Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi


Just an FYI: I was doing some UPnP testing with miniDLNA and experienced minidlnad crashes in 4.14.y kernel. Revert to 4.9.80 and no crash.

miniDLNA is an abandoned project. Looking at the Git repo the last commit was back in 2012 :-0 GitHub - azatoth/minidlna: MiniDLNA (aka ReadyDLNA) is server software with the aim of being fully compliant with DLNA/UPnP-AV clients. It is developed by a NETGEAR employee for the ReadyNAS product line

Migrating to 4.14.y kernel branch is a given so not looking good for miniDLNA...

Thanks to the guys who provided links to instructions to install Moode. I gave up after trying two different sets of instructions which all have stages missing which I only found out after more than an hour's trial and error trying to get a build. The Moode site is hopeless: it talks about an OS image builder but there's no link I could find to download it.

It used to be very simple - put an image on a card put in in the PI, boot and configure. I don't have the time or the energy to engage in days of forum ping pong to fill in the gaps in the instructions. There's something seriously wrong when it's got this complicated when it used to be so easy :)

So unless and until someone makes a downloadable .img of Moode 4 it's back to what works so well : Volumio.

Thanks again for trying.

two different sets of instructions which all have stages missing which I only found out after more than an hour's trial and error trying to get a build

You spent a whole hour of your time !...sheesh ..:p

And do you intend to enlighten us as to those 'deficiencies' you found in that 'hour'?? :)

As one of the authors of those links I would agree that mine is not was done from memory and a while ago...things change..
But it has enabled many newcomers to install and run MoOde.

You seem to want it all handed to you on a plate ? Yesterday? for free ?

If you've identified omissions in the install instructions then please contribute your updates....

Bear in mind that many here contribute both financially to the MoOde project and give freely of their time to help debug and guide.

You can choose to only take in this world or to give in equal measure....

Personally, I wholeheartedly enjoy the MoOde community's willingness to share, help, and facilitate. :)

If that's not your way then so be it.

Enjoy your music.
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You spent a whole hour of your time !...sheesh ..:p

And do you intend to enlighten us as to those 'deficiencies' you found in that 'hour'?? :)

As one of the authors of those links I would agree that mine is not was done from memory and a while ago...things change..
But it has enabled many newcomers to install and run MoOde.

You seem to want it all handed to you on a plate ? Yesterday? for free ?

If you've identified omissions in the install instructions then please contribute your updates....

Bear in mind that many here contribute both financially to the MoOde project and give freely of their time to help debug and guide.

You can choose to only take in this world or to give in equal measure....

Personally, I wholeheartedly enjoy the MoOde community's willingness to share, help, and facilitate. :)

If that's not your way then so be it.

Enjoy your music.

Well said, thank you.
Fellows, I have supported the community, shared an open source repo with instructions, and paid my copy of Moode 3.x.

I fully support the community, and I applaud those writting instructions and scripts.

That said, I wholeheartedly think that a concise condensed set of instructions on how to run the scripts, what to expect and how to monitor the progress IN THE MOODE WEBPAGE, would be a lot more useful than people pasting links to this same thread every other day with each new person that goes to page and finds himself completely lost as to what to do and comes here asking for advice.

The usual suspects even go to lengths of mocking and bashing the newcomer for not having gone through thousands of posts to find those links to the instructions.

Everyone loves and applauds Tim et all's efforts. But please be open minded enough to face the fact that the web instructions as to what to do to install Moode are obscure to say the least.

If I can help writting something for the webpage, I'd do it gladly, but there needs to be an intention to fix very poor feedback on the page which is turning people away.

Best regards,
Fellows, I have supported the community, shared an open source repo with instructions, and paid my copy of Moode 3.x.

I fully support the community, and I applaud those writting instructions and scripts.

That said, I wholeheartedly think that a concise condensed set of instructions on how to run the scripts, what to expect and how to monitor the progress IN THE MOODE WEBPAGE, would be a lot more useful than people pasting links to this same thread every other day with each new person that goes to page and finds himself completely lost as to what to do and comes here asking for advice.

The usual suspects even go to lengths of mocking and bashing the newcomer for not having gone through thousands of posts to find those links to the instructions.

Everyone loves and applauds Tim et all's efforts. But please be open minded enough to face the fact that the web instructions as to what to do to install Moode are obscure to say the least.

If I can help writting something for the webpage, I'd do it gladly, but there needs to be an intention to fix very poor feedback on the page which is turning people away.

Best regards,

Rafa, you’ve been a way a while.... there is discussion of a wiki...;)

I am a keen MoOde supporter and have read every post since #1 as TCMods first poster.... ;)

Many of the technical issues are over my head but I do help where I can...

