Slewmaster - CFA vs. VFA "Rumble"


I would like to ask for help about the Spooky IPS.
I would like to order the parts for theSE IPS, unfortunately, I have two different schematics, one is matching the part numbers on the PC boards, the other does NOT.
The problem is not that, the problem the two has a lot of different value resistor.
For example, R23 R24=6.8K 2W, the one with the Adobe reader posted by gannaji the same resistor marked as R88, R89 = 2.7K 2W
It is a huge difference not only that other resistors values are different.
Please, someone who built these IPS or familiar with it let me know which one is the correct schematic.

I would love to place my order tonight at PartsConnexion, it is 25% sale on the resistors, last day.
Please one more time I ask let me know which circuit works.
I will use it with the ArcWelder 5 pair power transistors 85V rail voltage.

In case if that important to get the correct values for the IPS.

Greetings gabor


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Those resistors need to be calculated to match the rail voltage you plan to use. They are feeding a 12V zener and should be passing around 10mA. The 6k8 2W would work for you.

Thank you jwilhelm for the fast reply

So in one word, I can not order today. :eek:
I hope someone used these IPS with 85V rail voltage. :) If not I am finished.

Based on that if someone used it at 85V rail voltage like mine I could order those parts.
Otherwise, this project will be a dead end to me, unfortunately.
I invested a lot into the OPS PC boards, Nichicon FG caps, matched power transistors, 5W resistors, diodes etc.
Without the IPS I cannot drive it.
Honestly, I do not believe I can calculate all the resistor values (the difference I see between the two schematics)

Thanks anyway

To. gannaji

Can I ask you what was your rail voltage, I see other resistors swap not just the 6.8K 2W.
I am unable to calculate, also I am not set up with a scope and other devices.
Only has some DMM, that is all.
I wish I would know all this when I chose this project. I do not say the project not good, I am not set up for all that, I do not have a lab.

As I said the 6k8 resistors will work fine. 85 Volts - 12 Volts = 73 Volts. 73 Volts / 6800 ohms = .01073 amps. 11mA is close enough for this application. They'll be dissipating around 800mW so 2 Watt version will run cool enough.

Thank you one more time!
You know between the two schematics, not just the 6.8K not the same. There are several other resistors different.

So this circuit will be acceptable.

Thank you one more time from the bottom of my heart. :):wave:


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Here is the Spooky v1.2


Thank you

I will compare that schematic the one I posted, at first it looks like the same.

I measured my power transformer, I get 59VAC no load of course. The secondary marked at 57V.
When I convert that to DC I will get 82.5VDC. with the load will be about 80V.
I will build monoblocks so I use 2 transformers, each 800VA

Do you think 80VDC (under load) this values still acceptable?

I would like to talk to someone who used 80-82V rail voltage about his experience.

It would be helpful if gannaji would let me know the rail voltage at his amplifier with the swapped resistors.:D

I go to compare the two circuit and sleep a couple hours, I did not sleep all night because of this and some other project.

Thanks one more time

I went over the two schematic
The one jethari posted has several changes around the input, at the feedback and around the servo

Yours has lower values at the next 6 places R36=15k VS 22K

R1 560R VS 820R, R2 15k VS 22K, R3=7.4R VS 10R

R33=560R VS 820R, R32=15 VS 22K

I posted those places where the resistor values lower at the circuit you posted

My question- Did you built the IPS, if yes what is the rail voltage?

Thank you
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I went over the two schematic
The one jethari posted has several changes around the input, at the feedback and around the servo

Yours has lower values at the next 6 places R36=15k VS 22K

R1 560R VS 820R, R2 15k VS 22K, R3=7.4R VS 10R

R33=560R VS 820R, R32=15 VS 22K

I posted those places where the resistor values lower at the circuit you posted

My question- Did you built the IPS, if yes what is the rail voltage?

Thank you

I used what is written on the PCB - amp not finished yet.

R1 and R2 are the "input" resistors. So values can be changed depending on what you put in front of this power amp.
R3 is the ground lift resistor for the input circuit and can be any reasonable value. Use 10R to start off with.
R23 and R32 are feedback resistors and set the gain.

None of these resistors are related to your high rail voltage. The caps need to be rated at 100V minimum.

Keep us posted on your build.

PS I think Terry did a very high voltage build.:confused:
Gabor, the differences were to make the input more 'standardized' when compared to the other IPS. There is nothing overly critical here but I suggest build with the values printed on the PCB.

OK, guys thank you.

I got so confused because of the different schematics, actually, more of them with the mentioned lower value resistors. I spent several hours going over a couple hundred pages, unfortunately, the Spooky ( I purchased the Spooky and the tube IPS) one of the IPS among the many with the least information, tweaking etc.
I already thought to give it up, put back to the box or sell it how it is.
Reason for worry because I'm not set up with a scope and other lab instruments. This would be one of my last projects after I retire from DIY due to a health issue.
I am disabled more than 11 years with PTSD, unfortunately, it does not get better over the years all do I eat a ton of medicine.
For several years I did nothing hands-on, based on advice to occupy myself so not to focus on my health I thought this would help, unfortunately, it is directly the opposite.
It gives me a lot of stress sleepless nights.
Just an explanation why I do not invest in a scope or other test devices.
You guys help me a lot! I will place the order based on the last advise.

Thank you very much
I have to place my order tonight. :)
gaborbela, relax and take it easy. Dont get stressed out over your DIY projects, just enjoy the fun. The spooky schematic that I posted was the one I used except for R23/R24, which I changed to suit my rail voltage of 63V. Go ahead and build it, its a brilliant design. BTW, I built the spooky and the OPS without any scope etc., just my multimeter :)

OK, guys thank you.

I got so confused because of the different schematics, actually, more of them with the mentioned lower value resistors. I spent several hours going over a couple hundred pages, unfortunately, the Spooky ( I purchased the Spooky and the tube IPS) one of the IPS among the many with the least information, tweaking etc.
I already thought to give it up, put back to the box or sell it how it is.
Reason for worry because I'm not set up with a scope and other lab instruments. This would be one of my last projects after I retire from DIY due to a health issue.
I am disabled more than 11 years with PTSD, unfortunately, it does not get better over the years all do I eat a ton of medicine.
For several years I did nothing hands-on, based on advice to occupy myself so not to focus on my health I thought this would help, unfortunately, it is directly the opposite.
It gives me a lot of stress sleepless nights.
Just an explanation why I do not invest in a scope or other test devices.
You guys help me a lot! I will place the order based on the last advise.

Thank you very much
I have to place my order tonight. :)
Hi Gabor,my Spooky was tuning for +/-50v.
I think that if you look at post #1267 and read some later posts you will answer some of your questions.
Different power supply require some adjustments in VAS current(different resistor value) and in the resistors in series(shunt resistors) with zener as well Jeff explained.
Don't stress yourself!:)
I wish the Best for your health!:):):)
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