Bye bye Blue Cat

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Why don't you have access to the discussion? I can see all of the (yawn!) boring stuff that's going on there. Good bedtime reading those threads - put me to sleep faster than valium.

I know, no discussions of scalar fields, zero point energy, magneto-gravitic lifters. All the stuff that now is to be considered on par with anything else (unless of course you have, heaven forbid, a closed mind).
Much of what you say is incomprehensible Scott, not because of the content but rather due to the wording. Fancy yourself a bit of a riddler, don't you?
Did I mention that I hate you?

Just yesterday I was told my comments were not welcome on a subject where someone just made up some nonsense that was put out as a possible fact that we have to disprove. Someone pulled this scalar field stuff out of his butt. These guys are hoaxers that should be in jail if they have extracted any money from their believers.
Much of what you say is incomprehensible Scott, not because of the content but rather due to the wording. Fancy yourself a bit of a riddler, don't you?
Did I mention that I hate you?

Sounds like one of those Facebook polls, "What Batman villain are you"? I have a great Mirror Master original page by Carmine Infantino, but I would have to be Mr Freeze (Arnie style).
incompatibilité d'humeur

Ok, I'll wager 3 months before they're throwing each other out the window. ;)

Well, it took a little bit longer (6 month) before I left that place, though not without some effort on my part to get my account deleted. Actually, that group was doomed to fall into trouble right from the beginning, because of "incompatibilité d'humeur" between me and (probably) the most hated person on this forum.
Now the blue cat is homeless. Going back to this place (as a main residence) isn't an option either (too much whining about cables, for example).
Does anybody know a nice place for discussions about real engineering without the gossip and backbiting of a bunch of sneaky hypocritical old women that dominated my former home?
Joined 2004
Paid Member
I tend to agree with SY (a lot :D) I can't imagine there is a more tolerant place to practice your audio word craft.. Um, just avoid certain parts of the forum.. There's enough real content here that it shouldn't really be too difficult.

A grain of salt or two and some forbearance are all that are required.
Just another Moderator
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Have to agree Netlist :)

Edmond, the grass is always greener on the other side ;) SY I think is on the money. The only Time you will find a forum where there is NO friction, will be when the only poster is yourself, and that would be pretty boring ;)

There are those who gain enjoyment from trying to push peoples buttons, provoke them into losing their cool. They exist everywhere. Some will behave for a while before revealing their true colours. The trick is to learn to read them, If you must respond to them do so in a way that turns things back on them (but always in the most polite manner) The easiest solution (I find) is to view their posts as entertainment rather than something objectionable.

The other thing to do is learn to walk away. If you have a disagreement with someone and no progress can be made (ie neither will see the others viewpoint) simply stop discussing (arguing) and post in a thread that IS productive. Our time is too precious!

I followed the cable thread for a little while, made a few posts, I sit on the fence, I'm not in either camp, but after a short while I decided that it was just a bunch of people banging their heads against brick walls and haven't visited since.. simple really isn't it! :) I hate to think how many hours of peoples time have been sucked up by that thread, but that's their choice isn't it! I suspect some find it entertaining (as I mentioned above), some just can't handle the other side not getting it, and some just want to stir the pot, and probably a small number actually learn something from it. If you don't read it, then what does it matter. It will still be going on if you join another forum wont it!! what difference does it make?

The only person stopping you from making DiyAudio your home again is YOU. It is your attitude only that makes this place somewhere you can or cannot live, it is not the other people here, but how YOU allow them to make you feel that makes your stay a pleasent or unpleasent one. You can control that, if you don't then THEY are in control.

I seem to say this every now and then, but if something someone says really makes you mad, you should ask yourself why is it? What is the reason it makes you angry, if you truely try to find the answer to that it is usually enlightening and will almost certainly lead to personal growth :)

Sorry I'll get off my soap box now, I hope this didn't seem too much like a lecture! By the way I'd suggest you have a read of jannemans blog entry (and the comments) about not being such a scientist, it may well help :)

Hi Tony
>I hope this didn't seem too much like a lecture!
Don't worry, that's okay. I'm old, but not too old to learn from others.
Also Jan's blog is great and very true.
Perhaps I should add to this that 'communication by keyboard' is seriously crippled:
No voice, no body language, no facial expression. These are potential sources of misunderstanding.

BTW, I'll send you a PM.
Disabled Account
Joined 2004
No voice, no body language, no facial expression. These are potential sources of misunderstanding.

No imagination. Language is good enough for me to understand a person.

To me, it’s the mix of flavors that makes this a great place, just as in real life.

Some people like uniformity, I like diversity. Without it life would be a bore.
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