John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Now 8192 samples. This means 85 ms. Nothing. Shorting the window only looses resolution.

Nothing again. Sorry, enough for now.


  • CCIF_8192.PNG
    57 KB · Views: 210

Now 8192 samples. This means 85 ms. Nothing. Shorting the window only looses resolution.

Nothing again. Sorry, enough for now.

So the fact that fewer samples strongly increase the noisefloor is "nothing"? :p

Can you think what the noisefloor would be like with 256 Samples? What would the noisefloor be with an analogue system that has a 130dB FFT noisefloor for 256 samples in the FFT?

Did you ever try the same set of measurements on a DAC that does not work on the principle of adding "Fuzzy" Distortion?

More to the point, did you ever listen?

BTW, I am familar with that Cirrus Logic Chip and as it so happens I also know the lead designer (long story, we bumped into each other at the queue at the "foreigner registration" of a Police Station in Beijing) and we actually even discussed his DAC designs in some detail. We even discussed the design rationales, driving factors and so on all the way to the kind of HiFi System he listens to at home (all strictly Sub Rosa), over some truely delicious Shaanxi style roast duck, cat ears and very quaffable Beijing Beer at the YinYang restaurant, previously frequented by Bush senior when he was US Ambassador in Beijing, riding his Bicycle there. Six degrees of separation and all.

Anyway, all this was really off topic.

Well, if you like this DAC and the way it sounds, who am I to tell you should not?

I see little point wasting my time convincing people of things they refuse to know and understand, there is no gain in it for any side, either materially, educationally or spiritually.

Ciao T
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These 9-14bit myths and speculations (by Thorsten) about modern DACs.

You have read the CS4398 Datasheet, right?

The modulator is 25 Level at 128 Times oversampling, so giving 3200 possible distinct levels. This is a dynamic range of 70dB.

As the Part is advertised as 120dB DNR we need to apply 50dB worth of noiseshaping to get this. Now how many samples of this 50 dB noiseshaping are needed to get the FFT Noisefloor for 120dB?

In other words, how many samples do we need to average to get 2 ^ 20 levels (which is what is basically 120dB DNR) and reverse, what is the maximal accuracy with which a single sample can be represented?

One of the methods that suits itself to revealing "hidden" behaviours of circuits is noiseloading, which is REALLY an old hat, I mean completely antique (it was antique when I started out in electronics in the 80's)and AP Equipment CAN (with substantial effort) be programmed to do something approaching this.

Anyway, all this stuff around dither and noiseshaping/modulation is really basic, the Lipshitz/Vanderkoy article on DSD is a good summary of the issues, though I find myself disagreeing with some of their conclusions (including, but not limited to the one that asserts that because they measure the same with a lot of averaging noiseshaped low bit converters perform identical to non-noiseshaped "Multibit" converters.

Ciao T

AES members with high-end test equipment have reported that SACD media players are often limited to about 20 kHz output.

Well, DSD was "invented" when the output of a Delta Sigma AD designated for CD release was stored directly and played back directly, without following conversion to PCM.

However, the classic DSD Modulator has less information content (information theory) than can be encoded in classic 4 * Oversampled 16 Bit/44.1KHz Audio.

It is interesting to compare prior good CD releases with the CD-Layers of many SACD's and the SACD, using high grade equipment.

Many years ago, when I modified Shanling CD-Players I used to demo them (PDM200 & PCM1704 * 2) against Sony SACD Players modified similar to Allen Wright's mods. The differences in Sonics where quite instructive.

Let me say these demo's helped tremendously in selling my modded CD-Players - they where fully level matched, but not blind, FWIW, as a rule, all people who auditioned where severely predisposed towards SACD...

Ciao T
There is a rapidly growing body of info on computer audio. I would start either here at DIYaudio or Computer Audiophile Computer Audiophile | High-End Audiophile Music Servers

Looking at my collection the worst case would be a 176.4/24 Reference Recordings wave format album at around 4.5 GB. If stored in FLAC its about 1/2 of that. A 96K FLAC would be roughly 1/2 of the 176.4 album. And for less than $100 you can now get a 2 TB drive that will store approx 400 of those hi res albums, more than have been created thus far. And a whole lot of good listening.

You can find lots on ripping the CD's at the link, and ripping services if you value your time above zero.

We should get back to the antique art of analog reproduction in honor of John's interests and contributions.

Thanks for the information!

Well, DSD was "invented" when the output of a Delta Sigma AD designated for CD release was stored directly and played back directly, without following conversion to PCM.

However, the classic DSD Modulator has less information content (information theory) than can be encoded in classic 4 * Oversampled 16 Bit/44.1KHz Audio.

How can oversampling put more information on a CD? It just interpolates between points doesn't it - "Bogus Bits" as some say.
Too bad they don't make them anymore to any extent. A digital copy from either a direct disc recording or an Ultramaster analog recording is ALWAYS INFERIOR. Dave Wilson made an A-B test to prove this, decades ago.


