S original attempt (with incorrect specs). Internal width is 19 inches, final box size is 25x25x19. The spec change resulted in a slightly larger box, and loss of extension and sensitivity (with the dayton), vs jwmbro's original posted design. It also will only take 70v vs the 80v of the original, so max output is reduced as well.

Primary concern her was compact size (while still realizing small gains over bass reflex enclosures.).

The horn resp sim is a little rough because a couple small liberties had to be taken with the fold. The design post fold has been checked out with akabak by a gracious member here, who i'm sure will chime in if he wants. Pic 2 is the daytons 2.83v response

I've found that both the 15tbw100, and the faital pro hp1030 are good replacement drivers, the faital represented by pic 3, both will take 80v before exceeding xmax, AND offer better extension and better upper passband response (up to 120).

It takes 4 faital 1030hp in bassreflex boxes at xmax to match 3 of the tapped horn design @ xmax (both hit xmax at 80v)

How is internal width 19 and external width 19 as well?
I'll post up the results after I shoehorn a dual opposed slot load pair in a 22.5x22.5x26.5 box.

Tried simming a single PA385S in the same size TH with the same Fb, it only does about 122 db flat from 40 to a bit past 100, the dual BR smokes it at the same voltage.

Unfortunately, I overestimated the internal volume of the cabinets re-used, shoehorning in dual 15" Dayton PA385-8 in a PPSL plenum barely fit.

Though the LF response is less than I hoped for, overall the output is quite impressive for the size, with actual measured output at 60 Hz over 130 dB at one meter, comparing favorably with commercial cabinets rated at 140 dB peak output.

Here is the full report on the PPSL "ShoeHorn":


Hey Art, nice work! Thanks for the detailed evaluation of the Dayton PA385S. The points you mentioned are very revealing - I really appreciate your expertise.

That is a very interesting repurpose of your old Lab12 cabs. I have a pair of empty old scoop type sub cabs (ext. dims 25x25x50) that have been sitting in my shed for ages, I am trying to come up with some ideas to repurpose them.

One idea I have been playing around with is to gut one of them out and reload it with two THAM15's. I have played around with the fold pattern to get it to fit and work better with the Dayton PA385S.

Two of your PPSL type cabinets would fit within those cabinet dimensions just about perfectly. That would be one monster of a cabinet with four of the Dayton PA385S's in there. I have a couple of questions to ask you, I will drop by your forum thread later today and ask them there.

Thanks Old Man Welter!
You might just want to check this in Hornresp, but your 25x25x50in.ext. cabinet would be fine for a single driver TH, or for one dual 15" PPSL. Art made an experiment w/ what he had on hand, for your on hand materials I'd recomend the above.

Considering the distortion the 15" PA3855-8 has in a BR, I would not want to use it in a TH, and the 18" PA465S-8 likely has higher distortion pushed near Xmax.

That said, DHHA is a bit of a metal head, so more distortion may = more fun for him :drink:.

Hey Oliver and Art, thanks for your comments. Every time I drop by here and make some noise, some one always steps up and teaches this old man something new. And the more I learn, the less I realize I know. HaHa.

I have a pole barn full of either junk or treasure, depending if you ask me of my old lady. Before we start building some "real" subwoofers, we are going to experiment with modifying some of these discarded cabinets to see for ourselves what works and what doesn't.

So far we modified an old bass guitar cabinet to make it more acceptable for subwoofer use. It is about a 3.75 cubic foot interior cabinet, and we modified the port to drop the tuning down to around 38 Hz. This is approximately what the drivers Vas and Fs are. We are very pleased how that performs - I could be happy with just using that. But if we can find a way to squeeze a few more dB out of these drivers, that would be even better.

I would really like to build some tapped horns, as that seems to be the cutting edge of subwoofer design. The original specs on the Dayton PA385 were a little more tapped horn friendly than what ended up being released. I have still been playing with HR quite a bit, but I have yet to design a tapped horn that I would be really excited about building. I am always receptive to others ideas though! Thanks
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