Peachtree new GaN-1 all "Digital Amplifier" the future?? (and it's not Class-D)

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Where did I say that I don't listen myself? The whole point, which you seem to have missed, is that people should listen themselves as the anecdotal info and subjective opinions of others are rather unreliable when it comes to individual preferences. What is your definition of an audiophile- someone who spends a lot of money on high priced toys based on the opinions of others? Are you that insecure in your own preferences that you have to them confirmed by strangers?
subjective opinions can not be debated as they are not based on fact but rather personal preferences. "good" equipment is another subjective opinion as there is no objective definition of "good". Slow learner I see. Perhaps you are the one who needs to take a rest.
Wow! I though this was an audio blog :unsure: To get back on track I have been reading about GaN devices, their superior electron mobility and how this might relate to the required dead time in class D and therefore the resulting distortion. One thing I am unclear about is does the dead time remain constant at all power levels? Some articles suggest it can be reduced at low power or may not be required at all. Can one of you bright guys clarify for me please.
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To get back on track I have been reading about GaN devices I have been reading about GaN devices, their superior electron mobility and how this might relate to the required dead time in class D and therefore the resulting distortion.
Not just the better dead time figures but the far higher availible switching speeds that their capable of (up to 3 x higher 1.5mhz!!!!), resulting in higher set low order switching noise output filters, thus bringing less phase shift down into to audio band than this.

Listen here at 26min 20sec to 28min 20sec on the podcast by the Parasound engineer.

Cheers George
And yet nearly all of the current GaN amps on the market pale in comparison performance wise to those using standard fets from the likes of Hypex and Purifi. The only GaN amp even close is the Orchard product and it's switching frequency isn't materially different than those used by Hypex and Purifi. Marketing fluff.
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It will take the big companies longer to get on board with GaN for economic reasons.
When your geared up and stocked up with pcb's, semiconductors, caps, enclosures etc etc with the many thousands even millions spent already on having all that in stock to manufacture your product/s with. It's a BIG ask to almost scrap it all to change it for something mid stream that not a "direct replacement" for what your using already, it's not a direct replacement for Mosfets.
So time will tell if Bruno/Hypex/ and all the others big ones come on board with GaN later when they get rid of what stock/s they have. Smaller companies can as their investments are not as large, and new companies can as they have nothing to loose and everything to gain, and they do if you notice who's taking GaN on board now.
And yet nearly all of the current GaN amps on the market pale in comparison performance wise to those using standard fets from the likes of Hypex and Purifi. The only GaN amp even close is the Orchard product and it's switching frequency isn't materially different than those used by Hypex and Purifi. Marketing fluff.
I wouldn't know... I am a single-ended class A guy.. 2 gain stages only, no caps in the signal path.

I was also kind of alluding there a bit... so that Georgie boy can get a nice phfat return on his investment :)
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I noticed member gruvytune has set his Classe Omega monoblocks up for sale.

This tells me that what he mentioned in post #441 is a honest opinion.

Extreme_Boky Whoa... okay... interesting indeed.​

It sounded like that to me also from his review and his history, but not to a certain naysayer here.

Cheers George
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If Bruno Putzeys has shown anything it's a constant drive to produce the best performing amp he can. From UCD to Ncore, and now Purifi (a new second gen coming). He has stated clearly in an interview some months back that GaN fets do not offer him anything he can't already get with standard fets and a clever implementation for far less costs. He stated that perhaps that may change down the road but given the current state of GaN tech, for class d amps, they aren't worth the additional costs. The performance figures of the various GaN amps bear this out.
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And yet nearly all of the current GaN amps on the market pale in comparison performance wise to those using standard fets from the likes of Hypex and Purifi. The only GaN amp even close is the Orchard product and it's switching frequency isn't materially different than those used by Hypex and Purifi. Marketing fluff.
Surely if the attraction or GaN devices is greater electron mobility, which allows the stored charge to be removed quicker and a reduced deadtime then increasing the switching frequency just gets you back to the same place in terms of percentage distortion.
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Whoa... okay... interesting indeed.

If Bruno Putzeys has shown anything it's a constant drive to produce the best performing amp he can. From UCD to Ncore, and now Purifi (a new second gen coming). He has stated clearly in an interview some months back that GaN fets do not offer him anything he can't already get with standard fets and a clever implementation for far less costs. He stated that perhaps that may change down the road but given the current state of GaN tech, for class d amps, they aren't worth the additional costs. The performance figures of the various GaN amps bear this out.
Ofcourse that will be said by any major Class-d manufacturer that uses old school mosfets. Because it will take a fortune to completely change the manufacturing process to change over till the old stocks have been used up.
Pure speculation on your part. You neglect to recognize the far superior performance of the Hypex and Purifi products in comparison to 99% of the current GaN amps. Both Hypex and Purifi recently came put with new models and they surely could have switched if there was a reason to. If it isn't broke, you don't fix it.
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