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Support for Botic Linux driver

Fast way to start listening: install Botic, install Kinsky to your computer and iPad, open your music library from Kinsky. Choose UpMpd as Room and Sources - Playlist. Voila, enjoy the music and read through Linux stuff. Drawback - only 192kHz stuff I suppose and no DSD support.

Confirm 352800 rate 32 bit can be controlled by Kinsky. dsf files converted on the fly to wav with this spec from Minimserver.
Researching the microSD card issue, I checked the solder pads under a binocular scope. I was surprised to find physical contact had been made between one uSD card reader pad and the stock TPA aluminum standoff that was usually in place on the BBB. That would ground the pad. At worst, two reader pins could even be bridged, though I'm sure that didn't occur. So be aware of the standoff type/placement on BBB! :guilty:


I am now shipping a set of nylon washers with the kits.

If you already have a kit and want/need some washers, drop me a line. I will email all current users about this as well.


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# Description: Startup daemon to start Squeezelite
squeezelite -o hw:CARD=output device,DEV=0[/CODE] where 'output device' is the hardware you are using and need to be changed ;save and close the file startup.sh , then log into Putty
enter the following commands

chmod +X /etc/init.d/startup.sh
insserv startup.sh
Install Logitech Media server(if not already) ,click advanced settings ,which will open webinterface ,under the player the Botic player is listed.You can use the ipad app for squeezebox to control the player.
Hi, output device mentioned means bbb? what should be written here?
(sorry for ignorance)
Joined 2004
Paid Member
Ok, so I've got squeezelite to run on the BBB.
On the remote server, i.e. my desktop pc, I
installed the Logitech server, but it doesn't
find the BBB/botic player?

I have noticed that ympd will not work when
squeezelite is running on the BBB. If I kill it
ympd will play.

Might the fact that mpd is running on the BBB,
as seen in HTOP, be tying up the botic/device?

I tried killing mpd/ympd on the BBB, but I guess
cron keeps restarting it!?

I also tried Linns/Kazoo and it just seems to sit
there with the circle spinning and noting else?

Looking into trying DLNA but those attempts
also fail.

Cannot get squeezelite to run, I've tried various hw: formats in
startup.sh .
Any suggestions.

root@botic:/squeezelite# /etc/init.d/startup.sh

Error: command line argument error

root@botic:/squeezelite# cat /etc/init.d/startup.sh
# Provides: Startup
# Required-Start: $local_fs $network
# Required-Stop: $local_fs
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Startup
# Description: Startup daemon to start Squeezelite
##squeezelite -o hw:CARD=0:Botic,DEV=0:external dac-hifi-0
##squeezelite -o hw:CARD=Botic,DEV=0
##squeezelite -o hw:CARD=0,DEV=0:external dac-hifi-0
squeezelite -o hw:CARD=Botic,DEV=0:external dac-hifi-0

====LIST OF DEVICES REPORTED BY SQUEEZELITE -L ================================

root@botic:/# squeezelite -l
Output devices:
null - Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
default:CARD=Botic - Botic, - Default Audio Device
sysdefault:CARD=Botic - Botic, - Default Audio Device
dmix:CARD=Botic,DEV=0 - Botic, - Direct sample mixing device
dsnoop:CARD=Botic,DEV=0 - Botic, - Direct sample snooping device
hw:CARD=Botic,DEV=0 - Botic, - Direct hardware device without any conversions
plughw:CARD=Botic,DEV=0 - Botic, - Hardware device with all software conversions
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Joined 2007
Paid Member
hi miero,

is the description how to install the botic kernal into the volumio in the following link still actual?

