John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Yes. Can we start a petition to bring back proper teaching aids like blackboards?

Whiteboards also.

Honestly, I do not believe it's the media. It's the students, the teachers, and desire to teach and learn.

With E/M theory, so much is lost to time. And students have drilled into them that the textbooks are correct, so do not question it. You and I fall into this trap to varying degrees.

Case in point, a paper from M. G. Haines, Physics Dept, Imperial College, London, 3rd june, 1959:

This is from page 6 (of the PDF), showing the current density profile of a 10 cm radius copper conductor at 546 hz.

Note the inversion of current density at the surface before the overall current has gone negative.

The internal inductance of this system vs time? Lord only knows how to calculate it.

The resistance vs time: I believe simple integration of the areas under the curve should suffice when all current is positive, although I suspect the negative current densities should be subtracted to produce the accurate resistance vs time profile.



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I think it is not my only opinion.

I know. I was only commenting that you are allowed yours.
I don't care the adds, as you said, it is a free "service". I care the content, how Google is spying on us (big data), how they violate copyrights, make profits on illegal activities. You know, Android, you tube etc ;-)
We are all free to either use the service with all it brings, or not. A simple choice. How it plays in the future, that is beyond my reach.

Same position: I don't care the adds, and... we are not allowed to make comments about the moderation.

I do not like ads which cover the entire screen content, the side ones not so bad.

I believe it is a site decision, not that of moderation. However, it is not of concern to me.

AX tech editor
Joined 2002
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Very often google ads just get it wrong. A few days ago I googled for a laser printer and found one, and bought it, at a shop in my town.
For several days now I am being bombarded with google ads - from that shop where I bought the printer, telling me they have these fine printers for sale.....
Whose f**kup is that?

Its not this one time, I've noticed a similar thing many times over the last several years.

Very often google ads just get it wrong. A few days ago I googled for a laser printer and found one, and bought it, at a shop in my town.
For several days now I am being bombarded with google ads - from that shop where I bought the printer, telling me they have these fine printers for sale.....
Whose f**kup is that?
Why do you assume it is an error? Their history only tells them you looked, they do not have access to the information that you purchased.

Same with me and the brass and aluminum, a dehumidifier, a drill battery. No information on whether or not I purchased.

Are-we, really ?
Can we live without a mobile, nowadays, and block all our friends using Android ?

Yes we can. A simple choice.

Can-you run a forum, blocking Google bots, as an example ?
I do not know. However, if the owner so chooses to derive income in that way, I can choose to use the site or not.

This site, I choose to use. I find the advantages far outweigh the perceived loss of privacy at this time.

The resistance vs time: I believe simple integration of the areas under the curve should suffice when all current is positive, although I suspect the negative current densities should be subtracted to produce the accurate resistance vs time profile.

Actually, I suspect it may be more accurate to square those current graphs, calculate the integrated power loss, then back into the effective resistance of the conductor. That way the negative current densities are treated as losses instead of subtracted from losses.


Psycho paranoid me often assumed that the cheap stacks of xerox'd paper, which were referred to as course readers at polytech-u, were deliberately written as Da Vinci Code puzzles to force students to make some sense out of them.
1st year at A'dam-u included reading of published articles, and determining the percentage of total gunk.

The surprise to me is the global spread of the phenomenon.
The sheits overhere are total retards, one used to read the sides of milk cartons, starts his freshman year in history at Leiden-u first of september.
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Yes we can. A simple choice.
Are-you serious ?
It is exactly like if all the food you buy in supermarkets were sold with a camera, and you had to sign an agreement where you allow this camera to send informations about your refrigerator contents to some companies...
A simple choice, as you said: Sign or famish.
Or if doctors requested-you to sign an agreement to free them to publish and transmit your medical profile any way they want. Sign or die.
In the same time, in some countries (including US), we are not allowed to shoot street photographies (my passion) of people in public places for privacy reasons ?
Even in Paris, you are not allowed to publish a photography of the Eiffel tower by night, because the company which made the lightning of the tower ask Copyrights ?
How-can-you hold this position, Jn ? Not any concern with deontology ?
Psycho paranoid me often assumed that the cheap stacks of xerox'd paper, which were referred to as course readers at polytech-u, were deliberately written as Da Vinci Code puzzles to force students to make some sense out of them.
I've seen my share of that as well.

