About 90HImagine (calculate) how big amount of inductance needed for the 6N6P
I have run my new DAC in #4696 for a few days. The opamps I have and tried are ADA4627, AD811, and AD797. The DAC smoothed out after a few days, typical in my experience. The most important thing I was looking for, and main reason I am going through this work, is to get rid of that higher frequency edge, or slight harshness, etc, that my good sigma-delta AD1955's have, and my air-bearing, linear-tracking turntable does not have. Most of you know what I am talking about. Not only is the edge gone, and the mid-range is sweet, the bass is clearer, and deeper (if the recording has music that low), easily better. This is a keeper! First I decided I could happily live with the ADA4627, but the AD797 is just so good, I prefer it the most. Maybe soon I will try a discreet opamp or two, but for now, I will relax and enjoy my music collection. I decided I can finally sell my turntable and LP collection now, which has become too much of a hassle to use (for me anyway).
Suggestion to anyone thinking of building this: I built Miro's basic DAC with a PSU 1. The only exception is the mod from Analog Devices that Hidy posted. I figured AD knew a little bit about their application since they did design the DAC and opamp chips. Anyway, do not make it any harder than it has to be, start with the basic DAC. It will likely sound better than any other DAC you have, and you can always plan on mods later.
Suggestion to anyone thinking of building this: I built Miro's basic DAC with a PSU 1. The only exception is the mod from Analog Devices that Hidy posted. I figured AD knew a little bit about their application since they did design the DAC and opamp chips. Anyway, do not make it any harder than it has to be, start with the basic DAC. It will likely sound better than any other DAC you have, and you can always plan on mods later.
@propitious I am glad to read your review 🤩 The only problem with this DAC type is: The more you hear it, the more you will get addicted to it 

And I can only add to this.....The larger the image sensor with respect to the number of photosites on it, the higher its potential light-capturing ability. More light gives the camera’s image processing system more information to work with. Consequently, the camera can record a wider range of tones and reproduce colours more accurately than a compact digicam. It will also produce sharper and less grainy-looking pictures in dim lighting.Music is not sine wave but rather patterns, similar to pictures but taken with ears, measured or determined by brain. Details in patterns are really difficult to specify with instruments.
Take the very sharp image in cold colors and compare it with smoother image in warmer colors. What will brain select as better or consider as more acceptable? What is objectivity here? Someone prefers RAW images, someone likes images passed through various filters, someone likes pictures from old SLR cameras, someone likes classic film. Similar is music. I prefer sound without digital filters. Digital filters have always tired me out and that's why I'll never be satisfied with delta-sigma and I'm glad I'm not alone 😛 🤣😍
It's the same thing with a DAC chip - the bigger and bulkier it is, the better it captures bits - than a compact smd chip in RAW format without a filter.
Anyone who wants to develop films on a classic analog camera can still do so. But the difference is very small. What comes out of the camera depends more on the lens. The lenses on the DAC is a XILNIX C2C32A CoolRunner-II CPLD on JLS I2SoverUSB and the shifters. If someone don't understand this analogy - it is pointless to write further....
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The Miro AD1865 and PCM63 DACs were tested first with (most likely Chinese copies) TL071s bought from a local store, before plugging in the expensive Sparkos SS3601s. That TL071 has a softer sound, and is very cheap. Maybe he should try that, there are plenty of them on ebay.Change opamp or try the post-filter PCB: #2738 😉
The OPA134 also has a softer sound and is stable at unity gain, lot of bass.
The OPA604 (original) does not have such soft highs, but it has excellent mids and plenty of bass. It is stable at unity gain.
I think NE5534 is not unity gain stable without additional compensation.
There are also some discrete OPAs from China, I haven't heard of anyone trying it. There are even Sparkos copies, but they are not cheap at all. 🤣
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Hi Zoran. A couple of clarifications about DACs.
We were at Nixi to hear and compare the AD1865 and the PCM63. MIka with PCM63, Đole (djMilicic) with Pavouk AD1865 with 300R+6n6p output and me with Miro AD1865 with 1K+Sparkos were present. The Nixi has a DDDDac and a Pavouk AD1865 that uses VOUT. We didn't measure them because it wasn't even the idea of geathering. Music and the pleasure of listening to music was in focus. Nixi's preamplifier has two inputs, so we compared them that way. We listened to a track on one and then on the other and so on in a circle. Some of the songs we listened to were Patricia Barber - A Taste Of Honey, Bob Dylan - Man in the Lobg Black Coat, Chris Jones - Long After You Are Gone, Sarah Fairfield - The Day Before You Came, Michael Jonasz - La Temp Passe, Zurbun Mehta - Sarasate:Carman Fantasy, Op.25 - 4. Moderato, Gianmaria Testa - Cavalli De Frusia, Le Trio Joubran - Masar and Douja, Jonny Cash - Hurt and The Man Comes Around, Madonna - Frozzen, Jakob Bro... - Gefion and a lot of other songs. We heard Patricia Barber, Bob Dylan and Zurbun Mehta at every DAC. We threw in the others occasionally. I streamed songs from Tidal through my phone and mconnectLite to Album Player (ap2renderer). The connection was an FTA USB cable. We tried others but I don't remember which ones. We didn't have a rating system, we just expressed our impressions and didn't always agree on impressions.
