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Best current KT88? Plus TSE-II build & “Engineer” Solder Sucker

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First, best wishes to George.

Look like it’s open season on 67 year-olds; I “popped a gut-string” about 2 mos ago (building a little bungalow on the Texas Coast, doin’ SUMTHIN I shouldn’ta been doing). Direct Inguinal Hernia. Surgery 3 weeks ago, still kinda whupped... this sure is No Country for Old Men...

Question: what’s the best current production BUDGET KT-88?
“Budget” meaning no more than about $50/ tube...Genelex Gold Lions look good, but is there something better?

I just realized that I set-up my shop amp for higher voltage (450-500vP) w/NOS Thordarson PST (about 820v at 200mA) and large swinging choke. To get low 400 vP, I have to use a 16uF choke input, so there’s plenty of EMF in reserve; figure I might as well use it. Only limitation is the G-series 5K EDCOR OPTs, but those can be upgraded if “required”.

In other news, got a pair of TSE-II boards from George today.
One is going in a 45 amp with 5K Transcendars from stock. Last night, I slapped some scraps of ash veneer on an old Baltic birch chassis. So far so good; now WOM (waiting on Mouser).

In still MORE news, got one of those “Engineer” plunger type solder suckers, cause I have 5 or 6 circuits that need dissection. Was gonna spring for a vacuum pump type, maybe even a Hakko to match the soldering station; that would have been a mistake. The “Engineer” solder sucker “works a treat” as my Limey buddies say. Gets about 80% average on first shot. No more screwing around trying to get solder wick to wet-out. Highly recommended.

Photos of shop SSE iron, TSE-II chassis getting mocked-up, and “Engineer” brand solder sucker...


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Sorry for the double (or is it TRIPLE?) posts. Happens whenever I try to post from the iPhone...

Found an interesting KT-88 thread from last year.

KT88 superthread.

Seems like there are essentially TWO makers of KT-88 facsimiles: Reflecktor (Russia) and Shuguang (China); all name brands apparently come from those two sources (although I remain confused about the Svetlana situation, but I've been confused about that for a decade, so nothing new)...

Take a look..
From the Desk of Jeff Bezos

Good question. Added it to an AMAZON order.
It's the "Engineer" SS-02 Solder Sucker. $27.18

It's cheaper elsewhere, but between the PRIME free shipping, super rapid delivery, and convenience, Bezos has gotcha. I'm trying to be good and spread my purchases around, but AMAZON makes it hard, obviously by (quite brilliant) design.

It's even worse for the Millenials; ALL the Millenials of my kin & acquaintance have stacks of Amazon boxes outside their doors practically every day.

This is one of those things that I didn't think I needed until I just couldn't look at another piece of desolder wick ever again. Even with that, I was inches away from dropping $150-$300 on a unit with a vacuum pump. The "Engineer" is decided low tech (just a spring-loaded plunger pump with a trigger button) but the quality is excellent and it really DOES work.

After a few hours of Solder Sucking, the workbench had a nice pile of solder Mouse Turds.

Some tricks I've gleaned:
(a) there's a FAQ post on Amazon that tells you where to get spare silicone tube cheap. I replaced the ~1/8" silicone nozzle after about 5 hours of intense suckage, and I really didn't need to...
(2) best to spit-out the mouse turd ASAP; if you don't it sometimes (albeit rarely) gets jammed on the way out
(3) lightly lube the spring and barrel ID with silicone grease
(4) if you have a temp controlled soldering iron, set it to 350 deg C (662 deg F IIRC) which is the temp rating of the tubing
(5) really smush the silicone tip into the solder puddle to get good suction.
If you do that, it even removes the solder from between stranded wire ("interstitial" is the proper word, I think)

One HUGE attraction for a desolder PUMP (over wick) is the ability to desolder a pcb board without lifting the traces. I have not (yet) used it for that, but reports are that it works great.
KT-88 Recommendations? Anybody.

