Help getting started with Pass DIY amp.

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Hi everyone. Yes, i did search help topics but , a lack (or too much) posts,
did not help me.
I would like to build a Pass class A power amp, around 60plus wpc ( A-75 maybe?), and need help with, where to get the printed circuits boards, components (digikey?) heatsinks? output devices,etc, i'm from Quebec Canada...
I looked at all those project pictures (nice builds in there guys!), and did not see
vu meters... I'd like to install BIG vu meters on mine, any ideas on where to get
those? (a la SAE, Yamaha, Macintosh etc, etc...)?.
Big, LED projection VU meters, like these?

As your first build, you might want to consider an F5. They do not have the power output you suspect you need, but this amp is a relatively easy project, and a great one to give you experience in the Pass Class A philosophy, topology, and all-the-other-"ologies". It's a stellar, uncompromising amp...!


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I've never seen a bad review of any Pass DIY build.

It all depends on how much you want to spend and how confident you are.

Matching the MOS-FETs is arduous, the more you need matched, the more arduous the task. Pairs are relatively easy, Triples not too bad, The Aleph P4 uses Sextuplets - not a mean task - and you need lots of devices to pick from.

I've got 24 IRFP244s left from my matching process - anyone can have the lot for £24 GBP plus postage.

Most of them make good pairs and even triples - I will supply the data that I obtained when matching mine.
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