I have a copy of one of those experiments and I disagree. The frequency response anomolies between the two are so gross that the simple "there is no difference but and A/D - D/A in the path", can't possibly be true. I would be glad to investigate this someday.

How can oversampling put more information on a CD? It just interpolates between points doesn't it - "Bogus Bits" as some say.

In my opinion, it cannot.

I merely pointed out that correctly implemented 16/44.1 with the correct digital filter with oversampling (in order to leave for now the Oversampling/No-Oversampling controversy firmly locked in it's little jar) can carry more information than the original "DSD 1X" modulator used for SACD can produce.

Note all this was strictly from an information theory viewpoint and contains many caveats when it comes to applicability in practice...

Ciao T
Thanks for the link to the IEEE paper, Demian.

Could someone kindly define the 'DA' acronym that has popped up in the last several pages of this thread? I must confess that I am suffering from acronym overload, because I've lost the reference here. It's certainly not "D/A" or 'DAC' - I believe someone mentioned Diode Amplification, but that's nothing I've seen defined in the industry. Thanks.

Funny, I had to google DSD. I have not searched but I find it hard to believe that the different digital systems have not been compared on first principles of information theory at least somewhere.

And as I said before it does bother me just like it bothers Thorsten that the massive averaging to make nice pictures (maybe) does not address the instantaneous performance. Luckily I can walk into Bob Adam's office and have him try to explain.

We are all Martians, here.

Speak for yourself Martian, I'm from Europa! :p

All Martians looking for some intergalactic Graal.

Un SanG real? Really? THE royal blood? We all have it...

And on Europa we have long (and I mean long) known that there is no San Graal of Audio. The best there is a convincing illusion, in the same kind and manner as that practiced by those who call themselves Magicians (with a c, not a k, the difference is profound).

Vinyl does not exist any more, even CD is dead, young people does not buy his "music ?" on a solid support any more. Analog recording ? What is that ?

LP s ? Most of my visitors at home looks to my vinyl collection, amused, near intrigued, as i was with the 78rpms of my grand-mother, looking at his phono and his so beautiful articulated coper horn, when i was young. They examine the same way my radial arm turntable.

Even me, recently retired dinosaur, all my music is on my hard disk, now, and very rare are the moments i put an old vinyl on the turntable or a cd in the machine.

This is very true indeed. However, from where I stand it is not a bad thing. All my music that does not exist on those 12" Diameter plastic disks that where used in the analogue age for storage of acoustical information has eXistenZ only in cyberspace, as have most of my books and magazines, movies and TV Series,

Yet it means even my 19 Month old daughter can play it. I doubt she gets "genre" yet, but she can identify what she likes by the coverart on the screen and point at it, with the screen being "touch" it means "play"...

Better not to fight between us, about our different approaches of a strange passion that nobody around us (out of our professional audio environment) even understand.

Time to share as much as possible all what we have experienced or discovered, to help young people to reinvent a new music dead in the 80th.

I could not agree more with you. I find much of these debates totally pointless, as they lead nowhere. However, as long as there are some who cannot let viewpoints and ideas they have problems of moral affordability with just stand and go elsewhere and do their own thing, but instead argue everything to death and beyond, regardless of evidence, regardless of truth this will sadly only stop if one of the sides in the argument just walks away and leaves the field to the "other side".

Studios are dead, one after the others. Young musicians record in their home with their computers. Did they care about bits or sampling frequencies ?

Well, the death of many studio's is sad indeed. However, seeing how much music has become overproduced, I think it is a good thing that Young musicians take thing into their own hands. And many of them (even some of those who run Garage Band on a Mac) do care about quality.

It has lead to a great deal of readily available and fairly inexpensive gear of high quality. It is thanks to that several commercial operations I had hands in now use prosumer sound cards with appropriate breakout boxes and software for quality testing, instead of buying several Audio Precision units...

Record companies do not sell the cheap expensive records they had produced in the last available big studio and don't even understand why. As said Little Feat, we are very near "The Last record album", many years ago.

This should not come as a surprise. Since the 80's we have seen record companies turning more and more to overproduced, valueless "music" which if were food would be so low in Quality and Nutrition that even the likes of MacDonalds and KFC have to high standards of corporate ethics to sell...

It is not as such the recording that is the problem, it is the content. If you hire the greatest french chef and only give him garbage (real garbage, not the stuff Supermarkets throw because it is past sell by but otherwise good) to cook with, the food will taste like garbage, in fact it will be garbage...

Ciao T

I will live this forum, will publish on my web site instead, but i wanted to kiss you good bye. You all are very interesting and nice people. Thanks for all.

I appreciate your decision and I do in part share your reasons, but I would ask you to reconsider.

A little later, when I have more time, maybe tomorrow, I would like to share a simple short story that will explain WHY I am still here as part of this forum, though I have sure been given enough reasons to throw my toys out of the pram and stamp my little feet and cry like a baby and then make like a tree and leaf...

However, every now and then something happens, something small, nothing earthshaking, but it makes a difference.

Whichever way you go, may Fortuna smile on you, do leave us a link, if you go.

Ciao T
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