Solving Baffle Step Acoustically

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The only clean way of acoustic "compensation" is in-wall mounting. But ok, that is not compensation, but removal of the cause.

Other ways are on-wall mounting, but theat leaves a dip in the response in the region between the baffle step and the wall support.

A driver on the back of the box is actually equivalent to mounting a box of half the depth on a wall, and the result is the same; a dip in the response.

Possibly one could call the use of a .5 driver an acoustic compensation, but then again it requires some electrical filtering.

...or one could be helped by the voice coil inductance in that its effects might more or less cancel the baffle step. But that is also sort of an electrical compensation.
Probably the simplest way would be to use a wide enough baffle in a three way design that the baffle step would be low enough to put at the lower crossover frequency. Maybe 300-500 Hz. Then use a woofer that is 1-2 db more efficient than the other drivers. If speakers will be placed fairly close to the wall no baffle step correction is advised. Out in the room 1-2 db is about right. For outdoor speakers you will probably want up to 4-5 db unless they are hanging stadium type speakers. Then you would want a full 6db baffle step.

Could this be done 2-way at all? If I place flat enclosure very close to the wall, there can't be very much baffle step loss. A little but not much. Enclosure 40-45 cm wide and only 15 deep, round corners. 2-way 6,5" + 1" tweeter.
How about using ported box for rising low-end of the midrange driver? Example attached - 150hz port for Tang Band W8-1772. Crossover between bass driver and midrange could be at ~200hz.


  • 150hz-port.png
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That would require a very wide cabinet.

Imo, the easiest way around BSC is to cross from the woofer to midrange at the baffle step frequency.

Shouldn't that be AT or Below the Baffle Step. If the Baffle Step is 600hz and you cross at 500hz, haven't you eliminated the problem?

I think the original question is too vague. I think to make worthwhile responses we would need to know more about the specific speaker or speaker design in question.

If you push the Low/Mid crossover below the Step Frequency, that seems to be problem solved. Easy enough in a 3-way, next to impossible in a 2-way.

HALF way systems at the Step Frequency can solve the problem. Add a Second Bass driver to run in parallel with the first up to the Step Frequency.

Placement in a room can boost the low bass, but it is not that predictable. You can control the amount by proximity to boundary walls, but you can't control the range assuring that it blends in at the Step Frequency.

Beyond general Baffle Step discussion, with out specifics regarding the design in quesion, that's all it can ever be - general discussion.

For what it is worth.

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