I am down to the Genelex “Gold Lion” and the Electro Harmonix KT-88s as potentially the best “budget” KT-88s for the shop amp.

IIRC, both are built in the Reflektor plant in Russian Federation...surprising that a Chinese tube didn’t make the list...

Meanwhile, took a stroll thru PSU-II to see what B+ I can get with the current power supply; looks like the best option is the “Graetz”-style diode mod to a 5AR4 ... see separate posting.
I've had no issues with the re-issue Gold Lions....have a quad waiting for my Tubelab UDB based amp to get breadboarded.

A few years ago I helped a friend (who I met in first grade!..that was a really long time ago...) refresh Dynakit MkIII's inherited from his dad......

We pulled the cages off and one amp had a Vintage Gold Lion KT88 in one socket and a Sylvania 6550 in the other. The Gold Lion tested very well so we sold the single tube on Ebay and it was just about enough to buy a quad of reissue Gold Lions. Delighted customer! I think one of the 6550's was dead and the other two sold for around $75 maybe...it all helped fund the new capacitors etc needed.
Thanks. Great story on several counts.

"Friends since 1st Grade." I had a Proustian moment there for a second, recalling my 1st grade class photo. That would have been in 1959. Don't remember the photo being taken, but remember an air-raid drill when we had to walk outside to get to the basement (ramp, not stairs, better for little kids I think), and a B-58 Hustler (giant delta-winged thing) flew DIRECTLY over us at "tree-top" level. I remember thinking that I count read the markings under the wings. That, and LOUD.

My dad was an accomplished lawyer, but couldn't put a VW into reverse. I inherited a closet full of ancient Brooks Brothers suits, but nothing that would have required TOOLS, let alone a big DYNACO.
Well....My buddy's dad was an orthodontist......but for whatever reason liked to build Dynaco stuff....he also had a PAS pre-amp that we refreshed as well..and some really old AR-3a's or something...that need refoaming.

I think just about everyone around Boston back in the 60's/70's had at least one pair of AR speakers, my sister even worked there for a short time.
I went to Seldon L. Brown Elementary School in Wellesley Hills. Walked home for lunch (!)

Cue the La-Ti-Da. There was a Ronzoni Spaghetti ad featuring Biff and Muffy standing in front of an elegant fireplace with tennis sweaters around their necks, complaining that they couldn't get Ronzoni spaghetti sauce "in Wellesley Hills."

Looking back, I think they flew that B-58 tree-top training flight over the good Burghers of Wellesley Hills intentionally...Concord, Lexington, Weston, Wellesley, Wellesley Hills, the perfect flight path.

I had a pair of the cheaper AR speakers. Had forgotten that. I do know that I should have bought a truckload of AR ES-1 turntables and preserved them in amber, or the audiophile equivalent.
Pretty sure they would have outperformed the Dow. But who knew? Judging from the prices, nobody...
I ran the service department in the largest Olson's Electronics store in the US back in 1971 and 1972. Olson's and AR were both owned by Teledyne at the time, so we pushed AR hard.

I almost bought an AR turntable, but got talked into the new Garrard Zero-100 when the Garrard rep bought my pristine SL-72B for his collection. The Zero-100 was a POS that took constant fixing. My cat killed it sometime in the late 70's, so I bought a cheap Technics direct drive to replace it. I still use it today.

I have not bought any KT88's in about 15 years, so I can't comment on the new stuff. I got a box full of customer return tubes including some EH KT88's for $10 each back then and they are all still working good except for one I killed due to stupidity on my part.

I did buy one of those Engineers solder suckers. I had a good metal solder sucker at Motorola that I liked, but it got lost and the plastic crap that became popular was junk. I will see if this one will slurp a 0603 or 0805 part right off the board like the old metal one did. It made playing musical parts to tune an RF board easy.
I think the Engineer solder sucker would work great on SMD pads, as you shmush the silicone tube tip down on the solder puddle, which likely keeps the traces intact.

