UCD180 questions

Hello, I would like to have the expert's opinion on what I have chosen for my UCD project.
One transformer (I think I'll go with the 160VA round corner transformer suggested by Peter).
Two separate bridge rectifiers (4 MUR860 decoupled with 1 Black Gate non polar 4,7uf/50V).
One 10000uf/63V per rail (Nichicon KG Super, wich are reasonably priced).
What do you think?
Thank you
Hypex announced PSUs


till now I was a passive member of this thread and I learned a lot from it. Jan-Peter announced that they would provide complete PSUs in the future. This seems to be the best solution for me since I'm a DIY newbie, I just saves me ordering caps, tranformer etc. from different places, paying shipping costs for every item. The only thing I wanna know: how long will it still take approx. ?
He announced it in August if I'm right, and when they don't come in the near future, I'll be forced to do it myself.

Do you guys know any comparable sites like schuro.de, who offer complete PSU sets ?


Bob Lorentz

PS @ Bruno: I am very pleased that you are a lecturer at the AES-NL conference, just got the news today !! :)

I asked this in the UcD 400 thread, but no answer. It is probably more relevant here, so:

Would it be possible, if one only wants to drive the modules from a unbalanced source , to ground the - input of the UcD driver (thru 1.8 K?) and connect the + to the source, thereby bypass both the op-amp and the two 22uF ?

Broken UcD 180

When I was trying to make a bridged amp with two UcD180
I was a bit to quick, and connected the power with charge on the caps. (First I connected the supply Gnd and a big spark when I connected the + supply) :bawling:
One of the modules broke down.
What might have broken, and is it likely that it cold be repaired?
Best Regards AndyB
I know, I know. It's just that I have a hunch about these caps. My horoscope said that I must follow my hunches ;) and beside, I only found these 22000uF caps. If I could get smaller ones I would be glad.
And again, I could use these cans afterwards in a UCD400 project, wright? :)

Would you be kind and tell us, humble beginners, if we need smaller caps after these large cans?


Here I am, soldering and connecting everything... :cool:
