which clock to choose

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Lars Clausen said:
Other than say that i work in one of the few clock producing teams in here that spend money for advertising.

Not as you claim use free advertising.
I wouldn’t wonder if I’ll hear that for the money you are spending you are also advised to (ab)use the place(s) like this. I guess also that agency does or will look at this place. This advertising is not ultimately free, but uses a free space.

However, if you can be useful to DIY community it could be still acceptable. But at this very moment, the quantity of the spam coming form you hugely overcomes your contribution.

Pedja (not an advertising genius but knows something about the advertising)
Lars Clausen said:

I think it's more fun to discuss Audio related stuff.

Ofcourse it is !

But where is that stuff ? And where are (for example)answers to questions I raised to you in this forum ?

For some reason you seem to be alergic for content, and that is why others react on you - their alergy.

If you take care of proper balance of commerce and content, no one (not even Jocko I assume) will blame you.

best regards,
Lars Clausen said:
Jocko: i don't know what you have against my person or my company, but it seems youtake every shot you can at us.


maybe you haven't been on the forum long enough to realize
it yet, but there is unfortunately certain cases where a single
person or a group of people simply decides to dislike some
other forum member, usually without giving much substance
to why they do so and without anybody else understanding
why they do so. Maybe you have ended up in such
a situation. It is sad if that is the case and it is probably
something you just have to accept and learn to live with.
In my opinion, Jockos recent stab at you were anyway such
flawed in argument that it rather backfired on himself.

You are, of course, in a somewhat difficult position since you
are an audio professional and it is probably unavoidable to
sometimes get into a greyzone. However, there are many
such people on the forum, who occasionally discuss their
own products without anybody complaining about it. Besides,
it is no secret what company you represent so people can make
their own judgement about your objectivity. Certain others,
like Jocko, also work professionally with audio (or at least
say so themselves) but never reveals anything about who
they work for or what products they have designed, so how
do we know when and if they mix up their professional interests
with their personal ones? (I am not saying and don't believe
that Jocko does mix it up, just that with people like him we
don't have a chance to judge ourselves).

BTW Lars, why don't you send Jocko a mail and ask himself?
He can be a bit arrogant now and then on the forum, but I
have found him to be quite a nice guy if you discuss with him
in private via mail.

Edit: I just realized there were similar things going on in two
different threads which I confused with each other for this
reason, and the comment by Jocko I referred to as
backfiring on himself was actually posted in the ULCA thread,
rather than this one. Just to get the record straight.
Pedja said:
However, if you can be useful to DIY community it could be still acceptable. But at this very moment, the quantity of the spam coming form you hugely overcomes your contribution.
Pedja, if I only got 10-50 spams a day from Lars I would be happy (for a while at least) :)

My other email account has now 600 emails about enlargements of various kinds, drugs, africa letter and so on.

Pedja, we all now know what you think about Lars. Please continue with something about audio please.:att'n:
This is not about me, or what I like or dislike.

It is about people who use the forum to promote their products.

Example: A thread started about an amp.........which just by coincidence is located on the web page of the guy who starts it. Who has has a commerical intersest in it.

And what do we talk about?? His amp.....and quite conveniently, how to improve it.

If anyone thinks that he won't take the free feedback/suggstions, and incorporate them into the next version, then you are delusional.

No, he can't seem to make more than one post without talking about his stuff.

A lot of us are tired of hearing it.

Either contribute as an individual, and not as a troll looking to take advantage of the forum, or go to one of the many other forums where this kind of crap is encouraged.

No, I suspect our friend will never attempt to contact me, because he knows that I am right.

peranders said:

Pedja, if I only got 10-50 spams a day from Lars I would be happy (for a while at least) :)

My other email account has now 600 emails about enlargements of various kinds, drugs, africa letter and so on.

Pedja, we all now know what you think about Lars. Please continue with something about audio please.:att'n:

I might be better not to repeat this, but my email account is practically spam free and I enjoy it.

And no, you don’t know what I think about Lars. And similarly to Guido, I am still waiting for his answer that will deal with the content of the question… then we will be in the audio.

It's not 'perceived' free advertising or commercial interest that is spoiling this forum it is the hijacking of threads by certain selfish people with personal grievances.

Both the ULCA and WCTC thread have been derailed in this way on more than one occasion. Now this really is something the moderators should look at.:(
For those who worry about people using the forum for feedback
and input for their own commercial products, have you given
a thought to how many people may be posing here as private
persons while they actually have a commercial interests they
keep shut about because their hidden purpose is to use the forum for
these commercial interests? Hopefully there is no such person,
but I am afraid it would be naive wishful thinking to believe so.
At lest we know where we have those people who do state
their commercial affiliations.
Peter Daniel said:
Maybe we should start distributing ani-allergic pills on a forum?

I see a lot of those allergies, but can't figure out where they come from.

Or maybe we should have a separate forum for bashing people
with one thread for each person somebody wants to bash. I
can volunteer to inaugarate the forum by starting a "complaints
about Christer" thread. :)
Disabled Account
Joined 2002
Christer said:
For those who worry about people using the forum for feedback
and input for their own commercial products, have you given
a thought to how many people may be posing here as private
persons while they actually have a commercial interests they
keep shut about because their hidden purpose is to use the forum for
these commercial interests? Hopefully there is no such person,
but I am afraid it would be naive wishful thinking to believe so.
At least we know where we have those people who do state
their commercial affiliations.

Wise words.
"Do you ever build stuff, or just complain?"

As a matter of fact, I do build DIY stuff. Why, I just happened to build this li'l ol' circuit today.

Funny story, about this board.............

A fellow forum member tried to build something off of another forum member's webpage. But, golly, gee............it didn't work.

(Whether it was because it is a poor design, or the guy just couldn't figure it out.......well, maybe a little of both.)

So, when all else fails, who do they e-mail for help??

Yep, that's right:

Mr. Personality.

And the mensch that I am, I threw this board together for him. Made with parts that I found on the bench.

Here is a lousy scan of what it looks like:


  • theboard.jpg
    27.2 KB · Views: 1,917
More of the same.......

Below is a diagram of it.

"OK........just what is it supposed to do?"

The clue is that it is not out of place in a clock thread.

"And why no values??"

1.) It is not optimised, just tested. It works, and will be in the mail tomorrow. Works good enough to make tunes, and that is sufficient for today. His system is down; I think he will be happy with how it is.

2.) You really don't think that I am going to let someone else take my half-baked design and incorporate in as their own, do you???

Anyone who has a legit reason to know can contact me by the usual means.


  • theboard.gif
    4.2 KB · Views: 2,476
Putting a Porsche motor on a FIAT.

Lars Clausen said:

Not as you claim use free advertising. The DVD thread is not really advertising, but intended to start a thread with some audio related content - more interesting than this thread that has clearly turned into pure mudthrowing thanks to you and a few others.

On the ChipAmps forum?:confused: :eek:
Aren't you just trying to get more clients?
Or run away from some people here?

Anyway, an expen$ive clock on a crappy DVD is not the way to go.
That deam cheap DVD won't last until the end of the warranty period.:bawling:
Then you'll have a problem.:whazzat:
li_gangyi said:
the 3 LEDs look like some kinda rigged up cheapie Zener Diode...as for the oscillator...I'm also at a loss...

The LED chain chain is most ceratinly just a voltage reference
since the left half circuitry is a power supply. As for the right
part, as a wild speculation, could it be a clock buffer with three
outputs to feed the various chips directly with clock signals?
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