(i had some problems applying that; not found files , etc. ;-) )

best wishes

It worked for me a few days ago. I also had some messages suggesting missing files. Volumio only worked after the final step of selecting the version of Botic to run. I chose v5.

apt-get install linux-image-4.0.0-botic5
cp -f /boot/vmlinuz-4.0.0-botic5 /boot/zImage
cp -f /boot/dtbs/4.0.0-botic5/am335x-boneblack.dtb /boot/dtbs/am335x-boneblack.dtb

Reboot and good luck!
It worked for me a few days ago. I also had some messages suggesting missing files. Volumio only worked after the final step of selecting the version of Botic to run. I chose v5.

apt-get install linux-image-4.0.0-botic5
cp -f /boot/vmlinuz-4.0.0-botic5 /boot/zImage
cp -f /boot/dtbs/4.0.0-botic5/am335x-boneblack.dtb /boot/dtbs/am335x-boneblack.dtb

Reboot and good luck!

many thanks for your comments/reply. i will try it again (... and this time to the end! ;-) )
best regards
Joined 2007
Paid Member
Herznn, SPDIF works in v3 only so far.


Does this use single-ended input (pin numbers?) and IEC958 in ALSAmixer? If that function were working it would solve one of my configuration objectives. :D If ALSAmixer could successfully use AC3 (e.g. 5.1 decoding) then I will have even more entertaining challenges ahead configuring the BBB-Hermes-Cronus. :D

Frank, I do not understand what you want... :)

AC3 is just a codec and on SPDIF channel it sends compressed data.

Do you want to decode AC3 in BBB or in some external receiver?

If you use correct SW (e.g. mplayer) then AC3 will be decoded to multichannel audio.

If you want to use external receiver for decoding, then I assume audio driver for BBB CPU needs to be adapted to support accepting AC3 stream and and probably also changing metadata on SPDIF to signal that AC3 is transmitted.

More info on SPDIF for reference: http://www.ac3filter.net/wiki/AC3Filter_&_SPDIF
Joined 2007
Paid Member
Hi Miero,
I was curious if the BBB can decode AC3 and route multichannel audio through Cronus. [... though that is probably the last item on my list of topics to study.] Two channel is more interesting. How did you input s/pdif streams in biotic version 3?
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Joined 2010
Paid Member
BBB Botic V4 - Still problems

Ciao Miero,

Yesterday I received the new BBB hoping that my glitches and jumps was relevant to the BBB but now I am at this point:

HW - The Hermes/Cronus doesn't play more.
The BBB's substitution is really an easy task. Dismounted the 4 standoffs (with 4 plastic washers), resoldered the 4 pins for the battery and reinstalled the new BBB. No way way to make it play again... I reinstalled the old BBB but doesn't play. All the LEDs are lighting (2 fix at power on and one when complete the boot), the 5V are there but nothing out. I even tested the DAC with a Waveio and changed the 3 U.FL from Cronus to the DAC.
After some hours of troubleshooting I installed back the S03 and both the BBB are playing.
I have really no idea what may have happened in one week that the board seat in the table. I will ask some help to Russ

SW - The pops and glitches at the beginning of each song are still there also with the new BBB.
I make some more (basic) test that maybe can help you to understand where is the problem.
- I reflash the SD with the botic V4
- I copy one "test" song in the BBB in the directory /data
- I play the test from the ympd through the web... the glitches are still there.
- I play the test from putty with the command play and the glitches are gone!

So, today I have 2 BBB, 1 Cronus/Hermes and 1 S03 in the table but I am not able to play music :eek:

I hope that you can help me to solve this problem and please be patient with my absolutely poor knowledge of linux, commands, etc.

Thanks and Regards,
Enrico, please check if you have following lines in your /etc/mpd.conf file. If not, you need to add them there.

realtime_option { memlock "yes"
stack_reserve "1024"
heap_reserve "10240"
main_priority "OTHER:0"et
player_priority "FIFO:32"
decoder_priority "FIFO:31"
update_priority "OTHER:0"

I'm sure you will find tons of information how to work with linux. You can also check guides in the https://docs.google.com/document/d/...OSF2fu3Sz4zzmaURM/edit#heading=h.mo92rdeav593 to get the basic idea.
Joined 2010
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