The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Joined 2011
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And....what about these????

Indeed Ritchie Blackmore had the pipe. In my (ruling) opinion Ramones was the guys that did the job that had to be done. Kill the so more psychadelic flip out that came over Sabbath, Lizzie, Purple, whatever was falling in to. Not to mention the bad ones.

2 minutes 3 achordion Lower East Side Style songs was what the world needed.

God. I can smell my hotted moped:p
Joined 2006
Paid Member
Damn - I went nuts today and did some heavy yard work. :eek::eek::eek:

U guyz need to do a much better job of preventing me from doing such Dummy things as this..... ;)

The little puppy and two other mutts were a great help too. They made sure that there were zero squirrels around to worry about.... :cool:
Me to
and also like to know who keeps "Mancave" that tidy.

Al Spick and Span that way get me realy suspicious, aint manly at all.

Vix Maybe you shuld do like me and have pair of flimsy laders that do not quite reach the loft hatch or sumfink like it.

Evvery so often Swambo break toes on it.
But hey lader was there before and I promised I get her pair of Clogs eventualy.

At least after 15 years or so she stopped complaining about me leving seat cover up.

Cosco got automatic soft closing one with springs that help a lot on that department.
Me to
and also like to know who keeps "Mancave" that tidy.

Al Spick and Span that way get me realy suspicious, aint manly at all.

Vix Maybe you shuld do like me and have pair of flimsy laders that do not quite reach the loft hatch or sumfink like it.

Evvery so often Swambo break toes on it.
But hey lader was there before and I promised I get her pair of Clogs eventualy.

At least after 15 years or so she stopped complaining about me leving seat cover up.

Cosco got automatic soft closing one with springs that help a lot on that department.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: very familiar.

A while ago there was a thread with many pics of members' workshops! Even I had to admit to being tidy when compared to some of those shown.

I have even worse DIY interests...I make my own salmon fishing flies. You have no idea how much debris and resultant trouble that creates.:D
"salmon fishing flies. You have no idea how much debris and resultant trouble that creates"

oh yah i do. used to do that myself.
i now only have reels, and flys.

my son sword fought with his buddys using my rods. broke all five!
could have had a few retipped, but to try to keep me from finding out he broke them into 2ft sections and tryied to hide them in the shed!

that was 7 years ago. and my wife is still hasent found the body!
im kidding :)
Joined 2006
Paid Member
my son sword fought with his buddys using my rods. broke all five!
could have had a few retipped, but to try to keep me from finding out he broke them into 2ft sections and tryied to hide them in the shed!

that was 7 years ago. and my wife is still hasent found the body!
im kidding :)

In Tennessee he might of had a little accident and fall into the hog pen.... Hog's will eat anything....... :eek::eek::eek:

Speaking of hogs. Bacon - mmmmmmmm - I want sum bacon!!!! :D:D:D
Joined 2006
Paid Member


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Maybe just in case dumbness prevails and any way only 30 % of my dross gets assimilated although after long digestative interludes and not withstanding quality of the output (digestive output)

Was not referring to you was referring to ... not that I know what is on about as he won Poole on BKsaby ignore list of 4.

You well past preacher stage in my book or should I say stone tablet.

And thinking of stone tablets BOO OHHH OH Barbie season is over.
But then again seems that quite a few dudes well in their winter keep Barbie season open nevertheless in damp land so there you have it same more dross.

I better go and fix sumeting

PS (we reserve the right to correct same spelling mistakes)
PSS (Picture talk bio products just sort of walk)
PSSS (no don't you get funny ideas I am quite normal if not on boring side really)
PSSSS Whata thing is a pleonasm, did not Brianco had same of that and Brianco you well now by the way?
PSSSSS Me thinking me shuld have posted 5 different posts to keep my stats up but hey don't wanna be one with the most post here so there you have it once more.
Nah! Its not the words which are redundant....but me myself! But being irish why use one word when seven will do!

Just beginning to recover from a two month attack of gout.......and what happens? I wanted to go fishing! Soooo the rains fell and the river rose by 10 feet! Therefore no fishing 'til probably tuesday!

And, just to make life really great SWMBO has trapped a femoral nerve and is in agony. Even the cat is p++s+d off!

Have a nice weekend everyone.
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