Anyone up for a UK diyAudio Meet?

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diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
eeka chu said:
I'm a student in the electronics department at York university and the events organiser for our IEEE branch...

I could ask around and see if I can find some rooms here for a meet up if enough people wanted to come... it might also be easier to get suppliers along to a univeristy.

There are rooms to sleep in at the university that can be rented by the public, they're usually free during the holidays I think.

Our electronics department actually has a section devoted to audio electronics... I haven't explored that floor yet. They must have some good rooms in there.

There's a good chance I would be able to get the exhibition rooms for free if I sell it as a chance for the students to check things out... quite a lot of people here are interested in audio.

York is fairly well placed in the middle of the country and there's a futuristic bus with a 'pilot' and sound effects rather than a bell that stops outside the station that'll bring people to the doorstep of the university. It also has an automatic ticket machine that has been the source of much anger in York. That, combined with watching tourists try to talk to the driver, errr pilot, through the plastic shielding around him, makes for a fun bus journey.

York has 9,637 pubs and tea shops. Which is impressive, as only 8 people live here. Fact.

Sounds like a great venue, if its easier for people than my suggestion then I'm up for that too. York isn't far away from me at all.

Would be nice to get back to a Uni, even if it was only for a day or two. Had some great times supposedly 'studying' during my younger years.

Hmm... when I was at Sheffield Uni, the media studies block had a rather tasty Genelec outfitted studio using the big 3-way soffit mount designs. Wondering if you audio engineering department would have something that was similarly lust worthy for us to maybe sample.

York is also a beautiful city, plenty to see and do and yes, tons of little cozy pubs hidden away. So for those that bring along their wives it could make a nice mini vacation.
Just found this thread - fantastic, it's about time we UK diyers had a meet. Have been jealous of all the get-togethers our friends in the USA organise seemingly every month.

Chesterfield sounds like a good venue, my vote is for somewhere a few extraneous dBs of volume won't get the local council round with a noise control order. No probs with the location, I'd be heading up from London, its only a few hours away.

Hopefully I'll have my new sub ready by then and possibly a few other bits'n'bobs I'd be delighted to show.

My suggestion would be for June / July -ish so we all have time to get a lick of paint on the speakers and the mess-o-amp-modules in a box.

Maybe we could also arrange a table or two for anyone interested in a swap / trade kind of thing?


pinkmouse said:
Much as I love York

Would you prefer Wales ?

A few days of B+B in June/July (Beer and a Barf) and a meet with some of you blokes sounds lovely.
I've got some travel due thanks to the G/F doing a Monaco casino 3-nighter in March. (med-conv., my foot)
An allnighter on the ferry to Hull for Yorkshire pudding is fine by me, i live at a five minute drive from the P&O and Cobelfret terminal, a bit closer to London would be much nicer.

Hi-de-Hi :clown:
Ah, did I not mention the "gotta bring the wife and kid to get away with THIS one" rule? That's why I was concerned with lodging costs.

Also, we cannot stay at a hotel that has a minibar. My wife is firmly convinced that if you quadruple the price of a Toblerone, it tastes much better.
I could bring my sub... it just about fits in the car lol :devilr:


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pinkmouse said:
I think we need to club together to get Rob a 7.5 Tonner so he can bring all four of his Labhorns. ;)

I'm sure a couple of tables for swapping stuff would be feasible.

Steady Al, only have 2 of them built :D - have the wood cut for another 4, but no drivers. The ones in my front room ain't going nowhere - they're behind my screen and my missus has just informed me that they're staying put :) .It was a bugger to squeeze them in and they actually are jammed against the ceiling.:devilr: I have access to my works van so could in theory bring 4, and would love to hear what they'd do in a big space. Better get my garage cleared out enough to start assembly.....

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