New Linear Audio publication!

dangerous content

Hi Edmond,
I got this when
I tried to access your site:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Details:

Web page:
Auto Bias part II
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Access to the web page was blocked by ESET Smart Security.
The web page is on the list of websites with potentially dangerous content.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] I don't believe it but you might look into it.

Hi Frank,

Perhaps you should turn off the Parental Control. ;)

To be serious, I haven't the foggiest idea why it is blocked. Would you be so kind to also check other pages, to begin with Home or please?
In the mean time, I also will install ESET Smart Security and see what happen.
BTW, you are the first one who reports such a problem.

Hi Frank,

Perhaps you should turn off the Parental Control. ;)

To be serious, I haven't the foggiest idea why it is blocked. Would you be so kind to also check other pages, to begin with Home or please?
In the mean time, I also will install ESET Smart Security and see what happen.
BTW, you are the first one who reports such a problem.


Edmond, I tried them and same result. I'm not using parental control. I can make an exception in the ESET program, I think. In any case, I've emailed ESET about it.

dangerous content? Nonsense!

Hi Frank,

In short, it's a false positive.
I've undertaken the following actions:

First I've installed ESET Smart Security. When clicked on the link (on page 375) it's OK. But at a next click, for example on fig.1, the site is blocked.

Next, I've overwritten the site with the original data to make sure it isn't hacked and infected. Still blocked. Of course, because not the content is analyzed, rather the address is on the blacklist.

Now, things get funny. After first visiting my website and then going to: , being a site that doesn't exist at all, it will also be blocked. IOW, ESET Smart Security isn't that 'smart'. It's a very stupid bug!

> Edmond, I tried them and same result. I'm not using parental control.

I was just joking.

> I can make an exception in the ESET program, I think.

I'm not sure if it will help, as it's a bug.

>In any case, I've emailed ESET about it.

Please, tell them also that their anti-virus cr@p isn't 'smart' at all. ;)
(or e-mail them my response)


This page has been on the net for some time, and I haven't seen anyone link to it on DIYAudio.


In simulation though, I seem to remember even these "trans-linear" circuits have worse distortion than an ordinary EF.

Nevertheless, it's an interesting idea, probably worth a closer look. Thanks!

EDIT: Edmond's circuit works well though...

- keantoken

Not all versions of autobias-II do equally well, but this one does do a pretty good job: AB2ECV4 (at least in simulation).

geometric mean; class-I

It does look like your 3 transistors serve the same purpose as his "3-legged" input doublet. You would have to work out the equations to tell for sure.

It's not that easy (as I got nasty equations). Anyhow, it conforms not exactly a geometric mean bias (neither does the LT1166).
See this graph: Comparison of a few techniques

Nice circuit! To be fair Kendall did say he is article is based on work done in the 80's. At least he told me in private, I have not seen the finished article. If it works out essentially the same functionality, your version is very elegant.

Thank you, Scott.

Cheers, E.
Hi Frank,

In short, it's a false positive.
I've undertaken the following actions:

First I've installed ESET Smart Security. When clicked on the link (on page 375) it's OK. But at a next click, for example on fig.1, the site is blocked.

Next, I've overwritten the site with the original data to make sure it isn't hacked and infected. Still blocked. Of course, because not the content is analyzed, rather the address is on the blacklist.

Now, things get funny. After first visiting my website and then going to: , being a site that doesn't exist at all, it will also be blocked. IOW, ESET Smart Security isn't that 'smart'. It's a very stupid bug!

> Edmond, I tried them and same result. I'm not using parental control.

I was just joking.

> I can make an exception in the ESET program, I think.

I'm not sure if it will help, as it's a bug.

>In any case, I've emailed ESET about it.

Please, tell them also that their anti-virus cr@p isn't 'smart' at all. ;)
(or e-mail them my response)


Edmond, I wrote them about it last night and they fixed it. Sent me an email written by a human!
Edmond, I wrote them about it last night and they fixed it. Sent me an email written by a human!

Hi Frank,

Indeed, they fixed it, I've checked it too.

LOL. As for post 386, I made a mistake, so I deleted the original comment. In the meantime, I supposed, notification mails has already been sent to subscribers, hence the explanation.

AX tech editor
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Baxandall & Self on Audio Power

Dear Audio friends,

I am happy to report that I have finished a new publication: Baxandall and Self on Audio Power, an 120 pages strong reprint of classical Wireless World articles on audio power amplification by Self and Baxandall from 1978 to 1994. The collection includes a 35 page long previously unpublished personal communication on the subject from Peter Baxandall.
This is the first Linear Audio Classic/ collected papers. As I find other interesting material, there may be more!

Baxandall and Self on Audio Power has three sections:

Section One is Peter Baxandall’s six Wireless World articles from 1978/1979. These focus on feedback and stability in power amplifiers, and are an excellent and compact overview of all the issues and solutions in making a very linear and stable power amp.

Section Two is Douglas Self’s series of 8 articles from Wireless World 1993/1994. These articles focus on the various types of distortion in power amplifiers, and how to minimize each of them. This is the article series that resulted in the ‘Blameless Amplifier’ concept, and that also has been expanded upon in his book..

Section Three contains 35 pages of typewritten comments from Peter to Douglas’ articles, and contains many hand-drawn graphs and schematics. This is material that has never been published before and offers a fascinating insight in Baxandall’s way of thinking and his knowledge.

Baxandall and Self on Audio Power is available from the Linear Audio website as usual.

Comments invited!

jan didden


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Comments: I also have some of each of the original series, but not all- this nicely filled in the blanks. The third section is a superb find (to DF96: well worth it). Great reading, and it certainly lays the foundation for the more comprehensive work Doug did later on, as well as seeing the detailed discussion by the justly-legendary Baxandall.
Kendall's Class-I

It does look like your 3 transistors serve the same purpose as his "3-legged" input doublet. You would have to work out the equations to tell for sure. Nice circuit!

To be fair Kendall did say he is article is based on work done in the 80's. At least he told me in private, I have not seen the finished article. If it works out essentially the same functionality, your version is very elegant.

Hi Scott,

Meanwhile I figured out his version. Indeed, its based on the same priciples, though his circuit is even more elegant. Due to an additional loop (there are three in total) his circuit is more stable, i.e. less dependent on closely matched transistors and also less dependent on the ambient temperature.

I vote for Kendall's circuit.
