Funniest snake oil theories

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Seriously, I think some companies advanced by simply lifting ideas from John Curl. I had a buddy who worked at the high end shop here in Austin and he noted who was copying Levinson over the years. Heck, he even lifted some ideas when he started selling his own advanced version of the Aunt Corey.

And of course Corey lifted the whole idea from me in the fist place. The only consolation was that he made me Elvis in his original article. :cool:

Joined 2007
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And of course Corey lifted the whole idea from me in the fist place. The only consolation was that he made me Elvis in his original article. :cool:


Yeah, I'm at work and I kept wanting to come back here and fill that part of the story in there. Is there any more to that story that you've posted anywhere?

Prior to Corey's stint at Stereophile, or maybe during his stint there, he was a tech at a local Austin radio station. It would be cool to know how you two crossed paths. I still have 4 BUF03 chips that our mutual buddy, Steve Giunta, gifted to me.
Yeah, I miss him too, but hey, times they are a changin'.

in remembrance:
Yeah, I'm at work and I kept wanting to come back here and fill that part of the story in there. Is there any more to that story that you've posted anywhere?

Prior to Corey's stint at Stereophile, or maybe during his stint there, he was a tech at a local Austin radio station. It would be cool to know how you two crossed paths. I still have 4 BUF03 chips that our mutual buddy, Steve Giunta, gifted to me.

Back in the day, before the Internet became public, there was a dial up computer bulletin board system called The Audiophile Network, or TAN. Once I convinced the owner (Guy Hickey, of Quatre audio) to finally ditch his old Apple IIe and set it up on a modern PC running some decent software, it became quite popular. John Atkinson and a number of other audio luminaries were active there and that's where John recruited Corey.

Anyway, back when passive "preamps" were just becoming popular, I had the idea to take advantage of their lack of gain, but to overcome their weakness of high output impedance by using an active buffer on the output. Under the Alpha Logic moniker, I developed the AL-1 Unity Gain Interface.

I had a press release for it in one of the file areas on TAN. One day, Corey sent me a private message, telling me what a great idea he thought it was and could I help him out with a DIY article for Stereophile based on it. I said sure, as long as he mentioned in the article where someone who didn't want to DIY could get the real deal.

He agreed and I provided him with the schematics, parts sources, etc.

However his article made no mention of Alpha Logic or the AL-1, although he gave credit to Walt Jung And John Curl for some tweaks they'd offered.

That's when I realized what a weasel Corey was.

I didn't confront him or put up any sort of fuss about it at the time and never mentioned it in public until many years later. When JA got word of it, he offered to update the original article on the Stereophile website but I asked him not to. It was water long under the bridge. And hey, like I said, he made me Elvis. :D

Joined 2007
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Steve, memories can be a bit fuzzy, but Corey and Steve Giunta were motorcycle riding buddies here in Austin.

SG wanted to come up with a much better version than Corey had published so off he went to develop it. I don't recall having any conversation with SG that he knew about your design and he shared the overall idea with me on layout, etc. He was more interested doing something along the lines of Levinson, but he did have telecomm relays in his design.

SG ended up selling several at about $3k a pop and Corey did mention SG in a followup article in Stereophile.

I have one of SG's units. I'll find an Aunt Corey thread and upload some photos there. Thanks for sharing your story! Small world.
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People always strive for understanding. If they can't or won't understand the truth about a situation then they will invent their own 'truth' and firmly believe it. They may even assume that they have deeper understanding than the 'closed mind' people who actually do understand (at least part of) the truth about the situation.

I once had a dental technician try to 'correct' my understanding of quantum physics - he could not conceive of anything so counter-intuitive so therefore it had to be wrong. Lurk on here for more than a few days and someone will try to 'correct' your understanding of circuit theory/calculus/trigonometry/algebra/electromagnetism or even claim that such things are not useful for audio. Just listen and twiddle the knob (or swap components) until it sounds 'right'.
I can come close to matching you dental technician with a geologist (back when I was in retail 30 years ago) who not only drooled on about the direction of the crystalline structure in the cable but that signal could only be applied from one direction or the cable where damaged and of no use . This was based some how on the direction of stress during manufacturing . How exactly a diode like structure was formed from pulling wire was not explained. Also how this diode like was directional but passed an ac signal . But the passion from one who was trained geologist about some thing that to this day I can find no proof of was interesting. What further interested me was that looking at the braid most cable has the printing is back word from the direction it manufactured unless it is done to order in very large spools . The only way to check in bulk remove a bit of the outer cover. We must put aside all that is know about transmission line theory for this snake oil to work but that's a small thing. I did wonder what effect reflected signal had on this divine rock theory but was told no to worry my self about that.
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i would like to point out....... not too very long ago the atom was the smallest thing ever. before that the earth was flat, and the center of the solar system.

point is, i have learned man is NOT smart enough to make a absolute statement.
who knows what we will learn tomarrow. maybe that wires off the floor helps or somthing.

its their money let them spend it the way they want to.
you wouldnt want them to tell you are a dope for not spending 200$ on a fuse.
in return, dont tell them they are dopes for spending 200$ on a fuse.

music is all about happieness right? let them be happy.
if you dont agree with bybee's dont buy them!
i would like to point out....... not too very long ago the atom was the smallest thing ever. before that the earth was flat, and the center of the solar system.

And our understanding of these things improved when there was evidence to the contrary. Just remember my dictum: When fundamental changes happen in our understanding of the physical universe, it is unlikely to occur because of a guy selling hifi gadgets.

BTW, the "flat earth" thing ended in ancient Greece, when the diameter was (surprisingly accurately) calculated. Heliocentricity took a few millennia longer to become generally accepted.
And our understanding of these things improved when there was evidence to the contrary. Just remember my dictum: When fundamental changes happen in our understanding of the physical universe, it is unlikely to occur because of a guy selling hifi gadgets.

BTW, the "flat earth" thing ended in ancient Greece, when the diameter was (surprisingly accurately) calculated. Heliocentricity took a few millennia longer to become generally accepted.
I would also point out that those in power were willing to change the minds of those who where correct by any means , Not limited to torture, death or damnation . In some times and places being correct can be very bad for your health. I hope not in this place.
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