The Weather

Balmy Victoria

Beacon Hill Park fountain today - sure, there's no snow on the ground, but -2 or so Celciius and a steady breeze still feels chilly


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I lived in South Florida for 61 years. I still remember, as do most who were living there at the time, the only time it snowed in South Florida.

It will be 40 years ago on Jan. 19. There will probably be news stories remembering the event on Jan. 19. It was as shown in this picture a headline event at the time......and I slept through it, was working the night shift at the time.

The day it snowed in South Florida - Sun Sentinel

The girl on the beach is holding up the newspaper from the day after. I still have a photograph of that front page story somewhere.
If only we could pipe some of that cold over here. It was a relatively cooler 37C here today, but last week we had a couple of days above of those was a total stinker with some suburbs hitting 44. Commuter trains had to slow down due to the heat.

The worst is the deliberately lit fires, every really hot day. They should be shot.
Exactly, almost never below 0C where I live. The odd town will get -2C or so about once a year. And no snow.

Ron, we stay once a year in a Karri forest area, in the south west of the State. we holidayed in NYC for Christmas 2015 thinking of the lovely cold and snow we could experience, and it was damn warm that winter! Arrgh! I couldn't believe it when looking at their weather over Christmas 2016. I guess it was better than being snowed in (as we then went to France for New Years so wouldn't have liked to miss the connection).
The snow that has been on the ground since Dec 5 is going to start melting today. The heavy rains and high temps are going to get rid of what has been absolute mayhem on the roads. Compacted snow, rained on, then refrozen. We even had a large gymnasium collapse from the weight, also downed power lines, trees snapped like twigs, frozen it will be nice to see it go. This is not what Vancouver is used to.
How's this for something rarely seen in Vancouver?
Compacted snow, rained on for one day, then re-frozen with new dump of snow come New Years eve? That's close to 15cm of slippery stuff under the snow.
Jumpin' Jimminy, next thing you're going to tell us is that George saw snow in Florida one time.

In my 54 years on this planet I never... :)


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you're going to tell us is that George saw snow in Florida one time.

Nope, I slept right through that 5 minute "blizzard." It came in the morning and I was working night shift at the time. I did however get to see the replay on the local TV least a dozen times.

What a way to get rid of the ugly.

That looks like our weather forecast. Temps wavering on either side of freezing and rain every day this week.

I was planning to run my mile or two around the local running track this morning, despite the serious accumulation of mud from some flooding last week. I got about 1/4 mile into it when I started getting pelted with BB sized frozen raindrops. Time to run back to a warm dry car.