If there is a problem then I hope posters will ask for clarification...

We can all be part of the solution rather than endlessly reporting the problem...:)

We can all be part of the solution rather than endlessly reporting the problem...:)


I pledge $10 US towards a MoOde wiki and am happy to contribute time towards an install HowTo.....

If you want to be part of the ongoing improvements in MoOde then , as Kent (The Old Presbyope) has often said, support Tim and his endeavours with a donation.

If we think that more structured support is needed then we should step up and pledge with the resources needed...

1) TIME !...... we want Tim to continue to develop and improve MoOde..... there are only so many hours in a day... I would far rather post a How To myself (and have done so) than have Tim stop developing wondrous new performance and MoOde features .

Just look at the efforts Swizzle, Koda, Kent, Serverbaboon, Morias, HeeBoo, et al, have put in behind the scenes to advance your enjoyment...

2) $$!... The software is free but the coding, hosting, and support costs.
Every little helps. Sure, suggest improvements/features but think where the time and resources will come form... out of thin air ?

3) Positivity...!! everything gets better when we all work to move it forward...
Music.... number one goal...:) sure, I use and trial several o/s dedicated to improving my enjoyment of recorded music....MoOde, Snakeoil, Volumio, wtfplayer, PCP, etc .
Different use cases...different hardware... different code...but all striving for the same goal...:)

Give thanks for the talented and hard working individuals that make this happen....
Basically all. I’ve had no luck with dsf. I’m using a 502dac hat. Could it be my sound card needs to run in master mode or something? I noticed the pi cpu will heat up to 80+deg when playing dsf. Perhaps there’s some setting I can use to tame the beast?

Your 502dac hat is based on the PCM5122 dac chip. It uses the GPIO I2S lines of the RPi. This particular DAC doesn't support DSD native nor DoP . The conversion from DSD to PCM is done on-the-fly by a re-sampling algorithm, a CPU exhaustive procedure that causes CPU overheating.
I can confirm that the dropouts that you hear during playback of .dsf music files is an issue of Moode 4.0 with most of the I2S connected dac hats.
Try an earlier 3.X Moode image that uses the Advance Kernel (currently unsupported). This is a "unique" and minimalist Moode release for high resolution audio reproduction. I most cases it overcomes the music dropout issues mentioned above.
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Thanks for your reply. I downloaded the Stretch Lite 2018/03/13 image and it booted fine and ssh got me in. All looked good. I then followed the recipe and got to the powerdown instruction without apparent problem. After the powercycle, I just left it (not reestablishing an ssh connection for about 75 minutes) when I went to look at it, it was back in the eight-flash cycle, and would not reboot.

I have poor internet service and am currently past my monthly data limit. That puts me in extremely slow mode. Does the build access the internet after I get the mosbuild stuff? If so, I can see a very early morning session in my future.


Hi, Skip.

I'm sorry. I misled you with my cryptic test. I was wearing my hardware-tester hat. Booting 2018-03-13-raspbian-stretch image-lite was just a test that your RPi3B+ is working.

The moOde build process has not been updated yet to work with this image. The process includes a step which "... bumps to rpi-4.9.y linux tree". AFAICT this step restores the old kernel/firmware which doesn't work with RPi3B+. As well, I note that the new raspbian release disables WiFi until the country code is set. This would have to be accounted for also.

What several of us have confirmed is that a moOde r40 built on an RPi3B (likely an RPi2B also) and then updated and upgraded while still on the RPi3B will boot and run on an RPi3B+.

Hi Kent,

Thank you, and in my screenshot it doesn't show but I had nearly the exact amount fetched as you show there, mine said 11.7MB.

But I don't know why the Pi 3B+ won't boot then, the LEDs turn on and the yellow one appears to be flashing somewhat slower than I'm used to, but the Moode UPnP Renderer didn't appear on my network.

I am using Ethernet and not WiFi.

What about the last bit at the bottom in the screenshot below where it states "1 not upgraded"?


First, just to be sure we're on the same wavelength, you're doing the update/upgrade steps while still on an RPi2B or RPi3B but not the RPi3B+, right?

The update step just downloads information about the packages in the raspbian repositories. The upgrade step then compares this information against the currently installed packages, decides which old packages need up to be upgraded, which new ones need to be installed, which old ones need to be removed, and which old ones can't be upgraded.

Sadly, I didn't keep a log when I updated/upgraded moOde r40 but here's the relevant lines from another raspbian system:
93 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
Need to get 143 MB of archives.
After this operation, 375 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] n

I believe you should have seen similar statistics with even higher numbers. Instead, your report says nothing was done, so the image on your uSD card doesn't contain firmware needed for your RPi3B+.

