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Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
Oh, Im sure some of the good "saints" here know perfectly well how to insult and patronise carefully not using the words that awakes the "sleeping" moderators

Hypocritical, is that word allowed

I would say, the less the moderators work, the better
Nothing is perfect
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Too much work, too little people.
The report button is always there, just in case.

Relying on people to report "offending" posts is one safe way to hide in the bushes.

I must be dense today, but I see no poll in that thread. All I see is a group buy initiative in the Solid State forum, where there is a dedicated forum for such enterprises.

Also following the recent bin time for PMA and Upupa, I concluded that one can post whatever junk on this forum (even dangerous for others) and the expectation is others to politely debate that junk. Good luck with that and don't be surprised if you are soon going to host only Curly's and Joshua's.

I'm sure you are aware about the latest achievement of your recent moderating policies, Edmond Stuart left this forum for good, after being binned (without any public record, as far as I can tell) for addressing Joshua's crap.

BTW, none of the above mentioned names can be considered my "friends".

Anyway, I made a suggestion and you rejected it, end of story. It's convenient to ask regular members for responsability, it's not so easy to assume such, isn't it?
Hypocritical, is that word allowed

You are well off target, dear. In quite some years around, I have myself used the magic button maybe five times, and only when things went well off, at family, racism, etc... levels. My inbox is occasionally full of hate mail, I couldn't care less about, it doesn't bother me.

What I find really annoying is messages vanishing in thin air, without any trace or responsability.

Need another good example of the current moderation policies? Look here, if you have the stomach, in what kind of mud was Scott Wurcer dragged in by a fresh member (and likely a sock puppet), insulting his competences and knowledge. I know Scott couldn't care less about as well, and he's also unlikely to complain, but what would other members think about this forum when reading such crap?
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Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
I remember perfectly well when mr Geddes entered this forum
He was surpriced about being constantly attacked
Probably mostly because of his rather arrogant nature
He didnt like being here at all, and was about to leave

I told him directly that if he would like to be here he would have to deal with it in his own way
And that he did, and pretty good actually

Honestly, its been a long time since I have experienced any bad behaviour
But maybe Im in the "wrong" threads
But sure, I have tried to be "hounted" by a well reputed and respected member, just because I was objective and saying the truth, and not even being unfriendly
And this member seemed to get away with just about anything
And some pretty bad stuff too

No, this aint perfect, and will never be, people are what they are
But take a look around the world
Real people with real problems
Like this small group of native island people outside Australia
Their land is being floated, day by day, and they have nowhere to go
Its the end of their culture
And you think we have problems
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Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
Maybe we should just grant total immunity to those who have the skills we like
Well, maybe we kind of already have

Good thing the moderators keeps neutral and only follow the forum "constitution", and not judging the member conflicts by their "status"
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Disabled Account
Joined 2007
A good rule may be:

...for everyone to lighten up and stop taking themselves so seriously, it's a fracking internet forum for God's sake.
Too many huge egos attached to so many cry-babies can spoil all the fun.
The earth doesn't revolve around this forum, fellas.

Nearly 1/4 of the posts I make are targeted jibes and are designed to give me a tickle at someone else's expense, whether they deserve it or not (in my view). Most should have been deleted and quite a few have been; I've made the requisite complaints of censorship but half heartedly (if at all) because I know they should have been chopped. To date I haven't had anything truly important removed, mainly because I haven't said anything truly important here, just casual conversation, inconsequential chatter.

I think the mods are doing a great job. :up:
Just another Moderator
Joined 2003
Paid Member
First I'd like to say that I spend way too much time reading stuff on diyAudio, and I only read a small fraction of what is posted here... to expect that the moderation team can read everything and deal with it appropriately is IMO an unrealistic expectation. The report button is there for a reason, it is because it is IMO unreasonable to expect that a moderator will have read every post that potentially should be moderated in some way (effectively they would have to read every single post to do this). If you don't use it (the report button), then don't expect that something will be done about it... simple really.

On the point of avoiding making things worse, my general rule of thumb is if any type of response makes me angry, then I don't reply to it until I have calmed down. Go back and read it again, and one of two things will have happened, a) I can't actually see why it made me angry the first time, as I must have misinterpreted it, or b) I still disagree with it, but I can make a considered (non-inflamatory) post. Posting something designed to make the other person angry does not help at all and simply results in adding fuel to the fire. Posting something that calmly responds to the other post, even if it was insulting, simply stating your point of view with no malice I find often will defuse the situation completely. The other thing I do is re-read my post and if I think that someone saying that to me would cause me to react, try and think of a way to say it more subtly, or in a better way that is less liklely to make the situation worse than what it already is.

