Da-capo issue (John W?)

audiostar said:
with so many DACs on the market who is John Westlake and why is
he so respected?


He's designed some quality DACs and CD players therefore his skill is well proven.

Amongst these are some great DACs for Pink Triangle (Expensive) and yet also managed to make some high quality gear priced for mere mortals with Cambridge Audio.

He seems like a very genuine guy too! Very willing to help others with repairs and advice.

All of these things in combination mean that I get excited when he says that his next creations can beat even his older and very celebrated designs.

Also, that's another reason. I'm (I can't speak for everyone) very excited to see what he can do, in terms of sound and price, with modern materials and manufacturing.

I will always reserve judgement until I hear things for myself but I'm definitely excited. ;)
There's something else going on here too. Some of the excitement surrounding JohnW's forthcoming designs surely stems from a couple of things that are a little less tangible than his proven track record.

Firstly, John has declared that he's making a DaCapo 2. The DaCapo is, perhaps, his most celebrated design, so JohnW surely wouldn't risk its legacy with a successor he thought was anything less than a worthy modern equivalent.

Secondly, he's at that age where we strive to create or build something great of our own. Rather than working under the sheltering umbrella of an established brand, he's working for himself to produce designs under his own brand. He's exposing himself in a way that demands that he give it his all. I think we all believe he's produced the best designs he can for the price point he finally charges. And buying direct leads us to believe we're going to get something of a bargain.

So we're all expecting great things...I just hope it'll be sometime soon? Go, John! Go! Please get the DaCapo2 out in time for Christmas.
I believe John is to good a person for this world: he designed excellent products which unfortunately contained some bad elco's... so he helped lots of people with their problems with the DAC and transport units, even mine DAC is somewhere over there in Czech republic. But as said, to good for this world... if he is repairing all those units (whose garantee is long expired) for free I see him as a not so very good businessman, and the lack of this essential skill may have been a problem in his attempt to go 'solo'. Furthermore he wanted to build the whole thing up in China, different people, different business culture...

Well, I hope he eventually puts his new product on the market, therefore I keep subscribed to this thread hoping to someday see that he replied to it.
Some news of the dac would be handy. Im still holding off buying a pre and dac, because i now only use the computer as a source and a transport, i dont really need the ability to switch between analogue sources. Some kind of time scale would be handy even if it runs through to next year, i can get by with what ive got for now.

The specs of the dac/pre were perfect, balanced, usb, headphone jack.
And more or less a Benchmark dac for less money, ive thought about the BM dac and the opus 21 (but no usb and £2000), but a lot of people describe BM the sound as dry, which puts me off trying one, something the old dacapos were definitely not.

Fingers crossed something will arrive, I know if i buy a dac and preamp it will come out within days! lol.
Hi Ian, no this isnt the new Westlake cheaper dac. I knew Cambridge audio had a dac in the works, on of there engineers said so a while back, the new dacmagic looks very good, but they should have upped the price and made it with a volume control (no doubt they didnt do it because it would have taken sales away from the preamp they make) its also missing the volume control and headphone out, so i would have to fork out for a preamp as well, as i only have two digital sources, one being the computer and the other a transport a switchable analog pre seems a bit of a waste of time.

Like i said in the earlier post, the spec of the new Westlake dac would have been perfect, it had everthing the Benchmark had only for a lot less money (this is all a moot point if the Westlake never comes out!) as the price of the new Westlake dac was supposedly less than £500, thats £700 less than the BM usb dac.

John's earlier Dac magic designs brought me a lot of pleasure when i was younger, they gave a taste of what the (much to expensive for me at the time)Pink triangle dacs did for a very low price.
And this is why like a lot of people here i suspect, are so keen his new venture comes to fruition.
I think anybody who designs something that works well and brings people pleasure, is not just a designer or an engineer but an artist too.
Whatever happens its no big deal, its only music after all ;)
Hello All

Firstly a couple of thank yous:

1. To John Westwood for his wonderful design that has given me so much pleasure over the years.
2. To all on this forum for the tips & advice about capacitor sourcing & replacement.

Now, my current situation ~ I have replaced all 18 capacitors in my Da Capo and 6 in my Cardinal. Got there a bit late in the Da Capo as the electrolyte had eaten through a couple of tracks ~ but now repaired as a favour by a professional wireman at work. Capacitors used were Rubycon ZLH 25V2200mF.

However although both units power up with LEDs showing and Cardinal operates as expected (reads discs, finds tracks etc) ~ there are some problems:
1. there is no output to the preamp
2. the Signal LED on the Da Capo does not respond to connection of the digital input from the Cardinal

Now I am limited to a Voltmeter as test equipment at home, but I notice that there are a number of TPs on the Da Capo board ~ does anyone have any information about how to do some basic fault finding on the board ~ I'd like to isolate the fault to a component or area if possible. Alternatively is there anyone who would be able to look at the board and diagnose the problem or fix it?

Many thanks in advance ~ I just don't want to think about never having my Da Capo again.
A belated Merry Christmas to you all :)

Sorry, as usual I've been totally snow under with work - within the next year you will understand... I cannot say more at this stage...

Well my products – I spent a whole heap of funds on toolings, PCBs etc, and even Staff!!! But I just don’t have the time... So close, yet so far...


The story goes like this - buried deep in China, you get the occasional desperate calls for help - which go something likes this...

John, How you doing.... Err do you have a couple of hours to help a very important customer - He’s had a product developed in China and would like you to check over the product and maybe if you got time visit the Factory and check there QC....

