Alpair12P gen2 standmount speakers

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Hi MP9 (Guys),
From my memory, I listened to some MarKens last year at Tony and Kenneth's studio here in Hong Kong. Vey impressive with no bias towards a single tuned frequency that I could detect. The bass was lighter but musical detail was strong. For example, you could actually here the subtle definition and nuance in a cello recital.

I've also head some nice ported reflex boxes recently using Alpair 6M's.

Much depends on what individual audio folks want from their low range. Personally, I'm likely never to use a sub. I know how they're designed and built. Subs are mostly air movers, essentially they are only pistonic with little (or none) actual radial emittance from their cone surface. However, if you're into heavy rock, house or similar music that generates a heavy rhythmic thumpy thumpy signal, then a sub is best for this purpose.

Hope this helps.

So if you don't use a subwoofer what do you use for movies and classical music or pipe organ? I was wondering if you found a new way to get (LF) with out a sub woofer? Mr. Jeff
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Jeff, its not so much heavy, it is the other thousand speaker pairs already upstairs. I've been wondering about some sort of storage space so that we can reclaim the dining room.



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You and the other builders are most welcome. They are quite some performers in so small a cabinet. Glad you like them. They will improve leaps and bounds when the drivers are run in and have some rear wall or corner loading boundary that will reinforce the bass. Must say though they do look rather respendant in the curly Maple veneer nice job. :up:

I still haven't got my second speaker covered yet, been too busy with other domestic chores and having to commute to work again after a period of semi-retirement. I have also decided to beef up the pedestals on the stands and make the centre hollow so I can mount the binding posts on the rear of the pedestal near the base and feed the cables up the centre. Should neaten things uo some.

may I ask if you have stained/dyed the paper cones? And if so what di you use? I have considered changing the colour of the cones on mine to black and have been meaning to ask Mark how best to do this.
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The cones on my A12P drivers from the original production batch are a light blue/grey colour paper. The drivers in that Vaughn has assuming they are A12P gen2 in his photo appear to be a cream in colour on my laptop. So I naturally asumed they had been coloured. I thought all were the same light blue paper in colour?
The cones on my A12P drivers from the original production batch are a light blue/grey colour paper. The drivers in that Vaughn has assuming they are A12P gen2 in his photo appear to be a cream in colour on my laptop. So I naturally asumed they had been coloured. I thought all were the same light blue paper in colour?

that's just gotta be a combination of reflection from the glossy table top, wood veneer on the boxes, paneling of walls and time of day color of light itself - they say the "camera doesn't lie", but it can sure be fooled into recording things that our eyes/brain automatically compensate for in real time
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