6n6p and everything around it is Đole 's. He also wound the output transformers and I thank him for bringing it for us to hear. Thanks to the other guys for the opportunity to hang out and hear and compare different versions of DACs.
The measurements are mostly done by Nixi, so if you want, he can measure and post them, although I can also bring you my DAC so you can hear and measure it.
Pavouk AD1865 - http://www.pavouk.org/hw/modulardac/en_ad1865i2s.html
Best regards,
We were at Nixi to hear and compare the AD1865 and the PCM63. MIka with PCM63, Đole (djMilicic) with Pavouk AD1865 with 300R+6n6p output and me with Miro AD1865 with 1K+Sparkos were present. The Nixi has a DDDDac and a Pavouk AD1865 that uses VOUT. We didn't measure them because it wasn't even the idea of geathering. Music and the pleasure of listening to music was in focus. Nixi's preamplifier has two inputs, so we compared them that way. We listened to a track on one and then on the other and so on in a circle. Some of the songs we listened to were Patricia Barber - A Taste Of Honey, Bob Dylan - Man in the Lobg Black Coat, Chris Jones - Long After You Are Gone, Sarah Fairfield - The Day Before You Came, Michael Jonasz - La Temp Passe, Zurbun Mehta - Sarasate:Carman Fantasy, Op.25 - 4. Moderato, Gianmaria Testa - Cavalli De Frusia, Le Trio Joubran - Masar and Douja, Jonny Cash - Hurt and The Man Comes Around, Madonna - Frozzen, Jakob Bro... - Gefion and a lot of other songs. We heard Patricia Barber, Bob Dylan and Zurbun Mehta at every DAC. We threw in the others occasionally. I streamed songs from Tidal through my phone and mconnectLite to Album Player (ap2renderer). The connection was an FTA USB cable. We tried others but I don't remember which ones. We didn't have a rating system, we just expressed our impressions and didn't always agree on impressions.
6n6p and everything around it is Đole 's. He also wound the output transformers and I thank him for bringing it for us to hear. Thanks to the other guys for the opportunity to hang out and hear and compare different versions of DACs.
The measurements are mostly done by Nixi, so if you want, he can measure and post them, although I can also bring you my DAC so you can hear and measure it.
Pavouk AD1865 - http://www.pavouk.org/hw/modulardac/en_ad1865i2s.html
Best regards,
I have an online generator and a USB oscilloscope 4x250MHz at my disposal for measuring DACs via USB connection. Generally, I cannot conclude based on these measurements how something will sound. I can see the frequency range but only up to 20kHz due to the limit of the online generator, then how it reproduces the various signal forms, whether the output signal is in phase and how much noise there is. I can, but quite modestly, measure THD as far as the FFT on the oscilloscope allows. Mostly, listening is crucial.
I can measure other devices (amplifiers, preamplifiers, transformers) using the 20MHz generator in the HANTEK 6254BD oscilloscope. And that's it, enough for a modest amateur measurement. It's small and compact enough so it doesn't clutter up my house.
I can measure other devices (amplifiers, preamplifiers, transformers) using the 20MHz generator in the HANTEK 6254BD oscilloscope. And that's it, enough for a modest amateur measurement. It's small and compact enough so it doesn't clutter up my house.
https://www.futureshop.co.uk/supra-...nDS5GMV7JJw9nvFoh35d7-l7QQf4viDRoCmSsQAvD_BwEThe connection was an FTA USB cable. We tried others but I don't remember which ones.
Here is schematics and voltage gain of tube stage.I just dont see the point of putting pictures only. Without some schematic and very simple measurements - against full-mouth "sound explanations"
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣USB connection, online generator, signal is sine 20kHz (24bit 96kHz),
First picture is Topping D10S, second is Pavouk AD1865.
Which one do you think sounds better?
I would say Topping, but I heard something completely different. AD1865 vout is a nicer sounding dak to me, a lot.
That is why there will never be peace between the listener and the measurer.🤣
Well, sometimes I have to measure something. Not to wander in the dark of speculation. 🥷
Yes... But even this is enough to declare us crazy. Because according to some it is scientifically impossible.🥷
Hi, Paddy,If you don't already have an account with Rochester, consider Digi-Key. Rochester sells through them and it's immensely easier to buy than to set up an account @ Rochester.
I checked Digital-Key a couple of days ago, and while the AD1862 is available for order via them, the minimum purchase quantity was 14 units. Which equates to something around $320 U.S.
Correct. Rochester's minimum when you buy direct is only 11 but it's harder to get an account. I still have some available for folks here from my last purchase but when those are gone someone else will have to do a bulk buy.
It's pretty low risk, not like one gets stuck with NIB, good-provenance AD1862 🙂
It's pretty low risk, not like one gets stuck with NIB, good-provenance AD1862 🙂
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