Bybee Quantum Purifier Measurements and Double Blind Test

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Joined 2010
My guess is that some part of that tube-the inner circumference, the outer circumference or somewhere in between-might be a pn junction. I have no idea if it is possible to manufacture a pn junction like that, but that's my best guess about making the device quantum.

You mean like a FET..

If its got a tube around it then its skin effect. (Only a guess of course) Supposed to not be at audio Freq.
However this isn't secret technology. The only way I can see a component effecting the signal after the component is something like removing RFI.
A bit like putting a ferrite clamp on a signal lead<<sometimes not a good effect!

Does this component have any inductance? What about magnetic field around it? All conductors have a field even if its weak.

M. Gregg
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what? you want even the bad recording to sound nice? shouldn't you just change to a better recorded music instead?:eek::sing:
Yes, I want to enjoy even the "bad" recording - which can sound unpleasant, because they're emphasising system playback problems, highlighting the weaknesses with a strong beam of 'acoustic' light. If I then change to a "better" recording I now have the signature of the underlying distortion in my head, and even though it may be much less obvious it will still be there, audible amongst the recording 'goodness' ...

Many years have taught me - fix the playback of "bad", difficult recordings - and then the playback of all recordings falls into place. You see, I'm not averse to scoring 10 out of 10 in listening pleasure ... :)

Edit: like, if I go for a drive into rugged country areas, I want a vehicle that can tackle all terrains, so if I see something interesting further down a rough track, then I can proceed in relative comfort to explore that - and not have the vehicle shake me, or itself, to bits while doing so. They usually call in engineers to sort out that type of thing, I hear ... ;)
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There simply doesn’t exist a passive component that can remove noise from a signal, meaning can differentiate unwanted signal from wanted.

If the material surrounding the resistor has PN properties, it can only do something in the GHz range as the 0.025 resistor is in parallel.

Devices working in the GHz range are not audio but radio parts.

It is my sincere hope that none of you guys ever try a Bybee, and invest your hard earned money, instead, into some REAL hi end equipment and not mid-fi, which I know that many of you are using.
With all due respect John, you must have a crystal ball…..

There already exist a patent on WW resistors….
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Yes, I want to enjoy even the "bad" recording - which can sound unpleasant, because they're emphasising system playback problems, highlighting the weaknesses with a strong beam of 'acoustic' light. If I then change to a "better" recording I now have the signature of the underlying distortion in my head, and even though it may be much less obvious it will still be there, audible amongst the recording 'goodness' ...

Many years have taught me - fix the playback of "bad", difficult recordings - and then the playback of all recordings falls into place. You see, I'm not averse to scoring 10 out of 10 in listening pleasure ... :)

Edit: like, if I go for a drive into rugged country areas, I want a vehicle that can tackle all terrains, so if I see something interesting further down a rough track, then I can proceed in relative comfort to explore that - and not have the vehicle shake me, or itself, to bits while doing so. They usually call in engineers to sort out that type of thing, I hear ... ;)

did you know how the music you call "bad recording" was done in the first place?
you must be using a tone control then...:D
To be quite honest, if this is the sort of fraud that operates at the 'High end' of audio reproduction, then I for one am more than happy to suffer 'mid range' audio reproduction where good engineering has been employed rather than esoteric mickey mouse engineering or fraudulent components that work on physics not based in this universe.
As to those new to this speculation on what this resistor in shrink wrap does, the simple answer is NOTHING more than a resistor of the same value would do...
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Joined 2010
Because it's actually the secret behind our understanding of the technology that allows the Greys to get from galaxy to galaxy. If that secret got out and mere mid-fi people were able to access it, that could be the end of our civilization.

:eek:...Its those electrum finggies, what travel at the speed of light.:scratch1:
Cuz if they get caught in the cotton wool they could spin for ever:confused:

ITS ELECTRON SPIN...:eek: ..wooohhhh.

On second thoughts its just SPIN!

M. Gregg
did you know how the music you call "bad recording" was done in the first place?
you must be using a tone control then ...
Well, as a starting point there are at least 2 categories of "bad" recordings: those which were done with very primitive recording equipment, or which are only available now as very poor condition consumer items; and those which are mastered to be extremely dense, with layer upon layer of effects applied.

As an example of the first, the recordings of Robert Johnson are about as muddy, and buried in noise and detritus as can be. However, as the system improves all the debris unrelated to what happened in front of the microsphone starts to shift into another acoustic space, it can be perceived as something that's incidental to the sense of the musician, a real person, performing in front of you.

In the 2nd category there's a vast range of pop recordings, ELO pops into mind, with the budget CDs sounding very ordinary, lacking definition. Here one's trying to get all the sound strands to separate, to have life and sparkle evident in each, rather then just hear a vague soup, a mish mash of a final mix. When each sound entity within is clearly identifiable, has its own 'personality', and those originating from conventional acoustic instruments register subjectively as being "authentic" then you're in pretty good shape ...
Yes of course, the musical deorchestralizer capable of deconstructing a multithreaded audio track into its separate threads and spit polishing each one separately. If you'd just expressed it more clearly earlier, we could have saved a lot of time. So this is the essence of the tube sound that the OP was seeking.
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