Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

A quick look shows you could simply cut the i/r sensor leg where it is labelled p25 and solder a jumper to it and to gpio pin 27.
They call it BCM27 (pin count 13) at this link...
Digi HAT at Raspberry Pi GPIO Pinout

OK - have now changed the pin to 27 ... after a slight confusion because Justboom have (misleadingly) changed the PCB at some point and Pin 2 is now labelled as Pin 1 :confused:
url], on Flickr

So firstly I soldered the jumper to the wrong pin ... correcting it after checking Pins 1 and 2 for the correct voltage (3.3 volt is on the square tab = Pin 1)

I then checked that it worked by loading up my Moode 3.1 card and making the necessary amendment to boot config.... all fine.

Unfortunately it hasn't cured the problem with Moode 3.8.4 - still stalling on the first sudo reboot at Stage 4.

Pretty much had enough of this now so will carry on using v3.1 (with IR remote) until Moode 4 is released ... hardly worth wasting any more time on with v3.8.4.

Thank you very much for your advice and time DRONE7 - it was greatly appreciated :)

all the best,

Ok. So your hardware config is basically the same as one of mine: RPi2B, USB WiFi, and an I2S DAC hat.

I have no experience with either the JustBoom DigiHAT or LIRC control. I'm assuming you boot the fresh moOde 3.8.4, access it via WiFi at the AP address, configure WiFi to client mode in the Network configuration screen, and configure the I2S device in the Audio configuration screen. Yes?

Do you immediately reboot at this point or do you proceed directly to the steps in the tutorial? You really should try rebooting. If rebooting fails at this point, then the DAC driver may be incorrect for the kernel or corrupt.

If it does reboot, but then fails to reboot after you do the command line work via ssh, there's something strange going on.

I don't have your DAC/IRC, but on my working RPi2B/moOde 3.8.4/USB WiFi/HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro, I could install the lirc module, edit /boot/config.txt and /etc/lirc/hardware.conf, and reboot with no problem.

As an aside, I notice that moOde's list of I2S devices offers "JustBoom DigiHAT (Zero)". Is this your choice? AFAIK, the RPi0 and the RPi2B would use the same driver, so this may just be cosmetic, but it's still curious that the listing qualifies the name.


Thanks Kent,
all done pretty much as you describe (i.e. fully configured fresh install of 3.8.4 - checked as working and then rebooted for a final time before attempting IR install)

I am giving up on this now after rewiring the signal pin to no avail.

Will have another go after Tim releases Moode 4 but for the moment the hassle and time is simply not worth it. Moode 3.1 will serve my needs just fine until then ... and the Raspi is not the only means I have of accessing high quality digital audio ;)
Could you be more specific about pros and cons Volumio versus Moode?
Maybe something for Moode version 4 to get even better??
And what about the lesser quality with Airplay? (restrictions with bitrate you mean?)

Hi Vhond,
Volumio is a easier to use for non Linux ppl. It have plugins (no need to run SSH), + the interface is a bit more "likeable". A bit better documented for new users (and its free).

Moode just have a lot more settings, better tweaks, 3 kernels to choose from, faster updates.

Regarding airplay and SQ: I feel I can hear the difference - but it might be pseudo.
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Hi guys / Tim

First of all – this is an amazing community.
I started my audiophile raspberry-pi adventure half a year ago, and have tried both Volumio and Moodeaudio. Both are excellent – pros and cons ��
I started with my DAC connected via USB to my rpi3, and upgraded with the DigiOne from Allo as soon as it was released – sound quality is superb, outperforms everything else I’ve heard so far.

Kids mostly use it with airplay (I know quality is not the best, but it’s easier).
I use it mostly with FLACs from NAS, radio streams and Spotify (via Raspotify - GitHub - dtcooper/raspotify: Raspotify - Spotify Connect client for the Raspberry Pi that Just Works™)
System is connected via Ethernet.