However, I was blessed with an E/M prof from the British Post Office, and he was an excellent teacher in my opinion. Of course, none of the other students thought that.

I chalk my experience there to a combination of excellence on his part, and desire on mine.

Are-you serious ?
It is exactly like if all the food you buy in supermarkets were sold with a camera, and you had to sign an agreement where you allow this camera to send informations about your refrigerator contents to some companies...
And yet, they are working on fridges which can read the RFID tags and order replenishments.

Or if doctors requested-you to sign an agreement to free them to publish and transmit your medical profile any way they want.

Hmm. Ask Henrietta Lacks about that. I believe the lawsuit is ongoing.

If my medical profile were significant enough that a doctor felt it worthy of publication to other doctors, then he as a medical professional had determined that it may be significant enough to save another's life, so worth his effort. If circumstances were reversed, I would hope that information out there were available to my doctor to save me.

How-can-you hold this position, Jn ? Not any concern with deontology ?

Which position? That I have free choice, or that they have information on me that may or may not be approved by me?

And, why do you assume that I have no concern?

Edit: BTW, it is important to understand, throughout the ages there have been doomsday proclamations from vocal people...the millennium bug, global starvation, etc... none of them came true in the timeframes predicted. Now, you rail about big brother...

My belief is that the reasons many predictions do not come true is because people like you made the predictions; and others did their best to prevent it. So do not get me wrong, I do not believe your concern is inaccurate, and I would never wish your voice quieted.
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I was somewhat surprised with the rfid observation on food packaging as I have not noticed that yet on any food I have bought. Do I need a damned smart refrigerator keeping track of my food consumption or what I have inside, not that I can think of. I actually enjoy walking around the grocery store and finding new things that I haven't tried or used before, it makes eating and cooking a bit more interesting than always having the same things. I do see the Amazon trucks in my neighborhood delivering food to some homes but I think I can do without that for now, besides food is costly enough already without adding one more layer of cost. My daughter told me just the other day that the mean income in my neighborhood was $300K so I guess any extra cost is not even noticed by many! I surely don't need internet connectivity on my refrigerator and don't need another TV screen in the refrigerator door!

I agree that it is nice that doctors can share information but at the same time I think they should have to ask permission for that if there is any personal information involved. I do know that since I had a cleft palate when born that the orthodontist that worked on my teeth when I was a kid took pictures of the work he did while working on my mouth. My mother gave him permission to publish that work and it would have been in some textbooks for teaching purposes, probably a good thing for teaching others how to handle this kind of dental work. I just wished that I didn't consider those braces my personal torture sessions, my personal Marathon Man live action movie.

I too have noticed the directed advertisements based on some web search I have done. sometimes welcome and sometimes just distracting. It is amazing how pervasive that can get though as they will show up in totally unrelated searches or page links. I just think it is a part of the technology that has become a part of life. I draw the line with tracking my movements with GPS from a phone, nobody needs to know where I am all day long and as long as I am not doing anything criminal why should anyone track my movements? Then again I haven't gotten a smart phone, I don't need to be connected 24/7, I can go without email and the latest news when out and about, I just want to be off the Net and disconnected at times. I do know how to use a map and don't need GPS directions to get where I am going so forget that. Life is complicated enough already, there is a time to leave all this tech behind. Sort of like having to have a cellphone on while backpacking in the wilderness, there is just something about that that doesn't work for me. Okay to carry one for an emergency but it would surely be turned off.
Very often google ads just get it wrong. A few days ago I googled for a laser printer and found one, and bought it, at a shop in my town.
For several days now I am being bombarded with google ads - from that shop where I bought the printer, telling me they have these fine printers for sale.....
Whose f**kup is that? Its not this one time, I've noticed a similar thing many times over the last several years.Jan