I’ve been disassembling a bunch of old point-to-point stuff, and some of those solder joints (e.g Heathkits) were apparently assembled using those old plumbing irons with the wooden handle and the 1/2” tip. Those joints require several “sucks” and a bit of contortion to get down to the wires. Really need a Jumbo version with a 2-handed cocking mechanism and a handgun trigger.?
Which way is the FRONT?

Parts finally arrived from Mouser; 5 days delivery versus the usual TWO from Dallas-to-Houston.

Got to work on the chassis: sockets soldered, iron mounting and wiring grommets done, vent holes drilled. Ready to solder-up the board tomorrow (90% chance of rain, so Chief Cook & Bottle Washer/Resident Apiarist SPLIT her hive today (to reduce chances of a swarm & potentially double your hives). Very stressful, but she says the random stings I get are “API-therapy”.

HOWEVER, which way is FRONT? 5842 to front, or 300B?
I’m thinking 5842.
In either case, that EDCOR logo is gonna face AFT.
The color alone is hard enuf to live with; should have ordered spare black bells when I bought ‘em 8 years ago. I guess I was more of an OG back then.

Note, the third photo is what a 45 stereo TSE-II looks like on this chassis.


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I'll tell you it's open season on even greener people. Got acquainted with a little dormant thing starting with 'Sh' and ending with 'gles' - good grief this is unbelievably painful. Of course, complications ensued or else things would have been too easy, not to mention the additional stress you have to bear to go out and consult while thinking you might catch the other one outside too...

Haven't compared KT-88s at all, but there's a singular thing that happened in my SSE with the Electro-Harmonix KT88EH I bought, no doubt in conjunction with George's solid circuit and the great Edcors: I don't feel like I need to add anything or change to anything else.

Was just checking for tube prices for some pre-amp experiments and looks like TubeDepot has a cool discount on them but for 12 hours or so left: matching is also free on top of that.

Just spent pre-lunch and post-lunch today de-soldering two tube sockets for novals from a Behringer compressor circuit. turns out:

1. The Behringer used a starved design and used that Tube circuit as a distortion circuit and that's not what I want

2. I distrusted that Behringer circuit so much that I removed the sockets with the plunger-type solder sucker

OK, so now I've got my two sockets, and two 12AX7s to play with :D.

Be well.

First, best wishes to George.

Look like it’s open season on 67 year-olds; I “popped a gut-string” about 2 mos ago (building a little bungalow on the Texas Coast, doin’ SUMTHIN I shouldn’ta been doing). Direct Inguinal Hernia. Surgery 3 weeks ago, still kinda whupped... this sure is No Country for Old Men...

Question: what’s the best current production BUDGET KT-88?
“Budget” meaning no more than about $50/ tube...Genelex Gold Lions look good, but is there something better?

I just realized that I set-up my shop amp for higher voltage (450-500vP) w/NOS Thordarson PST (about 820v at 200mA) and large swinging choke. To get low 400 vP, I have to use a 16uF choke input, so there’s plenty of EMF in reserve; figure I might as well use it. Only limitation is the G-series 5K EDCOR OPTs, but those can be upgraded if “required”.

In other news, got a pair of TSE-II boards from George today.
One is going in a 45 amp with 5K Transcendars from stock. Last night, I slapped some scraps of ash veneer on an old Baltic birch chassis. So far so good; now WOM (waiting on Mouser).

In still MORE news, got one of those “Engineer” plunger type solder suckers, cause I have 5 or 6 circuits that need dissection. Was gonna spring for a vacuum pump type, maybe even a Hakko to match the soldering station; that would have been a mistake. The “Engineer” solder sucker “works a treat” as my Limey buddies say. Gets about 80% average on first shot. No more screwing around trying to get solder wick to wet-out. Highly recommended.
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