Something to lighten the mood

Well, if we're throwing inhibition to the wind...


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Sorry Cal. My mistake!:eek:
Not to worry. If it quacks like a duck...
Little Bingo is too tall at the wither, too heavy, his skull to snout ratio is wrong and his tail is a bit off. Other than that, he's a Pom.
How long between brushing do you harvest that amount of hair? :eek:
It takes two brushings to get enough dog wool to make a pair of mittens for the grandkids. Brushing intervals range widely depending on the season.
Thanks for sharing Cal. Got a smile out of me.
Back at ya. I think we all need a little something like this nowadays.
Heading to southern Georgia early tomorrow with some other folks to meet a Greyhound hauler coming from one of the closed tracks.
Will be bringing 15 Greyhounds back to Nashville and distributing them to 15 foster families until they are ready to go to there forever home.
Photos to follow after the trek.
Don't the Chinese say: "May you live in interesting times." :cool:

I'm not underestimating the downside of right now. But we currently have much fresher air and clearer blue skies than I can remember recently. It's quiet. Bumblebees are bumbling about doing whatever they do. It's glorious. :D

People are being nice to each other. Saying "Good Morning" to strangers even in Cities.

It's just this flipping Pigeon getting on my nerves. Its eating the blossom off my plum tree. :mad:

Everybody gets excited about this tree in August. Covered in Plums. I always say to passers by: "Help Yourself".

Only time I got a bit annoyed is when one Chap wanted to know if they were "Organic". Really! :confused:


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Pigeon are awful city vermin...coo coo all day long.

Enough to drive you batty!

Attached is a shot of my commute home; just me, the staff, and 2 others, on a 4 carriage train.

In other circumstances, the journey would be serene.

Great weather, ending this weekend I reckon - very few, calm drivers, no rush hour mayhem and road rage.

Nice for a pedestrial/public transport user.


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