This is how Google, etc. make their money, with targeted ads related to your recent searches or even purchases. This happens to me constantly, and the time lag is often very brief, too.
I was somewhat surprised with the rfid observation on food packaging as I have not noticed that yet on any food I have bought. Do I need a damned smart refrigerator keeping track of my food consumption or what I have inside, not that I can think of. I actually enjoy walking around the grocery store and finding new things that I haven't tried or used before, it makes eating and cooking a bit more interesting than always having the same things. I do see the Amazon trucks in my neighborhood delivering food to some homes but I think I can do without that for now, besides food is costly enough already without adding one more layer of cost.

I believe the overall intent is to have the RFID's scanned in the cart as you walk past the checkout, eliminating the cashiers. Then, scanning your card in your wallet, to charge you. Then, track your consumption at home to inform you as to stock. Then print out a shopping list based on your history (ice cream in the hot weather after first downloading the 10 day forecast.. Then, calculate your BMI to tailor your workouts. Then, update your doctor as to your abysmal eating habits (ok, I'm extending my personal life here... ;). ) Then your health insurance carrier to tell them you smoke too much, you eat too much, you drink too much (sounds like a DMB song), so they can up your rates and the "machine" can give you harder workouts.


When I exercise, the only "tech" I have on me is the shoes I wear... no phone, no house, no motorcar (not a single luxury, like Robinson Caruso, as primitive as can be**),no ipad, no heart rate monitor (sometimes I do use one to determine percentage max), no distance calculator.... Just me and my shadow.. no distractions, not even music... just the burn.


note:** Mary Anne. Unless of course, both were an option...
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Yes I have already seen plenty of stores with the self checkout isles and they are a real pain if you get things like veggies as they go by weight and you have to look up the product codes. I avoid those lines if I have anything that doesn't have a upc code on it. I wonder how they will handle that problem, pre-weigh the produce and forget about water loss? Tech has its place but there is a time when humans are just better at doing the job than any machine.

I'm with you on the working out, I don't need music and I don't need a machine to tell me that I am working my heart, some things you should be able to tell yourself, I do have a small computer on my bicycle though, tells me my cadence and also how far I have gone and my actual speed. But I'll do without the electronic shifters at this point, I can still shift gears with a simple cable connection. Sort of like a fly by wire solution that just asks the question of why do you need that!
My belief is that the reasons many predictions do not come true is because people like you made the predictions; and others did their best to prevent it.
Jn, i'm not sure to be able to make 'predictions' as I was unable till now to measure at their right size the stupidity and rapacity of human nature. My evaluations are always underestimated and amazing is my naivety.
My power is derisory, too, limited to a little voice in the big universe.

You remark is very accurate (in a way) and amuse-me, because there is an European Lobby (OIT) created to fight against Google's super power.
Denis Olivennes : « Il faudra demander le dégroupage de Google » | La Revue du Digital
I know one of the leaders. He his a manager of a major company involved in the web.. on the late... and his real concern is because he is at the head of some important web price comparators.
You know, those web sites that are supposed to help-you to find the best offers of products, witch are just relaying the offers of the sellers witch had paid them for the 'clics'.
His only concern is Goggle went on his market and play with them like a an ogre with a mosquito, creating serious gaps in their profits. (Two parasites fighting against each others with the same greed and unscrupulousness). Of course, the smallest is disguised as White Knight :)
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Joined 2012
I believe the overall intent is to have the RFID's scanned in the cart as you walk past the checkout, eliminating the cashiers. Then, scanning your card in your wallet, to charge you.


I hope this comes true... I'll hire one of the kids standing outside to push my cart thru the store and out the door.

[The displaced/laid-off clerks will be replaced by more expensive IT security and guards and hacker experts. Thus, raising the over-head costs]

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