I have one problem which I have struggled with from day 1. Both with Volumio and Moodeaudio. And so far, I’ve tried adjusting settings in a myriad of ways with no success.

After a while – can be everywhere between half an hour and one week – the sound disappears. It’s independent on audio source. The player still shows as playing (the digits counting) – and the interface is laggy and not responding properly. Solution is to reboot – and everything works again.

Do any of you had similar experience? and/or advice?


I've replaced the standard pi psu, which just made it worse, audio stopped after 5 minutes. Then I tried this:

Went back to USB connection the DAC/preamp, but the problem I have with the Nuprime DAC-9, is that I turn it off when not using it, and sometimes it makes makes Moode unresponsive, and I have to reboot it.

Decided to give the spdif (DigiOne) another go again, replaced the standard kernel and reinstalled the RT kernel, (which I had the best experience with so far), and it have been working so far :) -
BUT look at the mem-usage in the attached systeminfo - Is there some mem-leak?



  • systeminfo.txt
    5.7 KB · Views: 70
As an aside, I notice that moOde's list of I2S devices offers "JustBoom DigiHAT (Zero)". Is this your choice? AFAIK, the RPi0 and the RPi2B would use the same driver, so this may just be cosmetic, but it's still curious that the listing qualifies the name.

Sorry Kent - missed this bit ...

Yes, I think it was Tim who confirmed (on another forum) that the 'Justboom DigiHAT (Zero)' setting covered all Raspi models.
Hi, same without the ethernet cable connected. Btw. how is it possible to initially configure WiFi in Moode without ethernet ? :confused:


Tim describes in the Setup Guide how to create a file in the /boot directory containing various configuration settings which are then used during the first boot of moOde. This directory can be written to even on a Microsoft Windows host. The file is used once and then deleted.

Assuming you didn't use this approach and moOde is in AP mode, did you try using the "Enter other SSID" option (under the SSID box in Network configuration)? I forget whether moOde's interface is able to scan for other APs while it is itself in AP mode.

Hi Kent, I manually entered the SSID, restarted, etc. but that didn't activate the WiFi interface. Funny thing is that when "blank" is entered followed by a reboot, a "moode" Wifi network appears in my computers list. So, somehow, the interface works, well at least partially ... and as stated earlier, the interface works fully with Volumio.
Hi Kent, I manually entered the SSID, restarted, etc. but that didn't activate the WiFi interface. Funny thing is that when "blank" is entered followed by a reboot, a "moode" Wifi network appears in my computers list. So, somehow, the interface works, well at least partially ... and as stated earlier, the interface works fully with Volumio.


I guess we're not understanding each other. Have you read the information revealed when you click the various green "i" (information) icons? That "funny thing" is exactly the WiFi interface functioning in AP mode because the SSID field is blank. In this mode, other computers can associate with it if they know the AP password.

When an non-blank SSID name is entered using the "Enter other SSID" option, the interface functions in client mode in which moOde attempts to associate with an AP whose SSID is the name entered, provided the correct security protocol and password (formally known as the passphrase) have been entered in the respective boxes.

As far as I can tell, your WiFi interface is completely functional. Google is your friend if you need to find more information about WiFi and Infrastructure mode (clients and access points).

Hi Tim,
even if you have multiple whole albums in one playlist I think the position and the number of titles in the playlist makes sense. Additionally this way keeps it simple!

Hi @dukeg,

If you don't mind, refresh my memory on this issue. There have been a number of posts regarding track x/y etc and I'm not sure what to focus on.

Currently the actual "Track" metadata value is displayed. For example if an album had ten tracks and the 3rd track was located in position 53 of an 85 track Playlist, "Track 3" would be displayed.

There have been requests to display "Track 53/85", or to display "Track 3" but also display "85 Tracks in Playlist" somewhere on the Playback panel.

Currently the actual "Track" metadata value is displayed. For example if an album had ten tracks and the 3rd track was located in position 53 of an 85 track Playlist, "Track 3" would be displayed.

