Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi


I don't have any DFF in my test collection but if u zip up one of the files and send me a download link I'll analyze it. Looks like the "Decoded to" field is missing a value for "kHz" on the Audio Info screen, and I'd like to understand what component in the audio pipeline is resampling to 32/192.

If u are familiar with SQLiteStudio util then you could add your audio device to the cfg_audiodev table in database /var/www/db/player.db.

I'll plan to include Fiio X5 gen II in 2.6.


Hi Tim,

In [Audio Info] windows at my previous post, moode showed

[Input Processing]
Decoded to: DSD, Stereo, 5644kbps

but at the below part

[Output Stream]
Format:32bit, 192kHz, Stereo

it's looks like mpd can't stream native dsd to DAC? or just incorrect reading code?

For everyone that has done numerous .img sd card flashes you can understand how much of a pain it can be. (especially on a Mac) I came across this amazing new app recently and it works great for flashing those moOde TR images. Quick and easy. I've used both Mac and Windows versions numerous times already without a single issue.

Etcher by
Windows, Mac, Linux


I would recommend on OS X - ApplePi-Baker - MacOS X - ApplePi Baker - Prep SD-Cards for IMG or NOOBS
For everyone that has done numerous .img sd card flashes you can understand how much of a pain it can be. (especially on a Mac) I came across this amazing new app recently and it works great for flashing those moOde TR images. Quick and easy. I've used both Mac and Windows versions numerous times already without a single issue.

Etcher by
Windows, Mac, Linux


I tried to run Etcher on my Windows 10 laptop a few weeks back without any success. Hopefully the latest beta now works properly.
I use I2C 16x2 LCD and when use my lcd python script manually (run via shell), it run normally. Picture attached.
But when i add in lcd_up via Web and reboot moode, and after Moode finish loading, i cannot access Moode Web via browser. SSH work ok.
I have to kill lcd script, then i can access Moode Web.


    1.7 KB · Views: 85
  • LCD.jpg
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I use I2C 16x2 LCD and when use my lcd python script manually (run via shell), it run normally. Picture attached.
But when i add in lcd_up via Web and reboot moode, and after Moode finish loading, i cannot access Moode Web via browser. SSH work ok.
I have to kill lcd script, then i can access Moode Web.


Try commening out "while True" and "time.sleep()" in the script. The LCD updater engine in Moode will automatically detect when currentsong.txt changes and then run the specified Python script.

I tried to run Etcher on my Windows 10 laptop a few weeks back without any success. Hopefully the latest beta now works properly.

I've used the latest 1.0.0 beta4 and 1.0.0 beta5 on OS X El Capitan (10.11.4), Windows 7, Windows 8.1 Pro and Windows 10 Home and Pro all without any issues.
I had issues with beta2 on Windows 10 Home
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I use Airplay quite a lot, but find (even with 2.6 TR3) that it often stutters or drops out. I tried changing the buffer from 4096 upwards, but it made no difference and stutters as soon as I move the iPhone. Can you confirm that the buffer works for Airplay too?



The symptom "stutters as soon as I move the iPhone" suggests a network (WiFi) issue.

Airplay (shairport-sync) and MPD are completely separate with respect to settings. Shairport-sync settings are in /etc/shairport-sync.conf and are left at default values since Moode starts shairport-sync using its cmd line settings.

Here is example:

/usr/local/bin/shairport-sync -a "Moode Airplay" -S soxr -w -B /var/www/command/ -E /var/www/command/ --metadata-pipename=/tmp/shairport-sync-metadata --get-coverart -- -d hw:1 -c PCM

Hi Kent,

The "php hogs cpu" issue is rare in my experience and based on user reports rare in the field although it does happen. Root cause unknown at this time. The log messages "...execution time exceeded..." are usually present when the issue occurs and reflect php timing out on a socket read to MPD. It could be bug in MPD or maybe an MPD resource setting needs to be bumped.


Well, I discovered my RPi3 in the same state this evening. And, yes, your "" script got it going again.

Have enough people reported this behavior to get a sense of what hardware and/orsoftware combos are likely or unlikely to be "at risk"? Taiebot65 reported it for a "raspeberry pi b with Hifiberry DAC" and a "NAS via samba share". I'm not sure which model RPi that would be. I'm finding it on a RPi3 (I guess officially it's an RPi3 Model B) with HiFIBerry DAC+ and also a NAS via Samba share (but I'm experiencing the latch-up while playing Radio stations). I never saw this behavior on an RPI2B with the same HiFiBerry DAC+ but that was running versions of Moode Player before MoodeOS 1.0.

Inquiring minds want to know :)

Well, I discovered my RPi3 in the same state this evening. And, yes, your "" script got it going again.

Have enough people reported this behavior to get a sense of what hardware and/orsoftware combos are likely or unlikely to be "at risk"? Taiebot65 reported it for a "raspeberry pi b with Hifiberry DAC" and a "NAS via samba share". I'm not sure which model RPi that would be. I'm finding it on a RPi3 (I guess officially it's an RPi3 Model B) with HiFIBerry DAC+ and also a NAS via Samba share (but I'm experiencing the latch-up while playing Radio stations). I never saw this behavior on an RPI2B with the same HiFiBerry DAC+ but that was running versions of Moode Player before MoodeOS 1.0.

Inquiring minds want to know :)


Hi Kent,

The php-cpu-hog condition is rare, very few user reports historically, but has occurred on Moode versions <= 2.6 so unlikely due to OS.


I use Airplay quite a lot, but find (even with 2.6 TR3) that it often stutters or drops out. I tried changing the buffer from 4096 upwards, but it made no difference and stutters as soon as I move the iPhone. Can you confirm that the buffer works for Airplay too?


I had a similar problem with my ipad, solved it my turning Bluetooth off. Don't know if your iphone has Bluetooth, but worth a try if it does, or you could try changing your wifi channel.
TheOldPresbyope(but I'm experiencing the latch-up while playing Radio stations)

Happens occasionally on my PiB. Usually when I have selected a radio stream then, before it can connect and play, I select another stream and that causes the lock-up.
I get an "attempting to reconnect" message which seems to be a reconnect error to mpd and not a network error.
RSEIUB is my usual rescue. Who would have thought elephants could be so reliable...:)
Happens occasionally on my PiB. Usually when I have selected a radio stream then, before it can connect and play, I select another stream and that causes the lock-up.
I get an "attempting to reconnect" message which seems to be a reconnect error to mpd and not a network error.
RSEIUB is my usual rescue. Who would have thought elephants could be so reliable...:)

That's a nice clue. Thanks. And, yes, mpd and its interplay with nginx seem more likely to me than a network error per se. I need to spend a rainy day reading up on them.

Sadly, skinny elephants are nowhere in sight when you're running headless. Thankfully, the lock-up hasn't affected my ability to ssh to the RPi. I wish the RPi designers had thought to add a button or two and associated code in the firmware. There are various solutions out there for triggering a reboot and/or controlled power-down using an offboard buttion. Another rainy-day activity.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting here in Maryland alternating between jazz streams from France and Canada. This is so much better than when I was a teenager in New Mexico mid-last century hunkered over my shortwave set late at night trying to pull in BBC Word Service!

Hi Tim,

For some reason I'm getting mostly static when streaming 24bit audio over my USB, CM6631a->Tosslink adapter. 16bit plays fine.

I've tried with Pi2 and Pi3 with moOde Vrs 2.5 and 2.6. No difference.

The adapter works fine @ 24bit from Windows.

Any idea why?


Try the USB(UAC2) work around listed under PLAYER FIXES at
