CamillaDSP on Pi remote control

Serial display 7-segment 4 digit TM1637:

Stop (for 2 sec, back to level)

Play (for 2 sec, back to level)

Next (for 2 sec, back to level)

Paus (alternating every 2 sec to Level until play or stop)

Mute (blinking?)

Level 100% (showing default)

EQ -02 (.. -10) (goto EQ mode - use up down arrow to change "level" (-10...0..10) EQ is like the good ol' Quad 44 tilt control.... 😉

EQ 02 (.. 10)

Level: 60%

Config 04


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One thing you should be aware of is that remote solutions like Flirc (and any others with a simple HID interface) work by emulating a keyboard. You can get them to work with jivelite by using the keyboard interface built into it, but then you're limited to the functions on offer, which are all squeezelite controls, most of which are passed through to LMS. You can see the full map here.

Controlling CamillaDSP would require a completely different approach.
OK - once I have the Pi and the IR sensorI will dig into this. But perhaps one could start ahead..

How many and which/what typ files do I have to prepare to achieve my goal?

If I start out with the small Apple remote and the IR sensor I suppose it would be not to much work to change to a BT remote if I had the IR working . right? I might want to aim for BT because of the less interference with my aTV...

Frankly, I think that trying to get a BT controller working as anything other than a simple keyboard interface would be a huge amount of work. To prevent conflict with your Apple TV you would need to use a different remote, you can find plenty of cheap generic IR remotes on Amazon. The complication is that you’d need to define your own lircd.conf file for it, which will be extra work, though quite possible. There’s a long list of remotes for which this has already been done, probably best to try to get one of those.

Apart from that you need to write a python script to act as the handler for remote commands. I suggest python because your system already has python libraries installed to facilitate websocket communication with CDSP. This will be called with an appropriate argument that specifies the desired command. Then you need to write lircrc to give the command (prog = python3.11) and arguments (config = 1234 <command>) as in the example I gave.
Yes. If you go to the IR page on the PCP interface you’ll see you can upload lirc.conf and lircrc from there, and it will put them in the right places. That page also lets you tell the system which GPIO pin is connected to the receiver so the kernel recognises it. The biggest problem is that most of the guides for a remote on PCP just refer to using one as a keyboard emulator under Jivelite, because that’s a lot simpler to configure. This is not what you want.
@TNT, i think than the easy way is use a script allready made, for exemple the Mdsimon2 script or mine, i have finish port to last raspberrypiOs (debian 12) and Cdsp 3 . I'm going to make a new thread here soon.

But these scripts are made for raspberrypiOs, so they do not work as is with picoreplayer. I tried some time ago, but it was simpler to use debian and install squeezelite and lyrion, rather than adapt picoreplayer.

Also they required FLIRC receptor OR Bluetooth remote.
if you want absolutely to use TSOP4838 , it is not the way.