737 Max

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Can it get any worse?

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Airbus seem better made, in the end the airline should be able to transport paying passengers and freight, on time, in a competitive market.
If not, they will go bankrupt.
So if United feels Boeing cannot deliver, they have an alternate source.

So far there is no announcement from Boeing about new designs or models in the 737 range.
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I believe you are quite correct. It's the airlines that are in charge of maintenance of their aircraft and being a cut throat business they are cutting it to the bone.

So now you got the airlines pushing the blame to Boeing, hoping to deflect any other issues that pop up.

Remember how the DC-10 did a barrel roll on take off in O'Hare and slammed onto the ground? It was determined that maintenance had used a fork lift to install a new engine, instead of using the special too... even though Douglas specifically warned about NOT doing so... In any event, the DC-10, as a passenger airliner, was killed off after that. Sad as many are still on the air as cargo and military air tankers.

The CEO over at Alaska Air complained that they were finding several loose bolts in their 737 Max... so, what did he do? Did he fix them? Did he go to BCA and tell them to fix it? Why did Alaska Air allow that plane to fly by restricting it from ETOPS? Huh? Greed... and now the lawyers told the CEO to that going on the offensive will be their best defense... they can smell the lawyers and the feds looking into how the airline handled this particular plane.


Fundamentally, BCA screwed up when they outsourced and cheapened the line. They will get it fixed, but heads over at Corporate/sales/marketing must roll and the HQ culture must change.

And the 737 is now dead meat... BCA must now build the 797, a baby 787... at this time the technology has been proven and the plane should be what it should have been all along... lighter, wider, taller, more efficien, mor comfortable and quieter... in many ways this is the worst that could have happened to Airbus because the 797 will kill the 320 Neo.

@NareshBrd don't get me going on Airbus... they use a joy stick and they have a lap top like device that slides in front of the pilot where the control stick/yoke should be....

IMHO, the real serious competitor will be the Russkies... they're getting their stuff together... finally.
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The Russians? Really?

Their planes keep falling out of the skies recently because under sanctions they can not service what they've got (many of them stolen from lease companies) and they have no electronics at all.
Their military planes are crap again mostly because they have not got the needed electronics and their radar systems appear to be largely blind.
No, I'm just following their illegal war invasion of Ukraine.

The most up to date Russian military radar system failed to detect 2 drones directly above it and the Ukrainians frequently send large drones into Russian airspace where they remain undetected for 800km.
Footage from inside the cockpits of Russian fighter jets revealed that they taped commercial GPS units to the canopy so the pilot has a rough idea where he actually is.
Meanwhile India has cancelled a multi billion order of Russian jets after seeing how badly they perform. Russia has no functional anti-radar missiles and during the last military exhibition Russia has received zero orders down from $6 billion worth they got before the world witnessed their abysmal performance during this war.

The old Soviet economy was actually better/more independent of Western imports than the current Russian one.

PS: It seems Putin just issued a decree stating that the sale of Alaska to the USA is invalid.
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Boeing are going to have to take a long hard look at themselves and organisationally go back to the drawing board. It’s clear that the push/focus the last 15-20 yrs since the 787 hasn’t been on building great planes but on financial performance. You might get away with it a less demanding industry, but not in aerospace. And the FAA is going to have to go back to direct and intrusive oversight. If managers are getting rewarded for ‘good is good enough’ (remember that throw away line from business school?) it’s going to have to get rooted out of the culture as well. It takes a decade or more to build a corporations culture and ethos, but weeks or months to destroy it in the eyes of the public.
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No, I'm just following their illegal war invasion of Ukraine.

PS: It seems Putin just issued a decree stating that the sale of Alaska to the USA is invalid.

Wait until people discover that Native "Americans" are actually by way of now "Russia"
FYI Columbus did not discover America
Natives have been here in South Carolina for over 13,000 years
Many people will be excited to know a lot of things that were previously only taught away from them.
Irish slaves build much of the canals here in SC
The earth was known to be round for a lot longer than the general populations were allowed to know.
As long as the queen got her cut, you could do whatever you wanted.
Not necessarily unfortunate, but everyones view is way too small to really give any decent picture of humanity and what people think of as history.
This whole media show is nothing but a struggle for what little power they actually have.
It's such a boring *** display of ignorance.
Failure is built in, but hey, hurt a lot along the way, go for it
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IMHO, the real serious competitor will be the Russkies... they're getting their stuff together... finally.

:rofl: LOL, ROFL, ROFLCOPTER, absolutely no way, any way, not in the next 30yr.

For instance, take the Sukhoi "Superjet"...The engine is a joint venture with Safran, Landing gear, Safran, the avionics are Thales and Honeywell, APU is Honeywell, and so forth and so on. it's a massively joint venture to make an underperforming aircraft that will have no chance to be sold in the west (or really, even built at all) anytime soon because of sanctions. Can they make a decent airframe? Perhaps. A modern engine? No.
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My ARC D70-II has Svetlana tubes...

My CJ ET3SE has Svetlana tubes...

You all seem to be stuck on old prejudices... just because something is not Super Duper it doesn't mean it doesn't work.

The Russkies seem to make simpler things that work. I won't go into the current political situation but for the last 12 years they've been forced to clean up their act.

I've been in the belly of the US MIC for decades now, and I can tell you that our stuff is not that good... definitely not at what we pay for it.

Boeing has a management issue... too many MBAs and Lawyers calling the shots, not enough engineers. The best engineers left the place. It's a strange place, if you're a good engineer they want to hammer you down... very much not driven by meritocracy..

I solved an issue that was gonna cost the customer $300M... seriously, a simple error in the software architecture that I fixed with eight lines of code in two cores... my boss took me aside and told me "if we take your fix, how can I justify all of those engineers working on that $300M contract?"

I kid you not.

I think the entire West MIC is riding on the coattails of the stuff that was being built 50 years ago... it has become a "Jobs Program"... Including commercial aerospace. Internetworking and hardware design were the places were we shone, but that has been gutted and outsourced as well.

If you don't believe me, just look at what Boeing has done... just one plane, the 787, which was outsourced so much that it almost didn't get done.

Look at another place are knew intimately once... Cisco... it isn't what it was in the 90s when we were creating the Internet. It was a place of creativity and design where we were gonna Save The World... today it's just a place for lawyers, MBAs and filtering data.

Can Boeing go back to the days when it could do the 767 and 777 at the same time? ETOPS with wide bodies?

Airbus, give me a break... massively funded by Western Euro Governments.

The Russkies, whatever their problems, are being forced to fix them... the Western banks made a mistake with them and now have pushed them to sink or swim... and remember, some of the best physicists and mathematicians are Russians. It's not like China were they copy IP., the Russians have the ability to create and design... let's see now what they do when their backs are against the wall...

... remember, their weapon systems are currently way above ours.... now we're forcing them to upgrade their commercial aerospace as well.

It's sad. I'm pretty much done with that attitude. I got my XA252 singing... so it's time to go back to the P3.

And hope the 400Hz notch in my right ear ( due to the Boeing Cabin Subsystem ) doesn't get in the way.

Oh, I think the only place where the US shines now is Space X and whatever Musk decides to play with. I wish I had a flamethrower of his...
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