The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

You know the definition of an Italian gentleman?

"A man who can play the mandolina and the accordion - - but choses not to!


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where the rich Rednecks live

Now that's what I call a Cathouse.
I'd start with the two fake blondes, then bang the brunette (pass on the other two).

For some reason, such folks are often in the automobile bizz, e.g. used vehicles, car shops, or body repair (+spray).
As it happens, I witnessed a family of 5 move to a modest 2.5 bedroom home a couple of years ago.
Think of it as a O-wheel trailer, but with a different automobile on the driveway every couple of months, e.g. Bentley, Mercs, 1-off rebuild jobs, SRT Dodge, currently a C6 Coupe. (there's also a 42ft Cigarette boat).

Very practical folks if you happen to run into some car damage, think Limo pick-up/return service.
Even handier when an insurance expert drops by at their shop for the damage assessment.
5-in-1 folks gladly offer to make it sooner look worse than prettier.
In their little universe, both the shop and the client should have a gain, think of it as emotional compensation.
Best customer for a body repair shop is a customer with bad karma.
Several front/back collisions in a short time frame implies several claims, multiple damage experts, several occasions for cosmetic "touch-ups".

Ooh, did i forget to mention the Single all-in-1 repair job (wink wink, nodge nodge)
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After a traumatic tranny-chase experience at 2am in Frisco, pear-check 1st, apple-check 2nd for me.
No more car-chases, Dirty Harry in SF nowadays means pointing a 357 at silicones !

(the idiot facial expression on the other one looks too psycho familiar)

Can tell you few having done club rounds as DJ

Best one. We got trown out by a bouncer at closing time and no but and if could change his mind
when back early to tidy up the mess we found a few couches out of place and the bouncher turned up whit mega shinner which he would not explain...