Build your own 2x12" TH (The Kraken 212 TH)

Here is the 19mm = 3/4" Kraken 112. Use the same bracing as in the 22mm version.




Thank you Petter,

I'll move the Kraken 1x12 forward 4 meters along the side wall to adjust for delay. This will put the mouth about a meter from my ears instead of 4 meters so the large increase in loudness at the seat position will make my little amp happy.

Roamed over to the lumber shop and they could not get 22mm--then you post the designs for 3/4 or 19mm so all is well. This will be easier than I thought! Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend. :happy2:
I am thinking about building this subwoofer, but I'm in doubt if i should build the 212 version or the 210 version.

So my question is:

Frequency response the same for both? But only a lower SPL for the 210?
Or does the 212 go a bit lower?

I did some measurement in my room and I can just fit in the 212 version (I got 1145 mm space :) )
So that's why I am considering the 210 version.

Thank in Advance!
Never mind my last question. After I read the thread again I already found my answer.

I decided that I should build the 212 version. I just ordered the subs. They should arrive next week. I am going to build this bad boy in the holidays!

Petter, thanks a lot for the design!

Kind Regards
Any chance of a 110 version, if it is smaller still, if not then there is no point?

also if anyone can comment of the weight of the 112 that would be much appreciated.

Furthermore how much difference will the original push pull orientation make on the distortion, I ask because I intend it to be used in a studio?
I estimated the weight of wood and driver for the 112 to be around 68 KG

A single 10 would have less depth but it still needs the same length for a horn path.

I was getting ready to order the JBL 1214 to build the 112, then the speaker gods said no. My sub amp died after many years of service so I'm back to square one. :mad: Give me a few months to get another amp going and the 112 project is back on for summer.
Well finally here are some pictures. I had some problems with uploading them to the forum so I uploaded them to picasa.

These pictures were taken by a friend of mine and some with my mobile phone.
The sub was used at a party. Everybody loved the deep bass. :)
It is also a very good size. It is big but small enough to hide it.

The paint is chalkboard paint. So essentially it is one big chalkboard that produces loads of bass (Good for WAF.)


After one day of sawing and screwing.


Drivers are mounted and the build is almost complete.
At this stage I noted that everything was 2 mm shorter then on the drawing. I forgot to add the sawblade thickness :headbash:


This was a picture for my friends for size comparison.


After the first time filling all the screw holes. I used screws and a nailgun. Glued everything with wood glue and as finishing touch I filled everythin with that very thick glue to seal everything. (I don't know the English word for it)


The first base coat.


And this is the result. I placed my Ipod classic beneath it for size comparison ;)


I gave a new year party that day so it stayed in the living room that day. On this picture you can also see my other speakers and the Flightcase a friend of mine build.

For more pictures this is the link for my picasa album.
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