John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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This is a subject I do know, Tidal (hi fi) gives several versions of the same music in flac format, granted it isn’t labeled very well but it is there in cd (16/44.1) if available ‘master’ (24/48 - 24/96) or MQA (up to 192 ?) a MQA file can still be played at whatever it’s standard rate by any equipment. To fully unfold MQA you must have a dac with the ‘proprietary’ ability.

Yeah, I thought about the same, kind of "so what" about MQA, until one day when I noticed Tidal is removing other high resolution/master format albums, once the MQA version was made available. That was, for me, the end of Tidal.
Matt, the H2 board produce an exagerated phase effect. I hope your perception becomes a bit more tuned to the subtle effect that it becomes easier for you to spot different spatial cues on recordings they label as normal and inverted polarity after carefully evaluating the board. But you can listen to both normal and inverted speaker polarity even without the board.
Not sure what you mean by "exaggerated phase effect" ?

I find this note from Nelson's article interesting:

"It tends to sound best when presented by fairly simple audio material at levels your neighbors don't complain about. Massive orchestras and large choral performances at high levels can get congested when the 2nd harmonic is high".

I've argued this point with fans of high 2HD amps, I think it could also be an issue due to the fact that the scales that are used are not harmonic save for the octave.
OK quickly... short version ---> accuracy test. One using no electronic test equip:

Find a person who you know very well. Someone you talk/listen to every day. A male and a female would be nice.

Have that person stand between your speakers and recite something. While they are reciting, record them also. You sit in your usual listening place.

Now play back their recorded voice. Adjust level to be the same as when they talked. Does the reproduced voice sound exactly the same as hearing it "live"?

If it does, you have an accurate system.

You are comparing live voice sound you know well in the same room and space and location acoustics as your music reproduction system. At least for the critical midrange freqs.

Other sound sources could be used also for extended range. but voice of a known person is really a good test for accuracy.

:) You can fill in the blanks on the How-To.


I seem to recall Jon Dunlavy had a setup in his Colorado Springs factory wherein he utilized a live grand piano as a control source, while simultaneously playing a live recording thru a Studer @ 30ips of the performance through his (at the time) giant Duntech-ish speakers and challenged any and all to distinguish the live vs. Memorex moment, . Few could,blinded or sighted, only two in the group of 10 audience he demonstrated to me. This was back in the late '90's I think.

He was also working on some form of advanced quadrature radar detector for prospecting resources or some such, as well as the accurately terminated high end lowloss cables as an outgrowth of RAHE rants and conversations,even though he didn't believe there was any difference demonstrable as long as there were no major construction defects, etc if I recall.

He was a quite interesting person to talk with, widely read and loaded with common sense. I was sorry to hear when he passed back then. He personally gave my whole family a 1/2 day tour of his facility, including several live demos in their full anechoic chamber.
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May be largely but not sufficiently for objective comparison. Besides, if the recording mic isn't at the same location as the listening spot, all bets are off.
That's what I thought initially about the mike position and why I suggested binaural mics, but the idea is to reproduce the sound from as much as possible the same point in space as where it was produced in order to make the comparison
Yeah, I thought about the same, kind of "so what" about MQA, until one day when I noticed Tidal is removing other high resolution/master format albums, once the MQA version was made available. That was, for me, the end of Tidal.

I'm pretty sure if it says mqa and you can't unfold it (don't have the proper dac) it still plays but defaults to 24/ least thats what mine does.
If your talking about ADR ( not dubbing the whole movie but replacing or adding lines to existing dialogue) the better solution is to use the same mics the same way as they did in production. We set up a close mic, a lavalier, and a shotgun which we would move to match when needed. Then use one. Reverb was added latter to match. We are so good at hearing dialogue, Dropping in one line of ADR is one of the hardest things to do unnoticed in movie sound. Using the wrong mic can make it impossible with any amunt of DSP.
Indeed. In the French Market, we use two different words: "Doublage" (Dubbing = translating a whole foreign movie ?) and "Post synchro" (what you call ADR ?)
I was referring to "doublage". It is done very fast with specialised comedians.
The various plan distances are marked on the fly.

The way we proceed in Europa is quite different from the US. (American audience dislike dubbed movies, right ?)
I don't know how it is in Canada. Do you use a "Rythmo" ?
(a film that run in the back of the movie projection, from right to left with the text on it ).

I agree it is awfully difficult to drop one line (not to forget the background ambiance etc). Reason why we usually redo the whole scene or at least a whole plan if possible. Not to forget too that the actors are not in action, so, don't really play the same.
Most of the time the reason for "ADR" is technical (an unwanted plane or car in the ambiance as an example) so it affects the entire plan.
Foley are quite different too. A single guy (ot two) with a lot of junk playing in sync. Impressive what they can do for those who have never attended this kind of performance ;-) They are able to produce anything, thunder, horses steps etc. in a very natural way.


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Yeah, I thought about the same, kind of "so what" about MQA, until one day when I noticed Tidal is removing other high resolution/master format albums, once the MQA version was made available. That was, for me, the end of Tidal.

There is no and have never been any "HR/master" albums on Tidal. All have been max 44,1/16 until MQA. Some albums are stil only mp3.

Also note under The Who ‘master’
It’s 24/48 flac or 24/96 MQA. You can have it either way.

Edit.....and if you pay for the ‘hifi’ version (which this is) I don’t think it even offers mp3, at least I’ve never come across one.


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I'm pretty sure if it says mqa and you can't unfold it (don't have the proper dac) it still plays but defaults to 24/ least thats what mine does.

So either the user pays for a MQA license in a DAC, or has to live with 24/48, and that without much warning (not at all, in Qobuz). Nice choice, I can't wait for the ULTRA-MQA that will play 16/44.1 by default, without a ULTRA-MQA licensed DAC.
Also note under The Who ‘master’
It’s 24/48 flac or 24/96 MQA. You can have it either way.

So your super hearing can't hear a difference between 24/48 and 24/96 both lossless?

Flashews, my pitchfork wielding villager ears scored 10/10 in a double blind test. Also in a preference test. So to me the choice is between crap and pay the price for MQA. No thank you.

Yours truly takes every day a 192Kbps or higher MP3, compressed from a hi resolution FLAC or PCM, over the lossless 24/48.
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We just got access to Qobuz not too long ago in the U.S. basically there was no cd quality streaming service available besides tidal.
I plan on trying the free offer for Qobuz if that makes you feel any better?:p

And I don’t know how the difference sounds between the 48 flac and 96 MQA because I don’t have a MQA dac.

Another thing to consider is many of the MQA files are offered at 192 kHz ......pretty sure Qobuz doesn’t offer that?
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QUAD ESL impedance. Doesn't look that much different from any other speaker to me. Why do people think it's somehow special?

Joe Rasmussen said:
Don't even understand your question? :scratch:

Oh boy ain't that the truth...

Now you are trying to troll me.

Did I say there was anything special about the QUAD ESL impedance?



Joe Rasmussen said:
Don't even understand your question? :scratch:

Still don't. Is this what is called a straw man argument? But it does seem that some don't fully appreciate what an "impedance" is, that if something impedes current, that makes it an impedance. Not if it impedes voltage, it is about the current.

Can we at least agree on what an "impedance" is?
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