Well say no more, one thing inevitably leads to, I end up re-engineering the product (with my own engineering team & co-designer Dominik Peklo), and overseeing production - and guess what, my own products get delayed... Once again…

Anyway, if you’re interested in a VERY Good little product:-

1x 16Bit USB Input
2x Digital Coax Inputs
2x Optical Inputs
3x Analogue Inputs (One Input with selectable Theatre Direct)

Class A Output on Line output (Direct DAC Output)

Class A Pre-Output (with Remote Controlled Volume), with Selectable (with Bypass) Value (Tube) Cathode follower (E88CC / 6922)

Class A Headphone Output

2x 50W MOSFET (TDA7293) Amplifiers.

When used via the Class A Line Outputs / Class A Pre-Outputs the internal DAC based upon the ESS Sabre DAC sounds better then the Dacapo... And you also get packaged a very reasonable Class A Pre-Amplifier, Class A Headphone Amplifier, and an "OK" Power amplifier - in fact it easily outperforms "separate" systems substantially more expensive – the DAC is really the best intergrated design we’ve heard (apart from our own inhouse designs).

If I where to be Critical and ignoring the Price level, the amplifier section is the weakest link (Obviously Bypassing the Tube). But you can trust me that it still walks all over everything anywhere near its price range (I'm guessing around GBP600 - GBP700). We listen to it against equipment in the 2-3K Price range, which it easily outperforms.

So even if you only purchase for the DAC section alone, you will be extremely happy, and then you have a nice Relay Switch Class A Preamplifier - and Don’t get me wrong, you will enjoy the amplifier...

More news once it’s officially released at CES in a couple of weeks... :) But the units are now on the production line as I write…

I also just want to say – I have NO financial interest in the product (other then my team & I designed it), so I have no concerns about promoting it here on the forum... Rather it’s a very good replacement DAC for the Dacapo – for those who have lost faith……

Best wishes to all for 2009….

Merry Christmas John!

Hope you get the chance to have a little sit down, and relax a little over the holidays!

I understand you are obviously a very busy man, and I know how difficult it is to pin down release dates for products, but I was wondering if you had any further information on your new 64 DAC per channel digital pre-amp Dacapo? I have a space saved for one in my rack, and wondered if you had any idea of when it might be available?


The Moog
Moog (?) :)

Back in Europe for 9 Days - I'm so busy with new designs and insuring new products (unfortunately not my own brand) are ready for CES that we have to return to China on the 30th – We cannot stay in Europe until the New Year to "fatten up"...

The "64 DAC" Dacapo replacement has be put on the shelf, as the Mephisto midrange unit has taken priority - its closer to production (well it’s “BEEN” almost ready since May), just have not had the time to Finalise.

I will make it my New Years resolution to build up and test the PCBs - and push for completion of Casework toolings - I've been much sidetracked over the past 6 months.

If your interested in considering a very good interim unit I’ve just design, and judging by my daily Email reports from China, its just making its way down the production line, then you could consider the Nova :-

Peachtree Audio Nova

We used the ESS Sabre DAC, and although it’s an "Integrated" unit, you have direct access to the Class A DAC outputs, or Via the Class A Pre Amplifier outputs - or even use via the MOSFET Amplifier.....

When used via the "Line Outputs" (Direct DAC Output) it sounds much better than the Dacapo - however you must allow the organic capacitors to warm up - leave powered for an hour. The Sound stage opens up and sounds dare I say " Warmer".

The DAC supports up to 96KHZ, 24Bits, via Optical / SPDIF, or up to 48KHz, 16 Bits via Isolated USB.

As you liked the sound of the Dacapo, I can personally guarantee you will be very happy with the Nova....

I just would like to repeat, that I personally don’t profit from the NOVA, only that I (we, Dominik Peklo and myself) designed the unit to help a friend out….

Best wishes for 2009,



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Are you using the clock-lock card (2 cables between cardinal and Dacapo) - if so, have you connected correctly?

If you’re only using a standard single connection SPDIF - have you tried a different transport?


Thanks, the Nova styling is based closely on the Original Peachtree Audio designed "Decco" - just modified a little to ease production - with new toolings for light guides etc and more functions.

Internally however, the design is completely new using the new ESS DAC, Class A Line, Pre and Headphone outputs, and MOSFET’s Power amplifiers.... Also the output power is closer to 60W to 70W per channel into 8 Ohms then my earlier stated 50W.

On the Nova, the ESS DAC can be selected for Fast or Slow roll-off via the rear panel. What’s interesting is that the difference is not as noticeable as when selecting Fast or Slow Roll-off digital filters on say the Wolfson or Crystal DAC’s…. In fact we had to confirm that the software was configuring the DAC chip correctly via FFT, as during the brief listening we had between the filter modes, we could hardly tell the difference… maybe we need a better pair of speakers or different types of music...

Audio Innovations CT1

I picked up a broken one of these for £20. Got it working and I have to say it is one of the best CD players I have ever heard. I have been told that John W designed the DAC?

The version I have has AudioPartnership stamped on all the boards. Sadly there appears to be no info on this player on the net.
Hi again John,

Seems that you are being kept very busy indeed!

I too am sorry to hear that the replacement Dacapo has been shelved for the time being, but obviously very excited that you are still considering its replacement sometime in the future.

I presume then that we shall see the Mephisto range appear sometime this year (keep visiting the Lake West website expecting to see something new on there :D), and that when that is all sorted and out and barring further interuptions (which are bound to occur!), the Dacapo will make an appearance sometime after?


The Moog