Welcome to the new diyAudio platform - feedback wanted!

I have two suggestions for future:

1. A dislike button when there are some comments that I don't agree (youtube, di.fm have one dislike option).
2. A place where offer and ask for job. I saw such a thing in other DIY pages. Perhaps one need a job or someone need a help if he is owner of a small company.

My best wishes for the 2023 coming soon.
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Joined 2004
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Hi Osvaldo de Banfield,
This is not the platform for professional development. What you are asking is commercial in nature and that is not what we are about.

A dislike button? Well, if you have a specific reason that is valid for disliking a post, post that yourself. If you simply don't like a post, ignore it like everyone else.

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I would like to stress that the key point is to explain "why" you dislike a post.

This ensures a considered and reasoned argument rather than a knee-jerk reaction.
Why would that be different for the "Like" button, where it is NOT necessary to explain why you "like" a post?

...that the Like could be as well, but it seems to be working in practise.
What exactly do you mean by "it seems to be working in practise"? How does it work, what does it do for us? How is it useful?
As far as I can tell, all it means is that someone clicked on the "Like" button -- but why? There is no explanation required when clicking that button, so I can't make any sense of it.

This discussion pretty much exposes the weakness of the "(dis)like" button(s): just click, click, click... collect clicks, which is "good" for no obvious reason. The meaning and reasoning behind the click remains in the dark. I'll say it again: can we please be different than Facebook and the likes* in this regard? Please remove those buttons. PLEASE.

*no pun intended
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Members seem to like it and we have had NO comments from the crowd (till now, do YOU like the like button). That is sufficient. And rare that we have had no negaive comments.

1. What does the "like" button do? How is it useful? What does it mean?
2. How do you know that users like it?
3. There were a bunch of negative statements in the discussion before the button was introduced. As far as I know, there was never any evaluation or discussion after that (both positive or negative).

If it is "sufficient" that you had "no comments from the crowd", then you could add just about anything that had no comments. For example, based on that logic, you could add a "fugly" button.
Joined 2001
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1. What does the "like" button do?

Makes members fell good? Let’s other members see when someone else has something potentially interesting to read.

. How do you know that users like it?

When we do something members don’t like we get feedback immediately. The like feature was rolled out tentatively, we got no feedback and members started using it will relish.

Well, FWIW, YMMV, etc.; I use the 'like' button to show I'm following and all things considered, (mostly) agree 'in toto', so with my current so called lifestyle (I use the term very loosely) it 'boils down' to me not feeling the need to respond at least ATM.
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