3 way design help TPL 200Hh TD10M TD15H+

hello everyone
I have a speaker in the works that I’d like some input for
Im quite new to diy so it’s quite a ambitious project
The driver I have are
Beyma tpl 200h
Ae td10m 4ohm ( on order )
Ae td15h+ 4 ohm

The front end will be mini dsp flex so it will be a active speaker
I’m planing on using 3 pairs of stereo audiphonics Hypex ncore amps

The main problem for me is the size, I want to keep it as compact as possible

I was thinking of either having the 15s in there own chamber maybe sealed
And then either having the tdm and Tpl share a chamber
But I could also remove the rear of the tpl so that would need it’s own chamber

I was either thinking of having the speaker 12” wide for the td10m, so it looks slimmer from the front
And have the the cabinet 17” deep for the 15” drivers to be side firing

Or have it 17” wide and the 15” face mounted but make the speaker 12/13” deep

So sealed or ported for the td10m / 15h+
At the minute the td15h+ are in small sealed boxes with about 750w each to them

I was thinking of being able to get around 60 litres sealed in the 3 way

John recommended ported for the td10m

The other thing I’d like to do is cross the td10m as low as possible to the td15h+ with some shallow slopes to help that 100hz area

Help Sizes slopes stuffing cabinet design etc would all be appreciated

Thanks in advance
I have built 15X/10M/150H before active with 300/1k7 xovers from memory all front facing and all sealed.

The 15 and 10 must be in their own separate chambered areas.

I see no benefit in porting the 10M when you have DSP. Neither AE driver will be fussy about enclosure volume, to a large extent anyway with DSP, but I had no space restraints so ran them fairly large. I don't recall the exact numbers OTTOMH as it was a while back and they were disassembled for the last move but were something like 80 and 20L net ea.

Also not a particular fan of shallow slopes when LR4 (example) is available, nor for side firing below 100Hz or so. Are you really that restricted on width that you can't have the 15H fire forward?

No simulator on this laptop, so you'll have to do your own calcs.
Thanks Brett I saw you mentioned some
Similar builds so hoped you would comment…
I think you said 60l previously…

I guess I’d used steep xo for the td10m to tpl but I was going to try a shallow slope for that room mode area around 100-200hz but could also be steep lr4 etc

Did you mean you wouldn’t use side firing below 100hz or only below 100hz

It’s not that I definitely can’t have the 15 on the front it’s just waf will be a lot better imo if the front of the baffle is slim and not a big fridge! 😀
Been speaking to John at ae
He’s suggesting 4-6 cubic feet ported for the td15h+
And sealed for the td10m in .25 cubic feet for a a of .707
I could maybe go 4 cubic feet tuned to 27hz but it’s a big speaker
Maybe 38” tall 18” wide 17” deep for roughly 5 cubic feet made from 1” mdf allowing 1 cubic feet for mid, tweeter enclosures and bracing.
Like a Daniel hertz m4

Or sealed side firing 38” tall 12” wide 17” deep giving 3.1 cubic giving roughly 2.1 cubic feet for the sealed woofer and 1 cubic feet for the mid and tpl
Like a mini tweek geeks Bmf -1
Crossover will be mini dsp thinking steep slopes
1.5-1.7khz for the td10m - tpl200h
And a low crossover to the td15h+ maybe 100hz

Anyone got any input on ported vs sealed
Cabinet material / design
Edge diffraction and baffle width
Crossover points

As a newbie I’d really appreciate any input
I’ve also made a post trying to see if there is any builders/ designers out there willing to offer there services
Haha I can imagine!!!
But my room is small so I need to be as waf as possible

Anyone else have an opinion on minimum xo of a side firing driver ?
Then why a 15” in the first place? What does it bring you besides angry neighbors and a grumpy missus?
Side firing is OK up to 200Hz and probably up, as you can use DSP for pathway differences. Do you have the gear to measure things? Since your budget seems pretty big, I wouldn’t save on a good microphone and 2 channel USB audio interface.
Then keep the cabs, design a proper DSP setup with a Linkwitz Transform (LT) or other type of shelf. You likely will not need the full SPL a big system would bring. And amp power is cheaper than enclosure material these days. You are aware that you can compensate for high Qtc alignments I presume? LT is one way of doing that.
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Then keep the cabs, design a proper DSP setup with a Linkwitz Transform (LT) or other type of shelf. You likely will not need the full SPL a big system would bring. And amp power is cheaper than enclosure material these days. You are aware that you can compensate for high Qtc alignments I presume? LT is one way of doing that.
Yes good points
Power is not a problem like you say, I can achieve a qtc of .5 ish so I guess it’s not low? And can add eq to the bottom end but will not be as efficient as a ported box
I guess it’s also what’s a better overall system eq’d sealed vs vented ?
I’ve been told in the past to model my subs /bass units until they basically hit max xmax at 20hz for the power applied and box size.
Not sure how you go. About adding eq so you don’t add to much distortion / breach xmax
Problem is I’m on mac so most programs are not available afaik

John model this for me when chatting
Green is 4 cubic feet ported
Blue is 4 cubic feet sealed
Magenta is 1.2 cubic feet sealed

So 2 cubic feet sealed would be roughly between the two sealed
Not sure how you go. About adding eq so you don’t add to much distortion / breach xmax
Sims are one thing, but have you ever actually observed a large bass driver's excursions with actual music at raised SL levels? It's a lot lower than you think. With a pair of 15S in my last build, and a single 18 in my friend's build, at seriously loud levels, you could barely see the drivers move, and visitors often touched the cones to confirm they were moving.
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Problem is I’m on mac so most programs are not available afaik

John model this for me when chatting
Green is 4 cubic feet ported
Blue is 4 cubic feet sealed
Magenta is 1.2 cubic feet sealed

So 2 cubic feet sealed would be roughly between the two sealed
View attachment 1186384
This doesn’t say much.
Screenshot 2023-06-25 223948.png

This plot shows the response of one AE driver in a closed (orange) and vented (black) enclosure. Tuning of both systems followed 'optimums' recommended by the app.

In red (vented) and blue (closed) the maximum output level (MOL) is given (1m distance, half space, one driver). This is calculated on the assumption that the driver operates within certain limits. The voice coil may not partly leave the magnet gap and the electric power may not be higher than the rated power amongst others. What you can observe is that the vented option here has actually lower MOL than the closed box below 40Hz. The MOL at 20Hz with the closed box is about 95dB, which is actually not that loud.

So, resuming, you have to know what to do. Define a target and pick the right type enclosure. Get the tuning (especially for reflex) right. And correct active where you like.

One advice to sum it up: get Windows running on your mac. It really isn't that expensive or complicated. And run the apps.