There have been requests to display "Track 53/85", or to display "Track 3" but also display "85 Tracks in Playlist" somewhere on the Playback panel.
I don't usually use Moode to control playback (soundirok) and consequently seldom look at the playback tab while listening but IMO outside of the context of playing a whole album the individual track number for a song from that album is meaningless and the appropriate metadata to display would be position in the playlist.
I don't usually use Moode to control playback (soundirok) and consequently seldom look at the playback tab while listening but IMO outside of the context of playing a whole album the individual track number for a song from that album is meaningless and the appropriate metadata to display would be position in the playlist.

Hi @swizzle,

I'm speaking in the context of moOde UI and not another type of client.

If u are using moOde UI then the position of the currently playing track in the playlist is already displayed.

Hi, same without the ethernet cable connected. Btw. how is it possible to initially configure WiFi in Moode without ethernet ? :confused:

This is all detailed in the setup docs file - did you read it?


If you have a Pi3 or a Pi with compatible USB wifi hardware, and boot without an Ethernet cable, the system configures itself in AP mode with an SSID of 'Moode' and a password of 'moodeaudio'. (If you connected with Ethernet, it will be at the address given by your routers DHCP service.)

Connect your phone, tablet, computer to that AP and browse to the Moode device, either at Moode.local or at and enter configuration.

If you want to connect to your home wifi, configure>network and scan for networks. I find it takes two presses - one to get the attention of the scan button, the second one returns the available APs.

Try pressing it more than once - it's never failed me in many different configurations.

Moode is unique (I believe) with mpd-based Pi music players in that it does present an AP for you to configure wirelessly and when you don't read the setup guide, can be a source of consternation.
I don't expect anyone to spend any time solving anything - if someone has the experience and is happy to share their knowledge, then fine. DRONE7 has offered some very useful advice which I am in the process of following up.

I am very sorry if I have upset you in some way although I do think I have provided info you have asked to the best of my ability and within the resources I have available as soon as possible (my posts are still moderated so some delay occurs). I am new to this forum and will bear in mind your advice re. the amount of detail required when posting questions.

You haven't upset me at all. I thought I was clear - you make an effort, I will make at least as much of an effort, most times a great deal more.

You wanted to solve the cause of your crash - that was the request I was responding to, not your desire to implement a remote control. I have no interest in such things, which was why I paid that request no mind. I am interested in debugging core faults, hence my request for more information.

When asked for more detail, you missed key elements, such as the fact that you had a USB device when you stated you didn't, what you had done to configure your device, what settings you had made, what devices you have installed.

As I said, not a mind reader, even if my ability to ascertain that you had, in fact, a USB device you hadn't admitted to may have seemed like sorcery.

Rest assured, I will ignore any and all requests for help outside of my area of expertise or interest.
Hi Tim

In Moode 4.0 will there be an option to change the background or add internet radio logo's?


A background image change? To what?

The challenge with enabling user added radio station logo images is that there would need to be a robust mechanism in place for preserving them and the custom added stations. This is not planned for 4.0.


A background image change? To what?

The challenge with enabling user added radio station logo images is that there would need to be a robust mechanism in place for preserving them and the custom added stations. This is not planned for 4.0.


Currently the background is "Black".

Change to a possible user uploaded image or a different color for example.
I'm speaking in the context of moOde UI and not another type of client.

If u are using moOde UI then the position of the currently playing track in the playlist is already displayed.
Hi Tim,

I just meant it wouldn't affect me much either way. :p

Looking at the web ui now I see the playlist numbers are excised from the mobile (aka phone) view so I didn't see them before. It might be worth considering the relative text size for mobile compared to native apps for one of the 4.x releases, the text looks fine on desktop but it's larger than it needs to be on a phone and should be easy to change in the CSS area you probably have setup to adjust things for mobile screen widths.

Anyway I assumed we were talking about the third panel and in particular the track, year, artist, etc., above the main artist / track / album? Sorry if I misunderstood.