Global Warming/Climate Change hoax

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In reply to no one, I'm not particularly passionate about the subject but I am a college educated geologist by trade, ergo at least some understanding/appreciation of 'rates', the inputs, the results. More over, I'm of an abstract view with a mind not warped by geo-time (which can warp a thinking, most average ppl can't comprehend, short of a good LSD trip).

That said, human evolution being what it is, there is really no way (IMO) to physically affect/alter current data within any ability to even theoretically satisfy the desire for advantageous/good/happy/mirth-creating data.

We made our bed. The inertia is that modern human culture cannot be altered beneficially by incremental policies. The geo-political technological/cultural landscape far exceeds any level of incremental change toward any ideal. It's not said to instill any doom and gloom, it's just that, in spite of all our 'connectivity', the geographical distance is too great to surmount any cooperative desire to live similarly (carbon clean). It's the reality of human evolution during "our" time on this physical body. Even at a singular level, humans are psychologically messy. One-world geopolitical mantras attempt to address this, but again.. humans are messy. Like any animal.

It's just not likely that we can alter our culture and revert to pre-evolution, pre-industrial footprints. Humans may become extinct of this body. Actually it's likely. Really, it's a given. That's where peoples brains start getting warped.
It's a fact that carbon tax is a new revenue for the bureaucrats. Global warming movement was the catalyst for that new tax. After all, it is about the money but disguised as saving the planet.
I would suspect that most who argue "hoax" on these pages are political conservatives and Christians. They chose to refute the science of climate change saying it is inconclusive, if not concocted or complete and total B.S.. So I say to these deniers:

1) Please show me the scientific evidence that God exists. If there is no scientific evidence, which of course there is none, than why do you not proclaim Christianity or religion a hoax? Please show me the evidence behind Original Design. No evidence or science, I guess it must be a hoax.

2) Do you also call evolution a hoax, of the correlation between smoking and cancer, or the presence of lead in gasoline to be harmful? Or do you accept that science, as not all do.

3) Do you think the Earth is round? Many do not.

4) Please visit the Berkeley Earth site and look at an excellent graph of CO2 in the atmosphere and its correlation to temperature changes. Then look at the biography of the man who began this Berkeley Earth studies, and who initially funded him.

Berkeley Earth

5) When you go to a doctor and he says you are ill, and you go to get a second and third opinion, then a fourth through 9th opinion, and they all tell you the same thing: that you had better treat your illness now or it will get much worse and have dire consequences, what would you choose to do? If you decided to go for a 10th health assessment, and the physician, or maybe not a physician, told you that the other doctors were full of poop and that the particular illness they indicated you had was nothing but a hoax, what would you choose to do about your health?
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The UK isn't the whole world, there are many other places all around the world, on every continent where the sea level is rising....or are we supposed to believe the whole damned world is sinking into the sea?

The problem is that the rock under the ground is like memory metal and the high bits got pushed down by the weight of ice during the last ice age and it is slowly "forgetting" and the bits that had ice on them are rising over a long period of time and the low bits with modern hard concrete cities on them are sinking by the same amount. This is indeed becoming a problem for obvious reasons.
Please list the exact flaws you see in the scientific literature (citing a few of your key issues) that lead you to doubt its conclusions, other than the fact it offends your political sensibility? I would love to hear them.
If this is a reply to me, my reply to you:
What do you think I've been posting since the first page of this thread? Did you even bother to read from the beginning?
What it cannot account for is any precarious balance of existence based on population, food need (by natural sources) and whatever geological event may occur 1000, 10,000 or 100k years from now. "Chicxulub" bolide events are odds-on unlikely, but Yellowstone caldera events are more likely. What does humanity do then? Worry about now? What a human created deification of myth.
If Yellowstone goes off it will make a very big mess that will effect everyone.
I have seen a photo of a lake in the area where the ground has tilted so that trees on one side are all drowned and dead while the shore on the other side is high and dry and well above the water level.
It sure does look pretty dodgy but certainly not man made.
Yellowstone, Pinatubo, Huaynaputina, Krakatoa, Mt. Tambora or any of a number of volcanoes could cause catastrophic changes to the atmosphere and impact life onthis little blue-green orb.

There is the possibility of an asteroid similar to the Yucatan peninsula event wiping out most of the life on earth.

So what. we have no control over those events.

We do have control over our impact on the environment and the ramification of those decisions we make.
We do have control over our impact on the environment and the ramification of those decisions we make.
When it comes to proper discarding of waste so that the land and water won't be polluted, not over deforesting to avoid erosion, proper water management to avoid shortage (Los Angeles last couple years)...etc. we can and should do. But this thread is about global warming / climate change. As for human's ability to stop / reverse the global temperature change, no one can cite a method. Why? Because there isn't any.
Yellowstone this past weekend was quite the treat, if you ask me. :)


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Sea Level Rises -Man Made?

There is much hand wringing about sea level rising and causing havoc in low lying islands and coastal regions. So here is a graph of sea level over past 20,000 years. Can someone explain the impact of human activity on this and what we should do to return sea level to where is was 20,000 years ago?

I don't have a dog in this fight. I will be dead long before climate change has any impact on me. But you gotta address the facts.

I haven't read all this thread so apologies if anybody else has bothered to check their facts before they post and have already shown this graph. I am not a climate change denier - climate change is very real as you can sea (sea what I did there?) from this graph.


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We can all agree on this
(From Wikipedia)
Yes we can all agree on this. What conclusion do you draw from this data?

In the 20th century, sea level rose by 200mm (fact).
In the 20,000 years prior to 20C, sea level rose by 130m (fact).

Corollary - if entire sea level rise in 20C is due to human activity then we have caused about 0.15% of sea level rise (this is also a fact).

Conclusion - 99.8% of sea level rise has got nothing to do with human activity so I still don't know how we are going to return sea level to 20,000 years ago.

Do you have any other conclusions that are based on hard data that is readily available (but always ignored).
Conclusion - 99.8% of sea level rise has got nothing to do with human activity so I still don't know how we are going to return sea level to 20,000 years ago.

Why should we ? :confused: There is no logic in that. Most of human (civilized) history happened in that flat part of your graph.

It is another strawman to say that we cannot stop or reverse what's happening. Noone denies that. All we can do is slow down things and stop making it even worse.

And don't say you're not in denial. Climate change isn't the issue and you know it. Human caused climate change is the topic.
That's just wrong and hand waving. What "global tax" are you talking about ? What "bureaucrats" ? Let's be accurate here.

Most of the policies right now are about reducing the consumption of hydrocarbons, not stopping them altogether. People in charge aren't that crazy.
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