Bob Pease on the New LM4562

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I received these from National today :)



  • lm4562.jpg
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OPA211 - Typical Vn 1.1nV/rtHz, In 1.5pA/rtHz @ 1kHz, Ib 150nA max, output swing to 0.2V of rails with 600 ohm load, 3.8mA supply current. Voltage noise almost as low as AD797 with lower Ib, and really usable at +/-2.5V rails due to output swing. Looks nice for battery-powered low-noise low-impedance preamps (dymanic mic, MC phono)
first SMD mod ever!

Hi all :)

I successfuly made my first SMD swap :cool:
I replaced output opamp of a cheap Samsung multiformat player that I'm playing with.

As I lack other gear to practice with, I trained myself desoldering the opamps for the 5.1outs of the same player :D
I even develloped my own, non-destructive (I hope) method :cool:
It consist of using a 5-6mm, 20AWG copper wire, pre-covered with soldering, installed across the opamp tinny legs (1-4 or 5-8, you know what I mean...). Then applying a little amount of heat and solder to get all the opamp's leads hot at the same time. Then gently lifting upwards the unit with a thin lever. Repete the same with the other side legs ;)

It allways works. PCB is intact!
I tried to measure Tº, perhaps not fast enough. The surface of the opamps never passed from 42ºC.

Actually, as someone said before, it is easier than desoldering regular devices.
Now, soldering SMD is a little more difficult.

Now that I feel brave I will upgrade my UCD's.
Maybe time to a GB, as Tubee wanted :angel:

Ah!...the sound...I am still hoping for improvement but it sounds way better than the humble JRC4560? that the unit used (the DVD has some Sony and Burr-Brown digital chips that seem quite good). First thing apparent is much less HF noise; cleaner, softer and more detailed sound. HF is extended but not aggressive. Bass is deeper (strangelly the stock DVDP has very respectable bass depth) and better articulated. Midrange is also much detailed but I find it still a little thin for my taste. Maybe all OS dacs sound like this :xeye: Anyway, the cheap Samsung P650K (?) after a few basic mods, now sounds very honest and gives space to play with clock and further caps/PS changes.

Did anyone mention the dual AD8599?
It seems to play in the same league as the LM4562, though the bandwidth is only 10MHz. But those op-amps are mostly used with low gains anyway, except in a mic preamp...
Well... and AD8676 is nice for portable applications - OP27 league, but lower quiescent current and more precise (for anyone who needs that).

So, there's quite some good new stuff to try :)
Hi Maxlorentz, thanks for your SMD desoldering tips.
Have a cheapo plastic Samsung DVD-VCR here too. Should place a better clock in it, it has a terrible jittery output signal (have read a test on web) I am thinking to buy a Yamaha S657 for DVD and have then SACD with it too. But for CD i still prefer my good old modded CD304mk2
Yes its time for a GB, but now only the metal cans and soic can be ordered.
Dominique said:
Did anyone mention the dual AD8599?
It seems to be vaporware still, even after AD's announcement in September that it was in full production. No samples, no stock, not even a preliminary data sheet let alone a full one! Also, no DIP, no single, and no quad versions coming. I agree its probably going to be in the same league rather than a quantum leap like the LM4562 is over previous duals.

BTW, Digikey is to have LM4562 DIPs next week.
markk02474 said:

It seems to be vaporware still, even after AD's announcement in September that it was in full production. No samples, no stock, not even a preliminary data sheet let alone a full one! Also, no DIP, no single, and no quad versions coming. I agree its probably going to be in the same league rather than a quantum leap like the LM4562 is over previous duals.

Well, I don't see it at the product site now, but I'm pretty sure I already have a preliminary datasheet at home.
Samples are availabe via a special site... well, was it called "analog dialogue", "currents quarterly"? Don't remember, sorry!

AudioNewb said:
Anyone checked out the LME49710? Is this the single-channel version of the LM4562?

It looks better, actually. No graphs on it, but it probably swings output voltage better than the LM4562 for those people working with greater than line-level voltages. Thanks for the tip, I just ordered 5 free samples!

seftali said:
Can I replace BA4560F with LM4562?
datasheet for BA4560F

Possibly. That part has lots of drive current like a headphone amp. For applications needing lots of output, a LM4562 isn't best.
Hi MatchASM

Did you have to pay a lot of shipping/handling fee?

The 2604 was a long time a good upgrade in cdp's for LM833, NE5532, but imo you can then better keep the 5532, less distorsion in treble. I like the OPA2132 more, but still want to try the LM4562.
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