Anyone up for a UK diyAudio Meet?

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can we take a poll for takers between Dunnet head (north of John O'groats) and Mull of Galloway or should that be Lamberton (to exclude any location on the wrong side of the Border)?
Oh heck! let's include the Norsemen on the islands if they want to partake.

I wonder if that Mac :ill: could put one off ever re-visiting the mountains? :umbrella:
I live on what seems to be one (a pygmy version), we had snow last night and again this afternoon. (I'm typing this at 1030feet AOD). Yes, that's higher than the M6 going through the Lake district!
On a clear day :rain: I can see Ben Cleuch from my front door ( about 45miles)

Does Lawes have an "r" in it?
pinkmouse said:
Have you seen a psychiatrist recently?

Actually Al,

after 4 weeks on the Highland route i would have comitted homocide for either a psychiater or McDonalds.

One realises to have picked the wrong partner for such an endeavour when you start talking to 80lbs of backpack, stuffed with muesli and freeze dried rations, because the Scottish mountain buddy is a nut who is busy writing his memoires all day.
The bloke wrote lengthy pages each day in his book on how well his brekky of muesli and water tasted, the same story all over every evening for the freeze dry and water ration dinner.

(i recollect getting drunk on Lothian road and Princess street afterwards, loosing the SCO-NL darts match, before jumping an Edinburgh punk lass. The lady had a B/F in jail, but she carried a smashing P&T collection. You're welcome to call me Eddie Hitler.)
A UK meet sounds a great idea.

I sounds like agreeing what equipment sounds like might be a piece of cake compared to agreeing upon where a " central location" for the meet" might be.

Does central mean central to the UK? At the moment it seems to have a bias towards central Scotland or even central Scottish highlands - although that region does have great countryside.

One advantage of being a little further south is that it does get a little warmer the further south you go!

Is this thing supposed to be held at someone's house then or what? Who has a big house? And who doesn't mind the risk of people they don't know coming in and potentially being naughty (eg helping themselves to one's possessions)?

Not having ever done such a meet before, how do we ensure there are no such problems? Is this forum immune to riff-raff? I'd like to think it is but you never quite know...

Would people be bringing various bits of kit to show off? I'd imagine that's a big part of it, so it needs to be somewhere we can actually listen to gear properly.

Who here has done a meetup like this before and how did it all work out?

SimontY said:
Is this thing supposed to be held at someone's house then or what? Who has a big house? And who doesn't mind the risk of people they don't know coming in and potentially being naughty (eg helping themselves to one's possessions)?

Not having ever done such a meet before, how do we ensure there are no such problems? Is this forum immune to riff-raff? I'd like to think it is but you never quite know...

Would people be bringing various bits of kit to show off? I'd imagine that's a big part of it, so it needs to be somewhere we can actually listen to gear properly.

Who here has done a meetup like this before and how did it all work out?


I've done a meet up with the BMW car club, we hired a race track for the day and did loads of tyre ripping :D

Also did a meet up with some mates I play Xbox online with and we went to Alton Towers. That was a right laugh.

Not sure how this would work though

More than one room would be better.

One for general display / bragging, one or more for listening/comparing.

I think 2 (at least) would be better to cope with the analog/digital rivalry!

Hotels usually have small function rooms as well as conference rooms.
Obviously, someone with good haggling skills will have to do the honours.

Also, if the date is made later rather than earlier, announcements could be made in the local press and national hifi mags. to drum up interest if a swap meet was held. Entry, table fees would help with costs.


We could also get more people along if we advertised it to TV fans.
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