3 to 4 inch full range recommendation

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Hey, does anyone, have some recommendations on a 3 or 4 inch driver that would fulfill the following criteria.

- Smooth response on axis and to 30 degrees off axis (100% fat not necessary as I have about 3 bands of peq)
- Work well in 2.5 liters sealed.
- Potential for extended bass response with EQ, -12db at 30hz or better would be great, but I understand this may be asking to much.
- 4 or 8ohm

I have a few ideas, but am not sure if i'd be expecting to much from them. So if any particular driver jumps out to you as a must try, let me know.

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HiEND 4inch full range fullrange defy lowther &forster on eBay (end time 07-Nov-10 15:37:33 GMT)

I bought a pair have to admit they sound really good at about AUD$100/pair including shipping is a bargain. I am thinking of getting another pair.

I use it a sealed enclosure about 5 litre, x-over around 70-80 Hz to a sub woofer. The combo sounds very open for such a small enclosure. I want to use them as my laptop speakers, however they sound so good that I use them in the lounge room for long term testing, you see I have other speakers as well.
This comes close:
Audience A3 3" Full Range Driver | Parts-Express.com
I think you understand that these are no requirements for a budget driver.

Heckuva driver, no question, but for about the same cash outlay it would take to do two of these a side, I went for 80+ PE 289-106 3.5" drivers which I am using to build a 9.1 - 9.4 channel HT surround sound system (prototype photos in the picture forum). I even found an easy way to get the Fs down to the 60hz range on these which is about the lowest I've seen for any speaker under 4" diameter.
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