Coating+phase plugs to FE167

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Joined 2001
Paid Member
That looks pretty good... here are the whizzers of most recent 167s i did...



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Joined 2001
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JeroenR said:

My phase plugs look a bit "dry". I first thought about oiling them... but with paint hat could be an issue. What do you advise?

Nice whizzer paintjob. I choose colourless as I am afraid the pattern will get distracting after a while (for me).

They are finished with a polyeurathane clear finish. I use a #56 or #66 nib to put the dots. Just touch the tip.. watch you don't make to big a dot when you have a fresh load of pollyscale (on the plugs pretty easy to clean up with 1st a dry q-tip and then a wetted one if necessary). When you are running out of paint on the nib it might take a bit more work.

I will post the where and a picture with the template -- i've 2 more coats of clear and then i have to do 6 more plugs.

Ad here is the plug.

Dave, two last questions :

- can I coat the plug with the gloss I used for the cones? Only one coat?

- (of topic) Can I use the same recipe with my FE103Sigma's? Any experience with those?



(I like this picture...)


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Joined 2001
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Those plugs look very well done.

JeroenR said:
- can I coat the plug with the gloss I used for the cones? Only one coat?

- (of topic) Can I use the same recipe with my FE103Sigma's? Any experience with those?

Yes. Yes. (and a bit of PVA on the tip* and then gloss just on top of that). Yes

*(a tip -- get a cardboard box, cur a small pair of holes just big enuff to securely hold the plugs nose down. Add the PVA, and put the plugs nose down in the hole to set up.

planet10 said:
Those plugs look very well done.

Yes. Yes. (and a bit of PVA on the tip* and then gloss just on top of that). Yes

*(a tip -- get a cardboard box, cur a small pair of holes just big enuff to securely hold the plugs nose down. Add the PVA, and put the plugs nose down in the hole to set up.


Thanks!! Yep, good tip, my PVA was starting to hang down the tip, so applied two layers...

I'm listening to those FE103Sigma' for over 10 years now, I'm very curious if I notice the difference after EnABLE.

planet10 said:

((144+144+144+216)/driver + (144+144+144+7)/plug)x2 = 2172

What did i miss?

Nothing. And I was wrong, but the number increases as I did a few dots three times...


3 rings of 72 dots
1 ring of 108 dots
all touched/painted three time for some height

3 rings of 72 dots
1 ring of 12 dots (at top)
1 dot (top)
all touched/painted twice for a bit height

so two drivers is (972+458)*2=2860 :D

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