bass speaker help

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Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
Funny thing
But only needing one, this impressive 15" is affordable
Impressive 16mm Xmax(p-p)
And deep bass is possible with 31hz Fs
And its a low distortion motor design, and huge magnet, which means tight controlled deep bass notes
Its a genuine tough pro woofer, one of the best

Well, it is a sub driver(pro), recommended no higher than 450hz
Probably wont do voices too good

But question is, what does it matter with bass guitar?

Ofcourse it will need some support higher up
A cheap mid/tweeter horn
Or a small 6-8" with good topend
I have those 4 Foster super tweeter, which could be added high up
Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005


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Last weekend I was in Stockholm and wanted to try one of these:

Unfortunately the dealer in Stockholm only had a fretless B6 left (six strings AND fretless is like fighting two battles at once I think) and the owner of Woodo (who is a nice guy BTW) was in Finland during this time.
Another affordable one I was looking at is the Cort Artisan A6. It is a little more expensive than the Woodo but it has two trussrods (Woodo only uses two of them for the seven string versions) and Bartolini electronics.

Regarding low bass out of 10" there are two things:

1.) Yes, some 4x10" user a rather large box and low tuning but this is still detrimental to efficiency at the lower end. Most of these cabs do sacrifice low-end response for better efficiency above (it has to be portable, affordable and loud after all).

2.) These 10" drivers do not necessarily have to be stock
PA midrange drivers. If you order dozens or more you can have drivers manufactured to your specs.

Personally I don't like the sound of most bass rigs that much. I think a live gig is recognised from far away as being live because the bass usually sounds crap. IMO bass for grown-ups is not felt in the chest but in the bowles and makes your trousers flap.

I recently went to a gig of S.M.V. and the sound was excellent but I assume because DI was used.


Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
Hi Charles

Compared to ESP I think I would prefer this GL

I have doubts about active vs passive
But having both with a optional switch would be nice

It could seem like devellopment is focused on 5-string, so that 4-string is somehow on a standstill

For a really cheap bass this Dean looks interesting
The Kramer version, a look-alike, ehh
Made by Cort maybe?

4-string Kramer, looks quite good for the money, but is it
Some small details appears to look even better than many other basses at twice the price, or more
Maybe the low price is due to being made in huge bundles, and sold for education purpos
Could it be much better than the price indicates

Its scaring how much you can order cheap from china
Very good looking stuff
But hard to judge the quality
I do know that even tiny flaws can make it close to useless
If its unplayable, nice woods and fancy look wont help much

I know how to build a violin, so ofcourse I would like to build my own bass
The obvious choise would be to build a Carvin kit
Not the cheapest option, but at least I would learn something

Does anyone know about a good educational book, with mensur measurements etc ?
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Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
I'd like to make a small combo with one of the Neo Beyma's. 3.5 kg for a driver with 350 watts of power handling capacity is not bad at all and makes transport easier.

You will not reach low B with this one but it could give a compact and reasonably loud box:


I have decided to build my own bassguitar
Have just bought some lovely wood
On its way from US now
So it will proably take a while until Im ready to build speaker/amp combo
Just so that you dont sit waiting on my results

The neoBeyma does look real nice
But once hitting the strings real hard I could fear it will run out of Xmax
Which was one reason I decided fore the PD 15"
But I wouldnt know as Im not really familiar with instrumental speakers
But I do want a setup which can pound real hard, and clean, just fore the fun of it:cool:
But once hitting the strings real hard I could fear it will run out of Xmax
Which was one reason I decided fore the PD 15"
But I wouldnt know as Im not really familiar with instrumental speakers
But I do want a setup which can pound real hard, and clean, just fore the fun of it

Then take two of them just for even more fun :D

I wish you good luck on your DIY bass. What will it be - an ordinary four-string ? What pickups ? Will it be neck-through or bolt-on neck ? Since I don't belong to the people with two left hands but rather to the ones with "four left feet" - I wouldn't make a serious attempt on building a bass myself. But when I was a schoolboy I once built a very primitive one that even worked but it did neither have great playability nor great tone.


Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
I once built a very primitive one that even worked but it did neither have great playability nor great tone.

Carvin sells a complete kit that just needs assembling and finish
Its not that much cheaper than their cheapest ready to play bass, but you have the option of giving it your own touch

I will build a 4-string
I dont really like the look of ordinary neckthrough
It will be somewhat halfway neckthrough/setin neck
Semi hollow chambered body with carved top/back
It will be neckless, but with a modified neck with violin style scroll
Maybe I will try a piezo pickup
Books from Stewart-MacDonald arrived today
Im afraid this wont be cheap, but I will have lots of fun, and learn something new:)
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Well I guess this is OT now but in respose to tobee's original question I would recommend an 18 and one or two eights (eminence Alphas come to mind). I've played 4 string for almost20 years now and had always used a single 15 till fairly recently. Big improvement. Its pretty hard to beat big drivers for bass (darn those physics) esp if bass is what you're intimately involved with. as for the mids and high end, I dont consider 10's and 12's that great at solving that issue. I even had an 8x10 cab for a few years and you would think that the vast number of them would at least partially overcome the beaming issue but no, still pretty bad. Like a previous poster said, I would definately build a multiway cab with crossovers (dont think a tweeter is something you want but you can build up to that later quite easily anyway). The few 3 ways I have tried actually sounded quite natural. At any rate, a cab with one 18 and one 8 will cover a whole lot of bases(pun intended).
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