Aleph J for Universal Mounting Spec

hi community

first nicy nice thats is what i want and need ... thanks for your
work ...
but here it comes there is no way to order the pcb viva paypal,
first i try to order direct to my home village germany that has
not work , ok the next try was change the adress to CA a
friend lifes there for a long time ok next try but the same resolution,
i cant get the shipping methode it says no shipping available , i ve
there any thing wrong wift my knowledge ore maybe the side
i be happy i ve anyone can check it out.
thanks for help happy soldering...

cheers manuel
Joined 2000
Paid Member
Hi guys,

As you can tell, we've totally re-worked the store. There has been a few bugs to iron out. Please let me assist you with whatever issues you're having.

If you can kindly post:

  • What exactly you are ordering and how many
  • The country, state (if relevant) and post code / zip code of where you would like it sent

Then I can see if I can replicate the problem. Feel free to post here or PM me.


Joined 2011
Paid Member
I would say that this is till one of my favorite amps and really defines what Nelson has done with sound. Just a lovely amp. Some of the best mids and highs you will find.

This amp is the one I can live with for the rest of my life. (At least could, but I hope I will never have to do this kind of choice :) For the last months I've had F5c, F5Tv2, AJ and F6, and AJ is one of the best for me. Subjectively it is the "fastest" and most dynamical amps form the above(honestly, from what I ever auditioned). Thanks for making the boards available guys!

Oh, and AJ is the hottest one from above mentioned :)
Only DIY thing that I have listened to that can match its speed is TSSA V1.6 by Sonnya from the forum. I think it might actually have it beat on air and speed, but AJ takes cake on tone. J2 is in batters box and Funny^Ba behind that. Funny^6 wipes floor on soundtage and musicalilty, but I am heavily biased.:D