On the things that make you angry, another very good thing to do is to actually try and work out why it made you angry? Often it will be because it has touched a nerve, perhaps you have some doubts about your belief but don't want to admit it to yourself, and what the other person has said brings these doubts closer to conciousness, perhaps the person is doing something that you yourself do, and you don't like it (mirror effect), If you realise this it is a great tool for self development.

In the end IMO any time someone gets angry, resorts to insults or name calling (regarless of who started it) The oppinion of the majority of members of the forum (who see it) of that member will go down.

It is fine to try and get your point of view across. It is naive to believe that you will always be able to change someones mind to agree with your own POV. It is just pure stubborness and perhaps pride, that causes one to continue to try when everyone else has already realised it is a pointless excercise.

Note that this post is a general one somewhat encompasing what I think are some of the issues raised above (and perhaps extrapolating somewhat). It is not aimed at anyone in particular, but if if makes you mad, come back and re-read it tomorrow and think about why it did :)

But perhaps you are happy with the current status, where valuable contributors are largely replaced by ignorant goons...


However, I don't know how moderators can control that in any significant way without severely restricting speech. That's a huge and nearly impossible job I think. The problem is more a reflection of the DIYaudio community being a subset of the audiophile community than it is of the moderation in my view. And for whatever reason, the audiophile community seems to be a huge magnet for the tin foil hat crowd.

A while back, I posted something in the now-defunct "Tweaker's Sanctuary", saying in effect that I thought the forum should be removed. I was astonished when it actually was a couple of months later. So I think there is some concern among the moderation team about maintaining quality (and maybe even some conflict too), even though it may not be apparent on the surface. I know if I were a moderator I wouldn't want to be put in the position of trying to solve this problem, mainly because it doesn't appear to be solvable.

One idea I've toyed with is starting up another forum for which membership would be by invitation only. Bill Waslo hosts an audiophile forum elsewhere, and he had this to say:

The new host will be chosen because they do Simple Machines Forum, will do the transfer, and they are CHEAP. We should be able to move all the valuable content that is here now to the new place. I signed up for 3 years at $4/month, prepaid already.

The problem there is that some of the best designers on this site don't get along with each other, so any moderator would be put in the middle of that. Keeping such a forum on track would not simply be a matter of maintaining the quality of posts from a technical point of view.
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Yep, learn from the best. Ask syn08 how it's done; swear at another member in a foreign language AND use an acronym. Now, is that intelligent or what? ;)

Your inane accusations and racist comments were the reason for hitting once (out of about five) the report button - and the crap was promptly removed, I'll give that to the moderators.

Though, you may continue ranting from now on. You successfully joined some of your good friends on my **** list.
I would gladly participate in a forum based on invitation only, even for a reasonable monthly fee.

The only reason I put those numbers up there was to show that it could be done cheaply enough so as to not require donations from members. $48 per year for the entire site is chump change. That assumes there's no "gotchas" in the terms. Their site says "unlimited storage", but I admit to not having thoroughly researched it.
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diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member

.....BTW, to eliminate any doubts, I know there were occasions when I wrote posts that were inapproriately tolerated. So there was/is an occasional bias in my favour as well. Not consistent, other absolutely innocent posts vanished in thin air (happened yesterday, e.g.). Which to me means exactly what I originally stated: it's not about moderation policies, it's about biased moderation.....

Of course this makes me wonder why you have so little control that you MUST make inappropriate posts when you are aware that you did. The vast, vast majority of members are able to post without this problem. Why must we spend time constantly monitoring you posts? and we must accept your opinion that the deleted post were "absolutely innocent" even though you seem to be unable to determine this, or I would assume that you wouldn't do it. So choose one- either you make offensive posts on purpose or you are unable to determine what posts are offensive..

Maybe you should consider that "inconsistant" is not necessarily "biased" Its always appealing for some to see a conspiracy. As I have said as clearly as I can, almost all binnings are a result of more than one mod deciding that it is appropriate.
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diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member
...for everyone to lighten up and stop taking themselves so seriously, it's a fracking internet forum for God's sake.
Too many huge egos attached to so many cry-babies can spoil all the fun.
The earth doesn't revolve around this forum, fellas.

Nearly 1/4 of the posts I make are targeted jibes and are designed to give me a tickle at someone else's expense, whether they deserve it or not (in my view). Most should have been deleted and quite a few have been; I've made the requisite complaints of censorship but half heartedly (if at all) because I know they should have been chopped. To date I haven't had anything truly important removed, mainly because I haven't said anything truly important here, just casual conversation, inconsequential chatter.

I think the mods are doing a great job. :up:

Thanks for the support MJL , but if you continue to make 1/4 of your posts targeted jibes, and if they are repetitive jibes directed to one person, while you state that you are running up your post count, then you will certainly end up in the bin.

We don't like jibes too much, at someones expense , for your amusement and we don't like pointless posts particularly either..

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