Any personal opinions on SS D3004/6640 (Beryllium)?

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2007-11-29 5:21 am
Anyone has anything to say about the sonic character of SS D3004/6640 (Beryllium dome)?
Besides them being ridiculously overpriced?
One can get a pair of Yamaha NS-1000M for that money, with beryllium tweeters and mids...
Or could it be that it's the sweetest and smoothest tweeter of them all?


2007-11-29 5:21 am
You bet!
I donno what chlorofille is up to, meanwhile I purchased the tweeters and built the speakers... Gotta say, I like em!
Hi guys, it's been a while since I have posted here. I have built my 2 way speaker with the D3004 Beryllium and AT 15H C-Quenze, and have to say this is the finest tweeter I have heard in a system. Sibilance in certain recordings sounds very natural and never harsh. It does not get your attention like the R2904, nor does it have the dispersion of the D2904 but together with the 15H midbass, female vocals were stunning. To sum up, it has the "speed" of the finest ribbon tweeters, but with extra richness and an utterly non fatiguing sound. I found no trace whatsoever of any "metal" sound.

I have it crossed at 2500Hz, 2nd order electrical, though lower crossover points are possible due to the extremely low distortion.

Excellent tweeter!
I like the TB 25-1743S...

Pandazya is likely right, it is a BeCu alloy, and I like them!


Set up in a Mule-box to get them assembled, I paired it with W4-1798S midbasses, and it is an ultra-clean resolving MTM. I got the first one second hand and it ended up being a dud, so I took it apart.



The Fs measured about 525 Hz with a low Qts, and I used a BS2 slope at 1.8kHz. It's one of the cleanest tweeters I've used.

What´s your favourite of the ones you used ?

Of the ones I've personally used, and liked highly (There are many not on this list below);
SS D2905/97000
Dayton RS28A
Vifa XT25TG30 and SC90
TB 25-1743S

Visaton MHT12
HiVi RT1.3

The MHT12 takes the cake of the planars, not saying the others are bad.

Outta the domes/RR, I think the D2905 is the most transparent, but the 1743 I believe to be a half step above the RS28A in its revealing nature. And I still like the XT25 a lot. I don't know that I could discount one over the other, as they are all very pristine devices.

Hope I helped,
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