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Yeah, thats the basic idea - except maybe for the graphics - as this is a tricky part in coding it possibly should be left to Octave to render the plots at first hand.
All in all it does not seem to be impossible for me (thougha a GUI noob I'm not exactly the right person for such a job ;) ) - in the end its "only" about a more or less well structured manipulation of the content of a text file. (at least to get started)

Thinking one step further - I'd very much would like to get Juce / Visual C express running as this may open even more doors towards developing a stand alone version...


A more structurized WT packet :D

run wt_main

Currently supports only one analysis, wavelet CSD

The file browser could be smoother, but it does it's job.

This is an attempt for 'easy modification' packet. For example, want to add totally new analysis -> only modify cell array analysis in wt_main function, and add a new wt_xxxx function (similar to wt_csd). AND THAT'S ALL!! :D

Another example, want to change current wavelet CSD to plot something more -> only modify wt_csd function. Done! :)

And yet, want to improve UI file browsing -> only modify function wt_ui_scnd. Finished! :)

Let me know what you guys think.

And remember this is beta!

- Elias
Your'e going fast!

For the basic user, that's a great improvement :

  • don't have to type anymore the files names and the program making it's list: sweet ! It accepts too new files added on the fly. :) All gets as fast as mouse clicking.

  • Strangely, it's running much faster, and this time the 3D plots have more contrasted colors.:)

  • You have to do something for easy closing of all the windows. Would be more aesthetic too if the command line black ones stayed somewhere else.:mad:
Can you see that, now it's about aesthetics ! :smash:

Thanks for testing!

I also noticed after 5 minutes of usage file browsing is faster than with mouse when you learn the pattern you can do it eyes closed just press numbers and enter :)

For the black window, first remedy is you can change the color :D Click on the top left corner of the window and select properties. Personally I like blue background with white text, like Finland flag :cool:

- Elias

Your'e going fast!

For the basic user, that's a great improvement :

  • don't have to type anymore the files names and the program making it's list: sweet ! It accepts too new files added on the fly. :) All gets as fast as mouse clicking.

  • Strangely, it's running much faster, and this time the 3D plots have more contrasted colors.:)

  • You have to do something for easy closing of all the windows. Would be more aesthetic too if the command line black ones stayed somewhere else.:mad:
Can you see that, now it's about aesthetics ! :smash:
Ok, we tested in Ubuntu. Works! :)

New features in beta05:

Constant Q wavelet, spectrograms and 3D

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Extract to new folder and run wt_main

P.S. Updating was easy, only modified 2 lines in wt_main and added new file wt_cq for constant Q :)

- Elias
Perfect. :cheers:

The 3D constant Q is maybe not "much more revealing" than the 2D plot, but for the price (and the beauty :D) you can keep it.

Good idea to materialize the 2 origin axis with the thin line.

Could it be possible to have an option for extending the measuring window?
in some cases 30 ms are useful (big rooms).

Then, what about a Burst decay plot as in Arta ? (that's already using wavelets :rolleyes:)

The "black" windows are fixed now, I'm a damn idiot. :clown:

I agree about the 3D. Nowadays 3D is fashion everything must in that format, also movies and TV! so it must be in this package too :D

In the next stage of updates there will be option for the user to set the parameters like time and freq axes and amplitude scale etc. Now its running with default values. Need to implement UI for that.

Burst decay (periods-freq-amplitude) no problem! :D

- Elias

Perfect. :cheers:

The 3D constant Q is maybe not "much more revealing" than the 2D plot, but for the price (and the beauty :D) you can keep it.

Good idea to materialize the 2 origin axis with the thin line.

Could it be possible to have an option for extending the measuring window?
in some cases 30 ms are useful (big rooms).

Then, what about a Burst decay plot as in Arta ? (that's already using wavelets :rolleyes:)

The "black" windows are fixed now, I'm a damn idiot. :clown:
I tried the 50 ms windows : useless in the CSD 3D (ok, nothing new), but useful in the other plots. :rolleyes:

This dramatically slows down the display :snail:(I've disabled the normalized plots _that make me depressive_ for saving time).

You didn't told us (or I missed it) that the 3D plots could be rotated with the mouse.

That's a great and maybe unique feature, and here the slow rendering of the constant Q becomes an advantage : nothing stays hidden.

(the CSD 3D is instantly updated)

Absolutely a wonderful tool to use and watch. :bigeyes:
Last edited:
Just for the landscape, once rotated and after horizontal flip in some image editor. Hmmm ?


  • new_D6-oblik-CQ-flip.jpg
    68.8 KB · Views: 123
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