Greater Toronto Area DIY meetup

Hey Guys,
The 30th is in the middle of a long weekend. Lots of people out of town and a big family week end. Perhaps we plan for Sunday June 23rd 1.30pm. If there are no other takers, I offer up the office again.

Yeah, I was thinking about that too although I do have anything planned yet. Also, my daughter reminded me that next Sunday (the 16th) is father's day ;). I suspect that for the fathers in our group, there are probably some "special event" planned by someone in the family for us to participate on that day:D.

Looks like Sunday the 23rd is the choice by default then. Thank you Walter for offering up your office again. I think we should plan for the 23rd unless majority of the group cannot make it that day.

@merlin2069er, look like you have to work overtime to get your top secret project completed ;).

@Iko, start warming up your preamp :rolleyes:

OK, Folks,

Please post if you would like to come to the meet to be held on the 23rd. Also indicate what gears you plan to bring (only if you want to, it is not compulsory).
I will keep track of the list of names of the participants. Like the previous meets, I will send out all the meeting details (venue, time etc.) via PM to everyone on the list a few days before the meet (mainly for participants that have not been to Walter's place before).

So far, I have Merlin2069er, Sphinx, Audio nut, Jaimo, IKO, Lo-Tse, and DUG. Hope I did not miss anyone.

For sure I am bringing a set of screw drivers and a DMM this time around, may be a soldering station too :p (just kidding). May be we should impose on DUG and request him to bring the speakers again? As for music source, Walter and DUG probably have thousands of music files on their computer and/or Phone to choose from. Oh, do we need a DAC then?

As for the "theme", IKO is going to talk about the built of his DHT pre-amp.

This is going to be fun :spin: ! Looking forward to meet everyone again.