And that last line you asked about simply reflects what was said earlier in the process
The following packages have been kept back:
I saw this too but the result worked for me. Someone with more knowledge of the sys mods than I have will have to explain why they weren't updated (e.g., what the conflict is between old and new packages).

Your 502dac hat is based on the PCM5122 dac chip. It uses the GPIO I2S lines of the RPi. This particular DAC doesn't support DSD native nor DoP . The conversion from DSD to PCM is done on-the-fly by a re-sampling algorithm, a CPU exhaustive procedure that causes CPU overheating.
I can confirm that the dropouts that you hear during playback of .dsf music files is an issue of Moode 4.0 with most of the I2S connected dac hats.
Try an earlier 3.X Moode image that uses the Advance Kernel (currently unsupported). This is a "unique" and minimalist Moode release for high resolution audio reproduction. I most cases it overcomes the music dropout issues mentioned above.

DSD64 and 128 on-the-fly work perfectly on all my PCM5xxx based boards using Pi-3B and mainline Linux kernel. No issues whatsoever.

Your symptoms of "overheating" and audio glitches suggest some sort of software breakage or hardware issues.

Just an FYI: I was doing some UPnP testing with miniDLNA and experienced minidlnad crashes in 4.14.y kernel. Revert to 4.9.80 and no crash.

miniDLNA is an abandoned project. Looking at the Git repo the last commit was back in 2012 :-0 GitHub - azatoth/minidlna: MiniDLNA (aka ReadyDLNA) is server software with the aim of being fully compliant with DLNA/UPnP-AV clients. It is developed by a NETGEAR employee for the ReadyNAS product line

Migrating to 4.14.y kernel branch is a given so not looking good for miniDLNA...


Just a friendly bump :)

Does anyone use miniDLNA?

What several of us have confirmed is that a moOde r40 built on an RPi3B (likely an RPi2B also) and then updated and upgraded while still on the RPi3B will boot and run on an RPi3B+.


Can confirm was running a pi 2 (the original one not the one with the pi3 SOC) apt-get update/upgrade and it booted first time no problems on a pi3b+
Is there a way back ?

Thanks to those who supported my post - it's encouraging to know I am not alone. Thanks also to those that didn't - I fully accept there are always (at least) two sides to an issue.

All the instructions appear to take the user through the same process to achieve the same end. If I understand correctly Tim doesn't have time any more to build/compile Moode and offer a zipped .img download. This forum is packed with people with a lot of spare time, energy, enthusiasm and expertise. Why can't someone (or a group of people) help Tim, the future of Moode and ignorant lazy newbies :)-)) like me by building/compiling Moode 4, zipping it and offering it to Tim to put on the website as a download ? What have I missed (apart from all the previous posts) ? If Volumio and Rune manage it why can't Moode ? What's unique/special about Moode that requires this process ?

Aren't some of you just being a bit sadistic by demanding that a newbie undergoes a prolonged and painful initiation rite of passage to earn their right to be a user ? :) It can't be as simple as that surely ? What am I missing ?

I paid $10 for the previous version. I am happy to pay again if that's what it takes.
Thanks to those who supported my post - it's encouraging to know I am not alone. Thanks also to those that didn't - I fully accept there are always (at least) two sides to an issue.

All the instructions appear to take the user through the same process to achieve the same end. If I understand correctly Tim doesn't have time any more to build/compile Moode and offer a zipped .img download. This forum is packed with people with a lot of spare time, energy, enthusiasm and expertise. Why can't someone (or a group of people) help Tim, the future of Moode and ignorant lazy newbies :)-)) like me by building/compiling Moode 4, zipping it and offering it to Tim to put on the website as a download ? What have I missed (apart from all the previous posts) ? If Volumio and Rune manage it why can't Moode ? What's unique/special about Moode that requires this process ?

Aren't some of you just being a bit sadistic by demanding that a newbie undergoes a prolonged and painful initiation rite of passage to earn their right to be a user ? :) It can't be as simple as that surely ? What am I missing ?

I paid $10 for the previous version. I am happy to pay again if that's what it takes.

It's all about legal issues with GPL, search through the thread, it appeared many times, starting here (I guess). This s/would eventually also happen to other distros.
Its a common misunderstanding to assume that because a site offers an image that the image therefore is legal.

Fact is that there is a huge workload associated with maintaining GPL and other license compliance for an entire Linux distribution. The individual or entity also assumes legal liability for their distribution and everything in it even if the failure is in an upstream supplier of source code or binaries.

Have a look a MPD for some insight into GPL etc
GPL Violation in Cary Audio DMS-500 - Music Player Daemon
Commercial Products running the Music Player Daemon