AK4499EQ - Best DAC ever


You were dis-respecting the value of experience by your statements, your own age has little bearing on this. Perhaps they are not your elders then, but why would you choose to disrespect the value of experience?
Such is even more curious to me given that you are old enough to know the value of experience and the folly of youth, directly.

Happy Birthday!
Joined 2014
Paid Member
Even though he is obviously promoting his products, marketing stories are often based on a certain amount of truth.
If that were the case you wouldn't find so many interviews with Class A rated DAC designers giving completely different stories. 3 years ago Benchmark were amazingly flooby free, but even they have been spin doctored now. Which is sad as they are driven by good engineering and have been for what 50 years now.
As to Rob Watts, he has done a lot of work investigating what matters in DAC sound quality, and he designs unique DAC topologies which are all of his own design (no DAC chips, no integrated off the shelf oversamplers/DSP). Everything he does with the design of Chord DACs is proprietary and relatively unique. As such he has a very developed perspective on DAC design and implementation. While by no means do I necessarily believe his designs are the end all be all of DACs, he certainly has a great deal of experience in this area, and it is interesting to listen to his theories and thoughts about what matters to DAC sound quality.

I particularly find his thoughts on noise floor modulation intriguing. And I also find Chord DACs to sound way better than anything I have heard from he likes of Benchmark, for example. Although I have not heard Benchmark's most recent iteration.
Not sure

What you would mean by that comment?

No one goes into developing and attempting to sell high end audio products as way to make money. The people in high end audio are generally enthusiasts, the same as the people in DIY, except they have made the pursuit of good sound their profession, and as such they are able to devote much more time and energy towards that goal. In that process, it is very likely that they learn more, than one pursuing audio projects as a hobby.
I must say I find it confusing that one would attempt to berate those who make it their craft to design and produce good sounding audio components for audiophiles? Nobody is getting wealthy working in this field, far from it. In fact it is very difficult to get talented engineers to work in high end audio, because the financial rewards are less than they can expect to make in say, telecom and computing.

Nobody goes into producing audio components as a way to make money, unless they are a fool. Yes, one can scratch out living, but it is not a lucrative business. And let's leave audio cable companies out of the discussion, I personally have nothing to do with designing, producing, or selling audio cables.
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Joined 2014
Paid Member
t. In fact it is very difficult to get talented engineers to work in high end audio, because the financial rewards are less than they can expect to make in say, telecom and computing.

Disagree. Talented Engineers want to work with state of the art engineering. Places like CERN, or in medical fields. Would you rather develop another DAC or work on developing something that actually makes a difference in this world?

40 years ago setting up an audio company was an easy option leaving uni and I even know a pair who gave up their PhDs to do that.
...you don't seem to know what's going on there?

Hopefully I have said enough so that if it interests anyone enough, then maybe someone will be motivated to perform their own experiments. It has never been my interest to do other people's work for them. That said I'm usually willing to try to help out in a limited way. If you want a problem to cogitate on, you might try PM.
If that were the case you wouldn't find so many interviews with Class A rated DAC designers giving completely different stories. 3 years ago Benchmark were amazingly flooby free, but even they have been spin doctored now. Which is sad as they are driven by good engineering and have been for what 50 years now.

I guess a lot of companies have faced the reality that always taking the high road is not the wisest thing from a business standpoint in a snake-oil driven industry like this. I still give them credit for producing high quality devices and specifying them honestly.
Hopefully I have said enough so that if it interests anyone enough, then maybe someone will be motivated to perform their own experiments. It has never been my interest to do other people's work for them. That said I'm usually willing to try to help out in a limited way. If you want a problem to cogitate on, you might try PM.
I don't have the necessary equipment, there are those here that do. Funny that you call it work, that's quite revealing about what you are really doing here. This site is called diyAudio in case you hadn't noticed.
"diyAudio is a place for all members of the DIY audio community to learn, share knowledge, and enjoy interacting with others interested in the design and construction of audio components." Seems to me you are either pretending to know something or you do and aren't willing to share. Why are you here?
then maybe someone will be motivated to perform their own experiments. It has never been my interest to do other people's work for them. That said I'm usually willing to try to help out in a limited way.
For those who are motivated, how should they set up the experiment so that they get the firsthand experience with what you are trying to convey? Please share the details on it. Thanks.