Archphile - An Archlinux Based Audiophile Distribution for Raspberry Pi and Udoo Quad

Hi freeplay,

thanks for your feedback!

Webradios are just pls files placed in:


You can access the path above with filezilla or a similar software and add your own file.

you can get the original pls files from this location:

recipe/webradio.tar.gz at master * archphile/recipe * GitHub

and have a look to see how the pls files are made.

PS. The majority of these PLS files were taken from an earlier version of Moodeaudio

PS.1. A new ympd bug causes the pls files to not appear in ympd web interface. I hope this will be resolved the soonest possible.

Hi Michael,

I'm wondering this bug also affect some MPD clients. For instance, I can see the pls in M.A.L.P. in android, but not in MPDluxe in ios
@pinkdot thanks for the feedback!

As some of you may have noticed, music reproduction using a usb dac and a NAS via ethernet is really bad with the new RPI 3B+.

This is not Archphile related and I will try to upload a new image when all these issues are resolved.

I was very optimistic to name this image a beta. It should really be an alpha version.

I believe that the best solution for you is to delay the boot process. You can try adding the following option:



The example above causes a delay of 3 sec.

You can try different values until the delay is enough for your dac to power on.

Please note that I haven't tested this option yet as I currently don't have access on a RPI.
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I believe that the best solution for you is to delay the boot process. You can try adding the following option:



The example above causes a delay of 3 sec.

You can try different values until the delay is enough for your dac to power on.

Please note that I haven't tested this option yet as I currently don't have access on a RPI.

I noticed I've been getting mixer errors like cannot load mixer controls: Remote I/O error after the change. Not sure if it's due to that
Why is that? Havent heard of that before. Thinking of buying a new 3B+


Because the new higher bandwidth Ethernet chip on the Pi3+ which shares the same USB host port on the RPi as the USB "DAC" port is unthrottled and trys to use all the available USB Host bandwidth.

The original 100M Ethernet port chip "naturally" limited its host USB port B/W usage - which is not the case with the 1Gigabit Ethernet port chip on the Pi3+

In fact, on the Pi3+ the USB host controller is unable to meet the 1Gigabit Ethernet B/W requirements which is why RPi claim faster Ethernet not 1Gigabit Ethernet!

On the new RPi3+ with its 1Gigabit Ethernet controller max's out all the available USB interface B/W leaving there no spare USB B/W for the DAC...

Broadcom REALLY need to use a real hardware USB PHY internally on the next spin of SoC.... its a real shame that the greatest weakness of the RPi is its lack of a hardware USB PHY...
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I have such settings but tidal dont works

# <grouptitle>Tidal streaming service parameters</grouptitle>

# <var name="tidaluser" type="string"><brief>Tidal user name.</brief>
# <descr>Your Tidal login name.</descr></var>
tidaluser = xxxxxxxx
# <var name="tidalpass" type="string"><brief>Tidal password.</brief>
# <descr>The password for your Tidal account.</descr></var>
tidalpass = xxxxxxxx
# <var name="tidalquality" type="cstr" "values="low high lossless">
# <brief>Tidal stream quality.</brief> <descr>'low' and 'high' are aac
# streams. 'lossless' is FLAC and will only work if your subscription
# allows it.</descr></var>
tidalquality = lossless


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I have such settings but tidal dont works

# <grouptitle>Tidal streaming service parameters</grouptitle>

# <var name="tidaluser" type="string"><brief>Tidal user name.</brief>
# <descr>Your Tidal login name.</descr></var>
tidaluser = xxxxxxxx
# <var name="tidalpass" type="string"><brief>Tidal password.</brief>
# <descr>The password for your Tidal account.</descr></var>
tidalpass = xxxxxxxx
# <var name="tidalquality" type="cstr" "values="low high lossless">
# <brief>Tidal stream quality.</brief> <descr>'low' and 'high' are aac
# streams. 'lossless' is FLAC and will only work if your subscription
# allows it.</descr></var>
tidalquality = lossless

Rucia1, unfortunately I don't use tidal and I haven't tested it.