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AudioSector-chip amp kits, dacs, chassis

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Nice review and great looking kit! Is the reviewer refering to BG N's or some other BG's that were in your amps?

I've just gone from the FC to the N, so far with about 30 hours on, the BG's are superior. It made the sound more delicate, everything is projected in a very natural way, no force but not laid back either. They brought more clarity along with slightly lightened bass but I'm hoping that will come back with time (either self adjustment or burn in, I don't mind :) )
In Audio Zone products only BG STD have been used. The switch to Panasonics was dictated mostly with (previous) availability problems of Black Gates and rumors of discontinuing production. It was also an attempt to save on production costs.

We tried Panasonics in the new enclosure and it worked fine, producing very satisfying results.

BG N have similar signature to Panasonic FC, but with more refinement, delicacy and ease. I use them only in Patek and NOS DAC.
I listen to the premium amp almost every day - at the moment with a pair of Cyburg's Needles (and the NOS-DAC...). Within boundaries of medium loudness it sounds delicate and easy, with a lot of musical flow. Strangely there seems to be much effort (and cost) needed to better that amp significantly. I also have several different very good sounding amps using LM3875 chips now, but this is the best one.

Klaus / still amazed

ps: One should always mention that this amp - for whatever reason - need a certain time "to burn in" - maybe like any other good amp - to sound at its best.
Re: ETA: New Products

BWentler said:
I have been waiting for news on the availability of the following new products:

Phono Pre-Amp

I have been saving $$$ for a complete AudioSector stereo system and I'm getting excited about building it...


my audiosector system i have still sound as good as the day i got it.

im looking forward to adding the attenuator kit.
LM4780 Kit

Sorry if this has already been answered but when I searched I did not find a straight answer. I also don't want a smoking amp/speaker.

I am assembling an dual LM4780 amplifier to be switchable between a 4 channel and dual bridged mono. These amps will simply be power amps with no attenuator, preamp, or

On Nuuk's gainclone FAQ he mentions that a 56k Resistor is needed if you are not using an attenuator to prevent the o/p (don't know what that means) from floating up to a high voltage. The way I will use the amp, it will sometimes be disconnected to a source/pre-amp.

Also should I expect some DC offset? How will bridging effect the offset?
You have there 22k input to ground resistor that prevents "floating the o/p up to a high voltage". If the amp to be disconnected form a source/preamp, it's best to connect the input to the ground.

You should have less DC offset with bridged configuration as the connection to speakers is taken from both active outputs and offset should be effectively cancelled.

When I mean the amp will be disconnected, I mean it as it could easily accidently get disconnected due to someone one tripping on a cord or so. I was just thinking of murphy's law.

I'm pretty exited now, all I need is the transformers and case/parts. Time to make new friends at the machine shop at my school.
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